Friends: Forever Thankful


This is a story about my wonderful friends who have been there for me all this time. Friends that I can't live without...

This is the story about how it all began, how I met three friends that I didn't know would become so important to me that I would just give up anything to keep them as friends.

They've helped me more than they probably know, just being there by my side is all that I need.


I came to think about writing this after I finished my drabble: The Tears of the Broken, based on my own feelings that have been bottled up inside for so long. I wanted to thank my friends for being there for me and for never giving me up. I wasn't sure if I should put this up here or not, but decided to do it anyway since it's making it easier to let them read it too ^^


Anyway, I'm dedicating this to Ida, Elisabeth and Pio. My crazy and wonderful best friends. What would I do without you? xD



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