EXO Bathing Time ~ A Relieving Moment~

EXO Bathing Time

~ Kris’s POV ~

As soon as we had gotten home after having an exhausting dance practice, I was just about to suggest that everyone should take a bath together. I didn’t really know what Suho was doing; he seemed to search for something while D.O and Xiu Min were following him around like lost puppies or something. I just shrugged and turned to Chen and Kai.

“Should we maybe take a bath?” I asked the two who were standing in front of me. Kai let out a smile.

“Yeah, I really want one after all that exercising.” He said and we both looked at Chen, to see his answer.

“Sure! Let’s go now!” Chen said before grabbing both mine and Kai’s arms dragging us towards the pool. I just shook my head letting out a sigh, and followed him happily. When we got inside I could see Tao already there, he looked up at us with a surprised look on his face. I just smiled at him, but he didn’t smile back. I turned to Chen, making him let go of my arm so we all could get undressed and get into the pool.


~ Chen’s POV ~

When we finally had taken place in the bubble pool, I felt the warm water surround my body. It felt really good, so relaxing. We were sitting on the right side of Tao. Soon Lay had also gotten into the bath and sat on Tao’s other side, smiling towards him. I turned my attention to Kris and Kai who had started talking about dance practice. I joined them when they started to point out each of the members’ weaknesses on dance practice today. We started discussing our own mistakes, even though there weren’t any major ones. In the middle of our discussion I saw that Suho, D.O and Xiu Min had gotten into here too, they were in the middle of undressing themselves… FAST…

I just shrugged my shoulders before I turned towards Kris and Kai again, then suddenly Suho jumped into the water. I widened my eyes and just stared at him for a few seconds before shaking my head. What were they doing anyway? Are the having a competition or something?


~ Kai’s POV ~

After Suho had entered the bath I saw both D.O and Xiu Min running closely together towards the pool, I looked at Kris and he just sighed. We continued with our conversation, even though D.O, Xiu Min and Suho were playing violently right beside us. Suddenly they splashed water towards our way, and Kris got hit by it, which made him stare at Suho, who apparently was the guilty one. He then just let it go, ignoring them. We talked quite loudly, and after a while Sehun and Luhan had made their way here too, they were sitting on the other side of the pool. I suddenly remembered something from practice earlier that I wanted to talk with the others about.

“Hey, what about that mistake that Luhan made today? I mean, how could he mess up the easiest part of the choreography like that?” I said loudly and the others nodded.

“Yeah, I thought about that too! We had to do it over and over again just because of that! And when he finally got it right… well then Chanyeol and Sehun also made the same mistakes!” Chen added, then he just went on and on about it.


“Oh, that’s right! Hey Sehun! About pract…ice…” He trailed off when he turned around only to see Sehun and Luhan glued together, making out on the other side of the pool.

“Ehm… never mind…” He blushed as he returned facing us. All of us sitting there with shocked expressions.  Then I started our conversation again, trying to ignore the lovey dovey couple just in front of me. While our conversation got even more loud and heated about those mistakes that had happened today, we got surprised when someone burst out yelling.


“SHUT UP! GET OUT OF HERE! IF YOU’RE GOING TO STAY, BE QUIET!” I turned around just to see an angry Tao. Everyone became quiet the moment he had opened his mouth. Those who had been playing all this time had stopped whatever they were doing. Even Sehun and Luhan had stopped with their little… ehm… moment…

Chanyeol fell into the water with a large splash, which looked awfully funny to be honest. I tried to hold in my laughter, which weren’t that hard when I looked at Tao once again. He definitely doesn’t get angry that often, so it came as a total surprise.

While it was totally quiet, we heard a loud snore. Everyone started looking in the direction where it had come from. I was even more surprised of seeing Baekhyun sleeping all by himself in a corner. I hadn’t even thought about where he had gone to. He was sleeping so peacefully over there as he let another even louder snore be heard.

It was impossible to hold my laughter now, so I ended up laughing so hard. The others soon followed after, laughing like there’s no tomorrow. What made it even funnier was that Tao had also ended up laughing. This only made me laugh even more, if that was possible.

We teased Baekhyun for days because of this.


Author's note:

Yay! I actually finished with two chapters today!!! :D

I couldn't help it xD

I have to thank my best friend for giving me inspiration for this chapter ^^ She's really nice for helping me out! Thank you Leo-nim!!! :D

So... I haven't been studying that much today... I did learn those 96 Japanese glossaries today though :P I'm hoping for the best tomorrow xD It's really great that I can decide when I want to do that examination assignment tomorrow ^^

Well anyway... I hope you like this chapter too ^^ next one will be the one with Sehun and Luhan!!! >.<


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-dem0ns #1
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 5: I loved reading the same scene, but from everyone's POV. My favorites were Sehun/Luhan, Chanyeol/Baek... and then just the Chanyeol ones. He's so hyper and happy. None of the chapters if that's what you were worried about. I laughed so hard. Thank you for this. I needed that.
Chapter 5: haha this story is funny! XD does this story have a continuation? O_O?
I expect you're Exotic so please view this post!
Thank you!

haha soo good i like your story very much