Chapter 7: Where Did Hoya Go?

How I Met Infinite's Dancing Machine Hoya

SooJung's POV:

SooJung: Thanks for saving me.

Hoya: Hey, you also saved me.

SooJung: I got into trouble first...Sorry.

Hoya: It's okay. I always felt like punching that guy.

We both laughed. He sat on the side of my bed, and put his hand on my shoulder.

Hoya: Atleast you're safe now.

After that day, I haven't been seeing people very often besides my parents, the docter and the nurse. Hoya was too busy with his hectic schedules. Time felt like it was going by so slowly, I was so excited when I was able to discharge from the hospital. I immediatly called Hoya, and it was just probably luck, but Woollim was being nice to Infinite so he had the day off. He came to pick me up from the hospital and took me to his dorm, or Infinite's dorm. When I stepped into the dorm, all of the Infinite members cheered. Dongwoo was obviously the first to say hi.

Afterward, hoya let me to his room he shared. As expected, it was a mess. But I understand that they're idols, they don't exactly have time to clean up :P Hoya was smiling a smile I've never seen before. Strange....

SooJung: Why are you smiling?

Hoya: Wait, I'll be right back.

He left the room without wiping that smile off his face. I noticed a bunch of books shoved on the bookshelf. I could only recognize one, a yearbook. I pulled it out of the shelves and l read the cover: KyungDong Highschool.

It was my highschool. Did he used to go to my school? I eagerly opened the book, wanting to see his picture, but something fell out from the pages. I looked around on the ground and found an envelope. I picked it up and realized it was my letter that I wrote for Hoya. Did he really want to keep this? I slipped it back into the book and placed the book back on the shelf.

 I walked over to Hoya's bed sat down on his bunk bed, and scanned the room for anything else peculiar. I stopped when I spotted a picture frame, placed face-down on the nightstand. I picked it up to look at it, and I was surprised. It was a picture of a girl.


I studied it to try to figure out why he had this picture. I can't believe he would actually keep a picture of me, and frame it too! I placed the picture frame back on the nightstand, but faced up this time. I swear, I had never been happier before in my life. Dongwoo walked passed the room, and saw me. He yelled in the hallway "Hey Hoya! You're girlfriend is waiting for you!"

He looked at me after he finished, and said "AISH..Our dance machine is just sometimes..." And he moved his hand left and right infront of his neck, showing me that being with Hoya won't end well,  but i just laughed.

I stood up and went looking for Hoya, I wonder what's taking him so long?


That's a rap!

I intended on making the story short when I first started writting, so sorry if you wanted it to be long. I just don't want to drag the story line anymore, it gets boring.I hope you enjoyed it!

I got all of my ideas from dreams.  I was just daydreaming one time and all of this just came to me! In fact, mostly all of my ideas are from my own dreams. The others are from dreams my friends tell me. But overall, ALL IDEAS ARE FROM DREAMS!

I am a fan of Infinite, but Hoya was never my bias. As time passed, I don't know why, but i started to like him more and more. There was even this coincidence where I got my braces changed to purple (Hoya's favourite colour) on Hoya's birthday (March 28th)!

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AhRiShA #1
I actually wanted to make it short, but I'll think about making a sequel if enough people want it.
purplecouple #2
Love your story... but a bit too short! More please~ thank you!
StarfishHeartsYou #3
Its okay! ^^ Your story is still awesome despite that small mistake :)
I really love this story... why did you ended it so fast? wae?! I really love this story..
AhRiShA #5
I'm soo sorry! I guess this is what happens when you write more than 1 fanfic at a time. Thanks for pointing that out :S
StarfishHeartsYou #6
I thought the girl name is Soojung? Why did it ended off with Yoojin?
ehh? already end?? what is the ending?
kimhyura #8
love it!!update soon ya..^_^
Yeonsu #9
omg this is cute! update soon ;)
Huining #10
I like this storrrrry~~~ I wonder why no is commenting its so cute!