Chapter 5: The Thing That Makes Hoya Smile

How I Met Infinite's Dancing Machine Hoya

Dongwoo's POV:

We finished teaching our last class, and the strange thing was, Hoya wasn't smiling. Usually when he's teaching dance, he always smiles so you could see his canine teeth. Sunggyu even tried to make him smile, but he failed. I tried a number of times but also failed.

THe school bell rang and we could hear the students outside, leaving the school. We were going to practise our song a few times, then leave. But SooJung came in, and a smile formed on Hoya's face. Who knew? SooJung was the secret recipe to making Hoya smile.


Sungyeol: SOOJUNG~

Soojung: Hi Infinite :)

Hoya: You really came!

WHOA...Hoya wanted SooJung to come?

Sunggyu: You came to watch us?

SooJung: Um...yeah! That's why I came...

SooJung's POV:

Actually, I came to watch HOYA dance. He invited me, so I can't say I inivinited myself :)

Hoya's POV:

She came...She really came! I was so happy! Almost as happy as when I got accepted into Woollim!

The 7 of us danced Paradise, and I did it with so much effort my face was red by the time we finished. SooJung clapped for us, and asked for more. So we also did Nothing's Over, and Be Mine.

We all got our stuff after and exited the school with SooJung. Our manager saw her and offered her a ride home. it was squishy in the van, but everyone lived :P
Unfortunetly, I didn't get to sit next to her. L did. I sat behind her. I wasn't too concered becasue L isn't the type to make conversation, but he was a chatter box. He couldn't stop talking to her, so from time to time I had to cut into the conversation.

L: Why do you keep interupting? I'm trying to TALK...

As he emphasized the word TALK, I made a joke out of it.

Hoya: I didn't know you could talk :P

He shot me a glare, and continued to talk to SooJung. When we got to her house, she got out of the van. I tried to be a gentlemen.

Hoya: Do you need me to walk you?

SooJung: No, it's okay. It's right there. Thanks EunHye's uncle! Bye Infinite! FIGHTING!!!

She closed the door and walked to her house, with her perfect hair flowing in the air behind her. She's an angel~ I was daydreaming, but suddenly woke up when Sungyeol spoke.

Sungyeol: OH HOBABY~ (In a girl voice)

WooHyung: I love you my Hobaby~ (In a girl voice)

Hoya: SHUT UP!

They didn't stop making fun. Sunggyu and Dongwoo joined in.

Sunggyu: Kiss me Hobaby! (In a girl voice)

Dongwoo: You're so handsome Hobaby! (In a girl voice)

Hoya: It's not like I made that name up you know...

L: We know, Hobaby XD

The trip back to our dorm was torture, hearing everyone calling me Hobaby and trying to sound like SooJung. I tried to ignore them and thnk about happy :)
When we got back to the dorm, they stopped calling me Hobaby and called me by my real name. Tomorrow, we had to go back tot hat school one last time. Which means it's the last time I get to see SooJung. i tried to text her to let her know, but she wouldn't text back. I sent her about 20 text messages, and i got none from her.

Why won't she text me???

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AhRiShA #1
I actually wanted to make it short, but I'll think about making a sequel if enough people want it.
purplecouple #2
Love your story... but a bit too short! More please~ thank you!
StarfishHeartsYou #3
Its okay! ^^ Your story is still awesome despite that small mistake :)
I really love this story... why did you ended it so fast? wae?! I really love this story..
AhRiShA #5
I'm soo sorry! I guess this is what happens when you write more than 1 fanfic at a time. Thanks for pointing that out :S
StarfishHeartsYou #6
I thought the girl name is Soojung? Why did it ended off with Yoojin?
ehh? already end?? what is the ending?
kimhyura #8
love it!!update soon ya..^_^
Yeonsu #9
omg this is cute! update soon ;)
Huining #10
I like this storrrrry~~~ I wonder why no is commenting its so cute!