First Kiss

Baby Don't Cry

"Oh crap! That's a lot of snacks!" Sehun his lips.

"You guys really went too far..." Kris said.

"Just to tell you, the green bags are the snacks I bought. The blues are Luhan's." I smiled to all of them.

Okay, after I told Luhan to shut up about us and Baekhyun, I angrily bought a bunch of snacks.

I mean, these boys need to get fat. They are too skinny.

"Soon Yi!! All this for me?" My sister jumped onto to me. All the guys turned their attention to us.

"You guys are so lovey-dovey-ish." Chen slowly said.

Then everyone started talking like crazy again.

"Hey Baekhyun. I thought you might like these." I handed him a full bag of snacks.

He stared at them carefully. "You didn't-"

"No, no don't thank me. Look! I even got these bacon gummies!" I grabbed them from the bag. Why isn't he happy?

"Oh yeah...bacon. I like it." He tried his best to sound sincere and nice.

Luhan noticed the two of us talking and came into our conversation.

"Baekhyun! I got something better than Soon Yi's snacks! Strawberry covered sticks!"

"W-what! He wants my snacks!" I fought with Luhan. I dropped the heavy bag of snacks onto Baekhyun's lap.

Luhan quickly came back with another snack.

"Baekhyun! Here's some sour worms! And some yummy bread!" He threw it onto Baekhyun.

Before I knew it, Baekhyun fell back. Oh yeah, I also can't believe nobody else in the room heard us. That's so weird. They must be super loud.

"Baekhyun oppa! Are you okay!" I quickly helped him back up. I didn't think me and Luhan would get this competitive.

"Did you just call me your oppa?" Baekhyun's face and mine's are so close right now!!

"Enough!" Luhan seperated us.

We both looked at him shocked. What's up his ? Then Luhan's pants vibrated a little.

"Um..Luhan, I think your pocket vibrated." I told him.

Luhan pulled his.....Oh....Iphone phone out and I think checked his text message.

His eyes are glued to the phone's screen. I wonder what it is....

"What's wrong hyung? Got another date?" Baekhyun asked.

"I have to go see a family member." He replied.

"Oh really? Last time you said you needed some rice and that you were going to go to the nearest store AND that it would only take twenty minutes. You ended being gone for two hours." I didn't know Baekhyun could talk like this...well, I just met him today.

"I never guaranteed I'd be back in twenty minutes Baek." Luhan gave Baekhyun a big tongue to the face...thing.

Then Baekhyun gave him an annoyed face.

"Just tell everyone I'm going to see a relative ok Baekhyun,"  Why doesn't he just tell everyone himself?

"I don't want to disrupt people's conversation Soon Yi." He smiled. How the hell did he know I was thinking that.

Luhan got up from his and walked to the room's door.

"I'll be back Soon Yi."

"Gosh..that boy's weird." I made a disgusted face.

I turned to Baekhyun and giggled.

"Why are you giggling?" He asked innocently.

"Why? Because you haven't eaten any of your snacks." I told him. Baekhyun has a really cute face. He looks so young.

"Oh, but I was waiting until Luhan hyung left." He answered.

"I have a good idea! Let's eat the snacks together." This is a great idea! I can taste all the snacks without wasting all my money.

"Uh..." Baekhyun blushed.

"Come on oppa!"

He hesitates. "S-sure then. Since you called me your oppa."

"Thank you!"


It was already the evening, and we all were still talking.

Well, I talked to Baekhyun most of the time. He's really fun to talk to once he gets out of his shy zone.

~Knock, Knock~

"Cutie pies, you ready to go?" My dad peeped through the door.

"Dad....don't call me that. I'm not a pre schooler." I cringed. Why does he always call Haneul and me Cutie pies around company.

Then the room went silent. Haneul looked to me and I turned from her.

"Um..what happened?" Haneul pouted her lips.

"'s nothing." Kai said.

Suddenly, Kai started laughing like crazy.

Kris and Suho looked at each other and fell to the ground, crying...I mean laughing so hard they had tears in their damn eyes.


Then the rest of the group went on a laughing craze.

"Oh they must be having a lot of fun." My dad smiled.

"Ugh...Dad! This is what happens when you call us cutie pies!" I angrily said.

"I had so much fun though." Haneul teared.

"Don't tell me your gonna cry too? My gosh!!! I can't believe it. Look at these idiots rolling around! They look like drunk tards!" I really just want to make all the members into pop tarts and burn them in the mircowave. I also want to freeze my dad!!!

"You guys will see Exo tomorrow. We gotta go. I'm sorry you can't say good bye to them now, but well....we will see them."

I took a deep breathe.

"Yes! I can't wait for tomorrow!" Haneul jumped. Wow...she's pissing me off too.

"Why are you so angry Soon Yi?" My dad asked.

"I'm not. I'm just frustrated and tired. I just want to go home." I walked to the door.

"Wait! Soon Yi!"

"What is it now?" I formed two fists. This better be good.

"I just want to text, I mean if you ever need someone to talk can call my number." Baekhyun handed a ripped piece of paper to me.

"Ah.....thanks Baekhyun. You might get some angry texts today then."

"Don't worry. I'll text them back." He giggles.

"Well, I gotta go. This laughing is too much for me." I bow to him.

"Oh! Bye Baekhyun!" My sister bows.

"Ok bye!"

I wave goodbye to Baekhyun before closing the door.


"Good morning! This beautiful sunshine came to say Wake Up!"

"Haneul...I'm already awake." I said while putting my hair into a ponytail.

"Aww....I wanted to do the SUPER MAKE UP! with you again." She whimpered.

"How old are you again?"


It seems like today, I get to see Exo...again. After all the humiliation I went through, it was all my dad's fault, I face them. Oh well, it isn't a big deal anymore. I mean my dad's been doing crap like that ever since.

"Girls! Come ride with me!" Dad yelled from outside.

"Ok dad! I didn't wanna waste gas anyway!" My sister did her super innocent sparkling face to dad.

I climbed down the apartment complex's stairs.

"Yah! Hurry up!" Haneul shrieked.

"Ya, ya, I'm coming."

Into the car I go and onto the road to SM building.


(Bacon's POV)

I looked at myself in the mirror. Yes, I look good. I'm sure Soon Yi won't really care if I don't do much to my hair. She doesn't really care about how she looks, but she still is so pretty.

"Hey! What's taking so long Baekhyun?" D.O. yelled.

"Um, I'm just getting ready." I quickly scrambled all my stuff into one pile and open the door.

"I was just waiting for you to get out. Breakfast is ready. Just fried eggs and rice. I also got a cereal bar for you." D.O. walked pass me and closed the bathroom door.

"Thanks for the meal D.O."


I grabbed a plate and put half rice and half eggs. I also picked up the cereal bar D.O. said he left me.

"Why do you look so cleaned up today?" Chanyeol breathed on me.

"Aish! Why are you so close!" I screamed. I think I sounded too much like a girl there. Not to be mean, I like girls and all, but...never mind.

"Tell me Bacon, have you got a girlfriend?" Chanyeol sniffed me. He's a little weird.

"N-no. I-i don't." Why am I thinking of Soon Yi all of a sudden?

"Why hesitate then?" Chanyeol interrogated me.

"Y-yeah, maybe so. S-so what!" I think all this "girl" stuff is getting to me.

"Who is it?"

"It's none of your business."

"Who is it?"

"I said NO!"

"It's a girl right?"

"Of course Chanyeol!"

"Oh, so Soon Yi?"

Why did he have to guess her. Hearing her name makes me smile and blush. He's going to know I like her and then tell Luhan! Then Luhan's going to steal her!

"Me and Soon Yi are dating Chanyeol! Got that!" I slammed the plate and cereal bar onto the table.

"Oooooooohhhh..." He smirked.

"Here! You can have my food now. I'm leaving."

"Ah ok! Thanks Baekhyun."

I walked out of the dorm. What did I just do?


(Soon yi's POV)

"Are you ready to go into the 'fun' room?" I asked Haneul.

Dad left us to got to the 'fun' room by ourselves.

"What if we see them! I need to fix myself." Haneul powdered her face with translucent powder.

"Of course we're going to see them! And who cares. It's not like they look at us."

"Of course you would say that. You look like pooh today. You could have used your time in the morning to put on make-up." Haneul pinched my no makeup face.

"That's annoying." I slapped her hands away from my face and open the door.


Meanhwhile (Bacon's POV)

"Hyung? What happened to you?" I asked Luhan.

"I went to see a relative." He replied.

"Why do you lie?" I said.

"I think I'm going to ask Soon Yi to dinner today." He glanced to the ceiling.

"W-what!" I stood up. Why is he going to ask Soon Yi? He doesn't even like her like I do.

"I want to get to know her better." Luhan turned to me.

"Ah...yeah." I won't let Luhan beat me. I'm going to ask her before he does!

"It's getting hot in here," Luhan pulls his blue shirt off.

"So did you finish Soon Yi's Bacon gummies and pastries." He asked.

I nodded. She really knows how to pick snacks.

"Damn! That was a real workout!" The other Exo members walked into the room, taking off their shirts.

"Oh hey you two!" Sehun smiled.

"Hey guys." Luhan waved.

Why are they taking off their shirts. Wait, why am I the only one not?

"I heard them two girls are coming back today." Lay said.

"Really!" Wow, Luhan sounds really excited.

"Hm huh. They should be here by now."


(Soon Yi's POV)

I open the door to see nobody. Then I hear chatting in a room, inside this room.

I briskly walk to see who it is.

"W-wait Soon Yi! Wait for me!" My sister ran behind me.



Bacon's POV

"W-wait Soon Yi! Wait for me!"


We all turn our direction to two girls.

Soon Yi and her sister.

"Ah! OMG! Their shirtless!" Soon Yi's sister yelled. She fell to the floor.

Soon Yi yawned.

"Are you ok Haneul?" Kris rushed to her aid. He helped her back up.

"Ah...thanks, but you didn't have to help." Haneul blushed.

Then Soon Yi stared at me. I looked away.

"Why are you guys half ?" She asked.

"We did a hard workout." Xiu Min replied.

"Oh, so go take a bath then." she bluntly told them.

"Yeah, we were just waiting for you guys to come. We didn't want you to come into an empty room." Suho smiled.

"Ok, let's go guys. Even you Luhan." Kris eyed Luhan.

"Yeah, yeah." Luhan sighed.


(Soon Yi's POV)


"Yeah, yeah." Luhan sighed.

I can't believe I saw them all shirtless! This is a dream come true for all their fans! And I'm not even a fan and I got to see it! HOLY CRUD!

All the Exo members exited out the door except for Baekhyun, who was all dressed up and tidy.

"Um! I'm going to redo my makeup in the restroom Soon Yi! Too much hotness overload!" Haneul ran to the restroom.

Now, it's only me and Baekhyun.

Bacon's POV

Then, before I knew it, I was alone with Soon Yi.

She glared at me.

I wonder what she's thinking?

"Hello Baekhyun." She came closer.

"Hi Soon Yi." I bit my lip. Holy crap! She's beautiful without makeup!

"I'm hungry." She sighed.

This is a perfect chance to ask her to eat lunch!

"Soon Yi?" I shyly asked.

"Yes?" Her lips moved.

"Do you wanna get something to eat? I mean, since your hungry and I'm hungry." My heart is beating so hard.

"Yeah, that sounds good." She smiles.


Soon Yi's POV

Okay, Baekhyun asked me to food and I said yes!

Now were at the place! It seems like were eating at a really nice restaurant.

"So Soon Yi, what do you like?" He shyly askes me.

"Hmm...I like meat." I look at the menu. Damn, this place is awesome!


After eating, the two of us walked around.

"Was it good?" He asked me.

"Of course! I liked it a lot! But it was so expensive." I pouted. He spent his money for me to not be hungry.

"It's okay. You were really hungry anyway." We both looked at each other and giggled.

"Oppa, your so nice!" I tell him. We stop at a park.


"Yeah. I'm just worry about the others. We've been gone for so long."

"But it was because of a good reason."

I smile to him.

"Um...Soon Yi?" He puts his head down.

"Yes?" What's wrong with him all of a sudden?

"Are your lips soft?"

"W-what kind of question is that Baekhyun?"

"Because I can't hold it anymore."

Then he lifted up his face, came closer and kissed me.


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ktenzin101 #1
Chapter 5: goooo baekhyun i hope he ends up with the oc
Chapter 5: Where's her sister? Not back yet?
........Please update this storrryyyy~
-inserts puppy eyes and takes BaekHyun out-
Bacon begs chu to~
Woah. Luhan and Baekhyun...both my bias and they are fighting over me...awesome. ^_^ But I'm more on Baekhyun's side since he is my overall EXO bias! GO BAEKHYUN~
OH MY GOSH!~ I hope you can update soon. Pretty pleasu~~
Hope you update, cute story hehe^^
My Fav song is also "Baby Don't cry"!!!!
new reader here! :)
FOREVER LOVING IT~! My two current Biases..fighting their hearts out for ME! (delirious, lol) I want Bacon to win this round~.. Player Luhan seems to be an ... UPDATE SOON!!
nomercybap_baby #9
Oh yeah and if you have any questions just ask. =)