Not Again!


 Nobody's POV

Meanwhile Hyukjae was sleeping calmly, the plane landed and all the passengers got off from the airplaine.Only Hyukjae left.

The stewardess walked to him and tried to wake him up.


Eunhyuk's POV

-...cuse me! Excuse me! - Huh? Did someone call me? I opened my eyes slowly.

-Excuse me, sir. The plane has landed already.

GYAA! Wae? But when? 

-Oh, I'm so sorry for sleeping here.- I got up quickly from my seat.

-No problem.-she smiled.

-Sorry again.- bowed to her.-I have to go, then. Goodbye.


When I got back my things I started searching for my manager. He told me he'll wait for me here. The reason why he didn't fly with me was that he had some things he must do before we flying, so he stayed a bit longer at Korea and flew after me with privateplane.

My phone rang. "You got a message."

I'll wait for you in front of the building.

 I searched for the EXIT and when I found it I ran out from the building. There, my manager was waiting for me in front of a black car.

-Get in,quickly.-he said and I completed it.

-Where are we going first?- I asked him.

-We're going to the hotel now. After you backed out your things, you can have some rest and tomorrow, you'll meet with the director and everyone and you'll get the script.

-Okay.-I whispered.

-Was your trip okay,by the way.

-Yeah, it was fine.- Except my "kind and warm-hearted" neighbour.

-Good then.-said he.

. . . ........

It pissed me of...just the thought.

I want to forget him.He was so rude and egoist. Ash, I don't like these kind of people. Oh,really. When I woke up on the plane, he already disappeared. Hah,that was the best thing what happened today.

And tomorrow ... Yuuup! I'm so excisted! ^^ I'll get the script and and and I'll meet my colleagues and and I'm sooo glad!

I can't wait to be tomorrow.


Tomorrow at 11am

Donghae's POV

-Uwaaaa!- I yawned and rubbed my eyes.Gosh, it's still dawn and we needed to come here with my manager to meet everyone and get the script. This director...I work with him once in the past, but still likes meet in a theatre as now too.

Aish, I'm still tired. Yesterday was AWFUL. The guy, who sat beside me on the plane, oh I've never seen people, wo was so stupid as him in my life! He RUINED my favourite pants. :'( Plus, he stole a KISS from me. OKAY, I know that was an accident but still... my sweet lips are precious. I don't give to anyone, only for the luckiest person can taste them.

But let's forget about it. There's no reason for being mad 'coz I won't see him anymore so.. Let's focuse on the work.

I'm curious who got the main female role. I hope she's y.

While I was walking,suddenly, I saw the director. Oh,great,finally I can talk with him and...  WAIT!

I saw he was not alone.Beside him, there was a guy,  a familiar guy.... NO! That figure is TOO familiar to me. I walked closer and closer. 

That straight blonde hair, those eyes with one eye-lid...                  DON'T TELL ME!

When I reached them I only could stand there in shock and stare at him.  I saw the same reaction in his eyes when he recognized me. 

-You...You??- we asked each other in disbelief in the same time. Oh God, please, don't wish me much troubles.


Eunhyuk's POV

I was chitt-chatting happily with the director.He was about to describe me my caracter, who I'm playing in the movie, when I realized a guy behind him.He reminded me about ...     NO! It can't be,right?   NOO!

-You...You? - we asked it at once. I frowned. What is he doing here? How did he get here? Wae? What's going on? 

-Do you know each other? - the director broke the silent.



.  .  .

What a harmony. Of course, it's not me who said 'NO'. He's as rude as yesterday.

-Good then. I'll introduce you to each other.  Donghae, this is Lee Hyukjae. Hyukjae, he is Lee Donghae. Let's work hard together. Fighting!

Eeeeeeeeeee? Work? Together? with him? 

-No way!- he whispered. Aish! Why do you have to be like this? Pretend at least that you don't have any problems with it. I fake a smile. 

-What kind of role are you playing? - I tried to be nice, since it looks like we're gonna work together.

-The main role,of course.-Oh that's what I expected. Egoist as always.

-Oh,before I'll forget, Hyukjae, I haven't told you about your caracter anything,yet.

I nodded.Yeah, I want to hear it already.

-Donghae-ssi,excuse me, we have to go now. See you later.

-Yes.-he said with a pale smile on his face.

With that, we walked away with the director.


At 7pm

Wow! This day was long, but happy... to me , at least. The director told us the story.

It's about a girl, who has a crush on a boy, who is the coolest guy in the school. One day, the boy realized the girl's feelings, but at the beginning, he just played with her.

This girl has a good friend - It's my role ^^ - who tried to save the girl, but she didn't listen to him and later she got hurt cause of the "cool" guy. The girl cried on her friend's shoulder, but he didn't blame her to be silly and he tried to seduce her,I mean, he tried to show the girl that he loves her ( as he did all the time) and he wanted the girl as his girlfriend.

While the friend tried to comfort the girl, the cool guy felt sorry for he hurt her and he realized that he fell in love with her.So, the cool guy tried to recover the girl's trust.And cause of this she got confused but in the end , her choose is the cool guy and the friend stayed just friend.

Oooh, what a sad story. I me, since I'm playing the friend. Poor friend :( poor me.

Our car stopped in front of the hotel and we got out. We went to the hotel. My room is on the 8th floor. My manager's room is on the 5th floor. He couldn't get a room beside me 'cuz that was reserved.We went on stairs 'cuz the elevater was full.


I was about to go to my room, when ...

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257471 #1
Chapter 11: Wah they in same agency now...there is fun begins :) interesting...
please continue this... :)
yekung #2
Chapter 11: update soon!!!
esmeberta #3
Chapter 11: Wow they are like...'hate you' at the same this some kind of telepathy? :D :D ...please update soon <3
leehyosonn #4
Woah...same quote..and that is i hate him..i think its going to change to i love him soon
Thank you for updating!! I love this story and cant wait to know whats gonna happen next! Take youtr time ans take care of yourself :)
Aw! Thank you for updating author-nim! ^^ Please take your time to find ideas and don't force yourself to write when you can't.. It will just become crappy..

I hate that Hae is being selfish here coz of his dreams and ambition to the point of crushing someone else's dreams, especially Hyukkie's! =(
yay~! you updated~ <3 <3 <3 If only I know you in life author-nim.. I would give you a bone crushing hug~! Kyaaaaa!!!!!!!!
don't delete it.....
strawberrypanties #9
Hey:) Dont stress yourself:) just wait when you have new idea:) we will wait for you!!:)
No pleas this is sooooo great Fic really really ^^ great
Don't delet it>.<
Waiting 4 you