Baby Don't Cry

"Baek-Baekhyun?" W-what did he just do? Did he kiss me?

"Soon Yi...."

I can't believe it. I'm freaking the hell out! HE just took my first kiss right? My mind is going bananas!! Someone help because I can't help myself!

Then Baekhyun touches his lip.

"I'm sorry Soon Yi. I think I'm gonna go now."

"W-wait! Don't run away from me Baekhyun!!!" I yell out to him. Aish, he runs so fast....Now we're going to be so awkward. MAMA, what should I do?

(Luhan's POV)

Hmm....I really do  think I'm going to ask Soon Yi to dinner. I don't know when.

"Hyung!" Sehun yells.

"What is it Sehun?"

"That pretty girl is coming back."

"What pretty girl?" I ask.

"The one who left to study in Japan."

"Ah! Mimi!" I remember her. She was pretty cute. I don't think I've seen a cuter girl than her. Well, I have this long story with Mimi.

Mimi was really playful and talkative, but still modest. When we first met her, everyone kind of had a crush on her. It was either because she was so pretty or her fun personality.

The thrithteen of us would always go eat gogi late at night and get our managers angry. We weren't sure why Mimi was always at the SM building, but it was cool. She kept her personal life to herself. She would always come in with a smile  and a couple of jokes to crack up. Doesn't she seem like the perfect girl? Haha, but  Baekhyun had a huge crush on her. He was really shy around her and would always ask about her. So one day, Sehun told Mimi about Baekhyun. Her reply was quite nice. All she said was "I like him as a friend, but you shouldn't tell me this if he didn't ask you. And I think men that don't confess directly are weak" I think she said something like that... Now getting to me. She asked me to hang out with her. The two of us went shopping and then ate at a Japanese restaurant. After eating, she grabbed me and told me she liked me. Then we kind of made out. I didn't do it out of pity, but I too also liked her. I guess you could say I was happy.

Over the next days, we hung out a lot as a couple. Baekhyun didn't know any of this. I felt  really bad, so I decided to break up with  her. Mimi said she wanted to do it too. I felt kinda sad. I mean because she was my first girlfriend. Now, after experiencing so many girls, I'm not a baby over break ups. When she left to go study in Japan, I knew  Baekhyun was sad. I don't really think he will like another  girl. If he knew all the things I did, it would surely break his heart. I don't want to hurt Baekhyun...I really do care about him. We had so much fun before. But when he's caught up with some girl, his mind is always so blank. Well, as long as Baekhyun stays focus on training and I focus on Soon Yi, I'm sure no problems will come up. He wouldn't like a girl like Soon Yi.

Anyway, I'm really interested in her, since we were childhood friends. She's grown to be quite a beauty and her face expressions remind me of Sehun.

"So when will Mimi arrive?" I asked Sehun. He was glancing somewhere else.

He qucikly turned to me. "I just heard from Kai. I wonder about Bacon..." Sehun trails off.

"What about Bacon? I'm sure that rascal can handle looking at Mimi again! He's so playful that she'll probably like him too!" I smile. I'm not sure if Bacon is still into Mimi, but they probably will get along again. He's become very funny!

Sehun shakes his head. "What happended to Baekhyun anyway?"

"Aish...worried about your hyung! He's still at the practice room!" I gave Sehun a BIG pat on the back.

"Luhan, he's not in the room anymore. So is Soon Yi....I think they left together somewhere."

"You really think Baekhyun has that type of personality? To actually go with a girl ALONE somewhere, especially Soon Yi?" What's with Sehun assuming Baek and Soon went somewhere together.

"You said Baekhyun changed for the good right? He probably charmed her, hyung." Sehun stood up and yawned.

"Suho texted me. We're going to get bubble tea together."

"With Suho?" I eyed Sehun. The two of us usually go to get bubble tea together. Why Suho now?

"Bye hyung." Sehun walked out of the room.

Hmm...I think I'll just go to the practice room again.

(Bacon's POV)


I ruined it! Me and Soon Yi's relationship!

We were just starting out fine....as friends.

She probably thinks I'm a dork. She proabaly knows I've never had a girlfriend.

She probably hates me. She probably wanted to kiss some else.

She probably doesn't know I ENJOYED IT. She probably.....I can't believe I let her by herself. Am I a wimp?

(Soon Yi POV)

Watching his back figure as he runs....it's so weird and hurtful.

I feel like a guy just rejected me and ran away.......SUPER FAST.

I got up and dusted my skirt.

I checked my phone and sighed. Nah, no new anything.

I guess I'll just go back to the practice room. I'll talk to Baekhyun later.


"Hey guys!" I smiled. I pushed the door open and saw all the guys chatting and laughing.

"Ah! You're back!" Luhan jumped. He quickly came to me and grabbed my wrist.

"Ha! Sehun's the dumb maknae right everyone?" Kai laughed.

"Nah! He's a baby!" All the guys laughed at Chanyeol's voice.

Luhan sat me down on a chair and he sat on the floor.

I looked around to see Baekhyun. BAM! There he was, giggling next to Chanyeol.

"Ah, ok everyone! Now that Soon Yi is here, let's play the game Telephone!" Luhan suggested.

At the corner of my eye, I spotted Baekhyun's quick glance.

"Ok, ok everyone. But I have an announcement to make!" Suho said. His smile never seizes to amaze me.

"Yah! You're going bald hyung???" Kai asked.

"Why would I go bald Kai?" Suho went to Kai and gently slapped his head.

"You guys know Mimi right? Apparently she's coming back tomorrow."


The room became silent. Everyone looked at one another.

"Who's Mimi?" I spoke up. Why is everyone acting differently?

It seemed like they could answer me, but they didn't.

"Um......anyone?" I'm so awkward >-<


Okay everyone that's it for this chapter. Gosh I haven't updated in forever.

Sorry everyone!

I still love you guys.......(awkward..hehe)

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ktenzin101 #1
Chapter 5: goooo baekhyun i hope he ends up with the oc
Chapter 5: Where's her sister? Not back yet?
........Please update this storrryyyy~
-inserts puppy eyes and takes BaekHyun out-
Bacon begs chu to~
Woah. Luhan and Baekhyun...both my bias and they are fighting over me...awesome. ^_^ But I'm more on Baekhyun's side since he is my overall EXO bias! GO BAEKHYUN~
OH MY GOSH!~ I hope you can update soon. Pretty pleasu~~
Hope you update, cute story hehe^^
My Fav song is also "Baby Don't cry"!!!!
new reader here! :)
FOREVER LOVING IT~! My two current Biases..fighting their hearts out for ME! (delirious, lol) I want Bacon to win this round~.. Player Luhan seems to be an ... UPDATE SOON!!
nomercybap_baby #9
Oh yeah and if you have any questions just ask. =)