Chapter O8 [Date with M-WHO?!?!?!]

Complete makeover

Suddenly Ha Joon made me wear a blindfold before we set off to our first destination.

"Joon. Do we have to?"

"Of course! It was all instructed by the guys." I sighed. He was holding my shoulders and pushing me so I was walking forward and he was controlling me by my shoulders.

"I feel like a robot."

"You are. Eversince you were young, your robotly yet manly attitude has never left you."

"One of the reasons why I can't be a normal girl. Because I always hang out with you and your dear little friend of yours. I don't know what's his name."

"Shorty Chris."

"Heaven's sake, why is his name like that?"

"Beats me. Anyways, you talk a lot, woman. You're noisy. Hold up, I'm gonna make a call to the guys." we stopped and he called one of the members.

"Hyungnim. Have you guys arrived?...... Okay, we're reaching soon. Who's first?......Alright, I'll meet you guys there. Bye."

"So? What did they said?"

"The one that's starting first has arrived at his destination. Good news is that we're reaching."

"Who's the first one?"

"You'll see." we walked a few more minutes and we finally arrived.

"Okay, he's infront of you now. I shall leave you both alone. After you're done, give us a call."

"Alright. Thanks Ha Joon." then he left. Suddenly the guy held my hand. His hands are super unfamiliar. I don't even know who he is.

"Uhm.. so... where are we now?"

"Just follow." Even his voice seems unfamiliar! Could it be......? I quickly took off my blindfold. First of all, we are at the park.

"MINHYUN?!?!" we both looked at each other, surprised. I wouldn't believe such a nice voice happen to be in a body of a mute 93-liner boy.

"I have a confession to make. I know that it's hard for you to believe that it's me, the mute boy. Probably you hate me for being mute. But I had to. For some reason. It's my image."

"I really couldn't believe it. Am I dreaming? Your voice is so precious!" he let out a small laugh.

"Even your laugh is precious!"

"You really think so? Well, let's have a lovely walk together and we can have a man-to-girl heart-to-heart talk."

"That sounds utterly weird but sure." so we both took a relaxing walk at the park and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

"Well actually when I was young, something happened. So I kept everything to myself and eventually became so-called mute. I didn't talk to anyone. Until I met my NU'EST hyungs. But I still kept my mute image. To be honest, I wanted to test your patience. To see if you can withstand my muteness. Seems like you can't."

"I'm not used to people being so quiet like you. Maybe I did met them before, but it's different from you. I admit that I was a little frustrated last time. But now, every hate I have on you is all gone."

"Really? Before I met you, I used to think you as a scary tomboy. I mistook you for a boy, and I sincerely apologize. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I think that you're a really nice girl. And a nice friend. We're actually happy to be your bodyguards."

"Aw, that's really nice of you. But it's awesome to have you guys as my bodyguard. At least I know I'm not alone in Pledis. I have my friends. Sorry for saying bad things about you."

"Nah, it's okay. Apology accepted. But promise me something."


"Promise me that you won't tell anyone that I talked to you. Just think of me as the mute guy in school. Not the talkative one like now. Just pretend to be angry at me infront of the guys because I'm always mute at you." he held out his pinky.

"Alright! I promise!" I locked pinkies with me and we started laughing. I really had a powerful day with him. Before sending me to my next destination.

"Hey Jae.. can I do something? Promise me that you won't be angry at me for doing this!"

"What?" suddenly he kissed my cheeks. I blushed and looked at him.

"Thanks for being awesome, awesome." he said and I smiled.

"Your welcome, awesome." I returned the favour by kissing his cheeks back and he smiled ear-to-ear. He's really a sweet guy and I was quite guilty for regarding him as an arrogant mute guy. We quickly took photos and he put on for me my blindfold before I move to my second destination. Who will it be?

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wahhh can't wait for next chapter!!! shes going to be spending time with all 6 guys!! update sooon :D
mashisoyo #2
WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!! Update soon~
MeBirDy #3
woah.. cousins.. nice:)
@twinkeltwwinkel- thanks for agreeeing to my opinion :]

and author thanks for using our opinion. JR is cute when hes jealous :D
update sooon
yes! I agree with pandagirl84 :)
its okay :] at least there'll be nu'est parts in the next chappie right? i love b.a.p too so i don't mind.
and i really have no clue who Ha Joon should be. maybe her new best friend to spike things up a li so JR would confess already :D
anyways, update sooon :]
MeBirDy #7
lmao i didn't even notice i was doign her poses hahaha but that was really cute <3
awwwww thats so cute... hehehehehe i wud give the heart one to jr tooo <3333
really like the update :D
update sooon
wooohoooo!!! another jr bias like me :D
jr <33333333333333333333333
interesting story. update sooon :D