Chapter 3: Not Everything in Life Is Like A Drama

How I Met Infinite's Dancing Machine Hoya

Soojung's POV:

I was so surprised when the dance teacher came in with all 7 members of INFINITE. I always thought they had their own schedules to do, but no. They came to a high school.

Ms. Kim: Girls, INFINITE is here today to help you perfect your dancing. They are known for their synchronization. So have fun! 

There were 7 members in INFINITE, and 7 of us, so we partnered up. I had no idea that the others were fans of INFINITE, and they all had their biases. A girl, Miyoung wanted Hoya, so I went with Dongwoo.

I almost laughed when I heard Miyoung shouting “Why do you keep looking at Soojung? I’m your partner!!!”Everyone looked at Miyoung and Hoya, and Hoya was sooo embarrassed. He cleared it up by saying “Sorry, I was just thinking about something, I wasn’t looking at her.”

We worked 1 on 1 for the whole class. I was so disappointed that I didn’t get Hoya, but I can live without him. At the end of the class, Dongwoo called me again.

Dongwoo: I though you said we wouldn’t see each other again…

Soojing: How was I supposed to know you guys were coming?

Dongwoo: You were, so it’s all your fault…

We both laughed. All the girls left, so it was only INFINITE and me in the room.

Sungyeol: You’re that girl who returned Hoya’s sweater right?

Sunggyu: Ofcourse she is, can’t you tell? The same beautiful face and shy attitude?

Everyone laughed again, and I blushed.

Woohyun: I didn’t know you dance…

Sungjong: And you dance so well!

Soojung: Thanks, but no, I’m not that good…

Dongwoo: C’mon, everyone knows you’re the best dancer in the school…

Soojung: Who said that?

Dongwoo: Your teacher Ms. Kim.

Soojung: I don’t think your dance machine agrees.

Everyone turned around to see Hoya and L at the back of the room. They were the one’s who didn’t say much since they got to the school.

Hoya: What???

Soojung: See? They don’t agree.

I was heading out of the dance room, when Woohyun shouted “ Hoya, if you don’t think Soojung’s a good dancer then you show us how it’s done!”

Sunggyu: Yeah, show us how a real dancer dances!!!

Everyone cheered. They started the music and Hoya freestyled. I’ve never seen anything like that before. It was so amazing I wanted to see more, but I had to go to my next class. The rest of the day past by slowly. After school, I had all of my things, but I had to go back to the dance room to get my I pod.

I wasn’t thinking straight, I couldn’t concentrate at all. I unexpectedly bumped into someone. He apologized and helped me up. I looked up to see Hoya. I stood up and he continued to walk. I took a deep breath and kept walking to the dance room.

I pushed the door open, only to find INFINITE teaching more students dance. Luckily it was the end of class. I looked around for my ipod, but it was no where to be found. I asked Dongwoo and he knew what I was talking about.

Dongwoo: Hoya has it. You can go ask him.

Bingo. Just like a drama. The girl loses something; the cute guy picks it up.

 And where did he go? I bumped into him in the hallway…

Soojung: Where did he go?

Dongwoo looked around for Hoya. He doesn’t know where Hoya is?

Dongwoo: I don’t know…

Soojung: It’s okay. Thanks anyway…

I left the room to search for Hoya. I retraced his steps to where we clashed into each other, and I swore he kep walking forward, so I followed his steps. I looked in every room I passed, but he was no where to be found. I turned at the corner to the next hallway, but I say 2 people at the end of that hallway. There was a boy and a girl. The boy had his back to me and I couldn’t really see the girl’s face clearly. I continued to walk. As I got closer, I figured out who those 2 were. There was JaeKyung, the queenka at our school, and the guy I was looking for, Hoya.

JaeKyung: Oppa~

Hoya: Maybe next time, okay?

I could tell Hoya was trying to slip away from her, but he couldn’t. Hoya finally turned around, and his eyes met mine.

Hoya: Oh, hi!

I was more nervous than I thought I would be.

SooJung: Uh…Hi.

JaeKyung: You know her?

Hoya: Huh? Oh, yeah.

JaeKyung rolled her eyes at me and left. She was too mad to even speak. I watched her leave, I was still too nervous to do anything. Hoya was about to walk away, but I stopped him.

SooJung: Dongwoo…said you…have my ipod…?

Hoya: Oh, yeah. It’s this one right?

He pulled out my ipod from his pocket and handed it to me.

Soojung: Thanks

I walked away, expecting him to stop me like how the lead boy stops the lead girl in dramas, but no. That didn’t happen. If fact, I stopped and turned around to see if he was still there, he wasn’t. He was already gone. I guess it’s really true when people say “if you want something to happen, make it happen, don’t sit around and expect it to happen on its own.”

I walked home slowly, still thinking about Hoya. I had so many questions on my mind. Why did Hoya have my ipod and not the other members? Did he use it? Did he know it was mine? Too many questions, so little answers. One of things I hate the most in life.

The only problem is that I’m not the one who does the action. I’m more of the “waiting for things to happen” kind of person. And I’m not too concerned about marrying Hoya either. The other fans can have him. Like I said, I’m not an obsessed Inspirit. I am crazy for them, but I’m not the type of person to fangirl scream all over the place. I was thinking about it so much that I didn’t notice I was home already. I took my time to unlock and lock the door. I climbed the stairs up to my room with a depressed attitude. I lied on my bed and looked at my INFINITE poster. Why oh why does life have to be so difficult? I sat down at my desk and wrote a “fake” letter to Hoya. I wasn’t planning on sending it. I was gonna keep it without anyone knowing about it. After I finished it, I instantly fell asleep. 

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AhRiShA #1
I actually wanted to make it short, but I'll think about making a sequel if enough people want it.
purplecouple #2
Love your story... but a bit too short! More please~ thank you!
StarfishHeartsYou #3
Its okay! ^^ Your story is still awesome despite that small mistake :)
I really love this story... why did you ended it so fast? wae?! I really love this story..
AhRiShA #5
I'm soo sorry! I guess this is what happens when you write more than 1 fanfic at a time. Thanks for pointing that out :S
StarfishHeartsYou #6
I thought the girl name is Soojung? Why did it ended off with Yoojin?
ehh? already end?? what is the ending?
kimhyura #8
love it!!update soon ya..^_^
Yeonsu #9
omg this is cute! update soon ;)
Huining #10
I like this storrrrry~~~ I wonder why no is commenting its so cute!