Chpater 6: Kidnapped

How I Met Infinite's Dancing Machine Hoya

SooJung's POV:

I got home safely. I had to take the garbage out before my parents came home so I did. I lifted the garbage bag to put into the can, but someone grabbed the bag from my hand and carried me into their car. They put their hand on my mouth so I couldn't scream. I had no idea who they were. They were strangers. I didn't know where they were taking me, but i knew where ever I was going, it would be the last place I would be. I was close to my death.

This world is just so dangerous, I was just taking the garbage out and I was kidnapped. I kept kicking and squirming but the guy was too strong for me.

Hoya's POV:

I went out to the living room to watch TV with L. He was flipping through the channels but he stopped when he got to the news. There was a picture of a girl, it was SooJung.

Reporter: When her parents arrived at their house, the girl wasn't there. They suspect that she has been kidnapped, but we don't know for sure. This girl has been missing for an hour. Police have been trying to track her down, but with the little evidence left behind, it's almost impossible.

L turned off the TV and looked at me. I knew what he was thinking. We have to help her. I quickly grabbed my phone as I was leaving the dorm to look for SooJung, but i got a text from anonymous.

From: Anonymous

If you want to see SooJung come alone.

135-283 Seoul Special City
Yongsan Ward, Seocho Neighborhood #2, 1308-25

Seoul, South Korea

Hoya: Wait, L. I'll go on my own. You stay here.

L: But you can't look for her by yourself!

Hoya: I know where she is. I just don't think it's safe for you to go too. You're the second youngest...

L: AISH...Fine...

I got my manager to drop me off somewhere near by. I walked toward the address that was given to me, and saw a guy with sunglasses.

Guy #1 : Come this way please.

He tied up my hands to make sure I didn't hit them. He took me into a place that looked like a garage. When the door opened, I saw Soojung, tied up to a chair. So that's where she was. That's why she wasn't replying my texts.

Guy #1: He's here, master.

Master: Good. So how are you, Howon. Or should I call you...Hoya?

Hoya: Hold on. JungHwa?

JungHwa: So you remember me...? Then do you know why you're here?

Hoya: To get SooJung back. Let her go.

JungHwa: Not without a good fight.

Hoya: Why do we need to fight? We competed at Woollim, why do we have to compete here?

JungHwa: You took my chance away from me. I could've debuted but you came along. I was supposed to be in Infinite.

Hoya: That's your own fault, not mine. And the others like me better anyway.

JungHwa: Do you know how many years I spent training? And now I got kicked out because of you. So you owe me.

Hoya: I don't owe you anything, I didn't do anyting to get you kicked out.

JungHwa: Fine. Don't pay for your mistakes. I can just...

He picked up a baseball bat and held it next to SooJung's head. I felt scared that instant. But I had to toughen up in this situation.

Hoya: Let her go. She has nothing to do with this.

JungHwa: Then that means you can take her place.

I let out a big sigh.

Hoya: Yes.

SooJung: No. I'll stay. Hoya, just run while you can. I'm sorry-

Hoya: I'm sorry I got you into this.


I didn't notice one of the guys sneaking up behind me with a knife. I smacked him in the head, and knocked him onto the ground. I pulled of the rope around my wrist. That's when the other guys started attacking. I knocked them out instantly, then that left JungHwa, the "master."

JungHwa: That was fast, but you know you can't make it past me.

I tried to kick him but he dodged it. We kept throwing punches at eachother, until JungHwa picked up his bat.

Junghwa: I actually gave you a chance, but now I have to end this...

I was exhausted. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should just let him beat me to death so SooJung can live. I fell to my knees, huffing and puffing. JungHwa towered over me with his bat. He was going to swing it at me so I closed my eyes, but something got into the way. I opened my eyes. Soojung was right there infront of me. She was breathing. How is that possible?

I could hear police whistles outside. I looked around to see that Junghwa was gone. The chair that SooJung was tied to was broken. It had shielded us both. But not completely. SooJung leaned forward, complaining that her back was in pain. The bat must've hid her on the back but the chair helped to minimize the damage.

Soojung's POV:

*The next morning*

I woke up and found myself in the hospital. I asked the nurse what happened and she told me how lucky I was to be carried to the hospital by Infinite's Hoya. The nurse gave me some breakfast and I ate quietly. My parents came in to see me, and they told me how happy they were to see me alive. They were in the middle of telling me how proud they were, but then I saw hoya sneak in.

SooJung: Hi Hoya!

My parents turned around, and he immediatly bowed politly.

Mom: Oh! This is the boy who saved our SooJung!

Hoya: Ne.. (Yes)

Dad: Such a brave boy!

My mom whispered to me "SooJung-ah, he's pretty cute too."

SooJung: MOM!

Mom: Sorry, Soojung. See you later!

My parents left, leaving hoya and me in the room.



I thought back to the times when I watched Meteor Garden (Taiwanese version of Boys over Flowers) and I just thought maybe I should incorperate a scene in here :P

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AhRiShA #1
I actually wanted to make it short, but I'll think about making a sequel if enough people want it.
purplecouple #2
Love your story... but a bit too short! More please~ thank you!
StarfishHeartsYou #3
Its okay! ^^ Your story is still awesome despite that small mistake :)
I really love this story... why did you ended it so fast? wae?! I really love this story..
AhRiShA #5
I'm soo sorry! I guess this is what happens when you write more than 1 fanfic at a time. Thanks for pointing that out :S
StarfishHeartsYou #6
I thought the girl name is Soojung? Why did it ended off with Yoojin?
ehh? already end?? what is the ending?
kimhyura #8
love it!!update soon ya..^_^
Yeonsu #9
omg this is cute! update soon ;)
Huining #10
I like this storrrrry~~~ I wonder why no is commenting its so cute!