Chapter 2: Meeting INFINITE…Sortof

How I Met Infinite's Dancing Machine Hoya

Soojung's POV:

The next day was a Sunday. I got up extra early, took a shower, ate breakfast and got ready to look for Woollim. I went by myself, obviously. It took me 30 minutes to get to the city, but it took 40 minutes to look for the damn building. I shyly walked up to the security guard and asked him nicely to let me in but he wouldn’t budge. I turned around to notice a car pull up. A man in a plain T-shirt and denim jeans stepped out and walked toward the front door. He looked somewhat familiar, then I realized it was Eunhye’s uncle. She always invited me to Christmas dinners, and her uncle was always there. He probably doesn’t recognize me.

Eunhye’s Uncle: Hi Soojung!

Nope. I was wrong. He does recognize me.

Soojung: Hi Eunhye’s uncle! What are you doing here?

Eunhye’s Uncle: Oh I work here!

Soojung: At Woollim?

Eunhye’s Uncle: Yes, I’m a manager for a group.

Soojung: Really? What’s the name of the group?

Eunhye’s Uncle: Infinite.

Ding Ding! I was struck by an idea.

Soojung: Do you think I could…visit them?

Eunhye’s Uncle: Well, they leave for their schedule after lunch, so sure!

SCORE! I made it in! It was that easy…

No wonder Eunhye wasn’t excited yesterday. I swear almost every girl was screaming for INFINITE, even if they were only opening. Eunhye’s probably tired of them. Anyway, Eunhye’s Uncle brought me to a practice room, with a boom box blasting a catchy song.

I could only make out the lyrics “Nothing’s over, nothing’s over~”

When the dance ended, Eunhye’s uncle introduced me and left the room to give us time to get to know each other, I guess.

Dongwoo: Hey Hoya! Isn’t that your sweater???

All 7 of them looked at me wide-eyed.

Soojung: Yeah, here you go. I wasn’t the one of the people to grabbed it. A girl was going to leave it in the streets last night but I picked it up. And don’t worry, I didn’t take anything from it.

I shyly handed it to Hoya. He took it, smiled, and said thanks. I blushed, and I think he noticed. He leaned in to give me a hug, and the members cheered. There was nothing else for me to do. So I decided to leave. I could always come back because of Eunhye’s uncle, so I left without a word when they began practicing their next song.

I was almost at the front door, when someone tugged my arm from behind. It was Dongwoo, a member of Infinite.

Dongwoo: Hey, can I talk to you for a second?

We sat down in an empty language classroom in the building. There were still Japanese words on the black board.

Dongwoo: I was surprised to see you return the sweater to Hoya. Usually fans like to keep those things.

Soojung: I knew nothing about you guys. I was never your fan, no offence. I just felt bad because I know how it feels to lose those things.

Dongwoo: I know this sounds too direct, but…do you… like Hoya?

I was tempted to lie. I wanted to soo badly, but I didn’t because I knew that Hoya wouldn’t lie if he was in this situation.

Soojung: Yes. But I’m not obsessed. I probably won’t see you guys again. So I won’t be one of those annoying fans. There’s a small chance I’ll be going to your concerts, or fan meetings.

Lies within more lies. I have a double whammy there.

Dongwoo: How do you know our manager?

Soojung: He’s my best friends uncle.

Dongwoo: Maybe you should come visit us more often. I think the members like it. They were almost celebrating when you returned Hoya’s sweater.

Soojung: Maybe..

Dongwoo smiled, and I’ll admit it was cute. I walked off, thinking about Hoya.

The next day, I switched my elective to Dance. It was only 2 weeks into the school year, so I was allowed to. I also switched to Music composition. I actually got my homework done and I studied for tests. Everyday was the same. School, dance, homework, studying, eat, and sleep. It eventually became my routine.

A year past by so fast, I didn’t even notice. I thought of myself as an idiot for changing because of Hoya, but those changes were good changes, and I was proud of myself. Eunhye had found out I was crazy about INFINITE, and she had no reaction. When we danced to their songs, she never had the charismatic expression she had when she danced to other songs. The teacher had put us with 5 other girls to form a dance group. She favoured us a lot, I could tell. She gave us the most difficult dances to do, and she still gave us high marks if we screwed up. Our dance teacher Ms. Kim came in with some other people. Who could they be? 

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AhRiShA #1
I actually wanted to make it short, but I'll think about making a sequel if enough people want it.
purplecouple #2
Love your story... but a bit too short! More please~ thank you!
StarfishHeartsYou #3
Its okay! ^^ Your story is still awesome despite that small mistake :)
I really love this story... why did you ended it so fast? wae?! I really love this story..
AhRiShA #5
I'm soo sorry! I guess this is what happens when you write more than 1 fanfic at a time. Thanks for pointing that out :S
StarfishHeartsYou #6
I thought the girl name is Soojung? Why did it ended off with Yoojin?
ehh? already end?? what is the ending?
kimhyura #8
love it!!update soon ya..^_^
Yeonsu #9
omg this is cute! update soon ;)
Huining #10
I like this storrrrry~~~ I wonder why no is commenting its so cute!