Take The Long Way!

Breathing in, Breathing out

“A…alexander?” I ask once again, wanting to check again how it spells. It sounds American.

“Yes! Alexander Lee Eusebio.” He finally stops shaking my hand.


-No one’s P.O.V

          “Arek…sande?” Dongho asked his co-worker for the fifth time. He still couldn’t get the spelling of his name right, he felt a little dumb for it.

          “Uh-uh. Try this…” Alexander smiled and started writing down on a paper he had on his little desk, with a pen he took out of his pocket. He passed it to Dongho a few moments later and Dongho smiled.

          Alegsandeo” He rode. Alexander clapped his hands together and jumped in excitement.

          “Hurray for the Hangeul!” He said and Dongho smiled at him. This was a very hyperactive person, seems like is always, always happy. “The pronunciation is a bit different in Hangeul to what it should sound, but it’s really ok” Alexander said and rested his hands on his hips.

          “Ah, I’ll ask my friend Kevin to teach me how to spell it correctly” Dongho scratched the back of his head, knowing that Kevin will have no problem on teaching him.

          “Does he speaks English?” Alexander asked with a bright smile.

          “Yes, he actually lived in America until one year ago when he moved to Korea” Dongho said. “You would probably get along with him very well”

          “Oh I bet! We should go out sometime” Alexander smiled and Dongho nodded. “Come on, it’s time to feed the puppies and kitties” Alexander said as he started walking with Dongho beside him. So far, all Dongho knew about Alexander was…well…He was a pretty girly boy. Not as girly as Kevin, but he was.

          “Which one do you like the most?” Alexander asked, snapping Dongho out of his thoughts. “Dogs or cats?”

          “Umm…” Dongho thought of it for a moment. He loved the way cats are always cute; but at the end of the day, dogs are the best friends for anyone. “…Dogs!” He said with a smile. Alexander smiled at him.

          “Same as me! They’re too cute!” Alexander said as he opened a door, where he got out a big wheelie bin. It was similar to a trash bin, but Dongho knew it wasn’t because it had big colorful letters with the name of the animal shelter. Alexander got into the little room that had the wheelie bin before and reached something from an upper shelter. Dongho then saw he had a small saucepan. You could say it was similar to a normal saucepan, but this one was plastic and well…suitable to take a good quantity of dog food.

          “What’s your favorite color?” Alexander asked Dongho.

          “P-pink…” He said blushing a bit. Alexander smiled and got another (small saucepan) and  handed it to Dongho. It was pink.

          “Thanks” Dongho said. Alexander started walking beside Dongho, who was helping him to move the wheelie bin, to a door that was at the end of the hallway.

          “I like you” Alexander said, making Dongho slip and almost fall. “Normally I don’t like my co-workers because they’re really lazy and some of them are always like ‘Eug dogs that’s disgusting!’ ” He said that last line with a high pitch tone, emphasizing it. Alexander was about to keep talking but he realized Dongho was standing behind him as he kept walking, so he stopped and laughed.

          “Aah…” Dongho said and hurried to where Alexander was standing so they kept walking.

          “Donghie, I like you as my beloved friend” Alexander said patting Dongho’s head. Dongho felt embarrassed immediately and blushed even more, letting out a nervous laugh.

          “Y-yeah that’s what I thought, of course” Dongho smiled and now both Alexander and Dongho laughed.

-Dongho’s PoV

          We were feeding the dogs as we asked random questions to each other. So far what I know about him is; He recently turned 19 in July, he lives with his grandmother and he is not studying; he told me his parents send him money.
We were almost done feeding the dogs when one big dog saw me and threw itself over me.

          “AH!” I yelled as he gets on top of me. I can’t help but feel a bit afraid he or she will attack me, but just as soon I hear Alexander’s happy laugh and the dog my face.

          “He likes you!” Alexander says and I look at the dog from the corner of my eye. He is now staring at me with his big puppy eyes, making me laugh for thinking he would attack me. He gets off me and I sit up.

          “So it’s a he?” I say as I start petting him. Alexander kneels beside me, also petting the dog.

          “Yes! He’s been here for a few months by now. Probably before it was my birthday…” He says trying to remember. “Ah, we found him in a really bad state…” Alexander says looking sad.

          “R-really? How?” I ask, not sure if I want to know.

          “Well…he got beaten…we think it was probably his old family, because we never saw him around where we found him. He was really hurt, he seemed weak and honestly we didn’t though he wasn’t going to make it” The look on Alexander eyes as he probably remember those moments made me wanna cry. He suddenly looked up with his huge smile and hugged the dog.

          “But he fought until the very last moment, we were so happy!” He said and the dog his cheek. “His really hyper, loves running around and playing” He said and lead him into his spacious cage.

          We walked out of the dogs room and we went then for the kitties food and repeated the same process; walk cage by cage to feed them all. They looked really cute, but I constantly remembered the dog from earlier. When we’re done feeding the kitties, we go back to Alexander’s little office. It doesn’t even look like an office, since is really colorful. Or more pink than colorful xD

          “Alegsandeoo” I say with a lazy voice as I throw myself over a puff that is in front of his little desk. He answers with a ‘mhm?’ so I proceed. “What’s that dog’s name? The big one from earlier” I ask him

          “His name is Rey” He says with a perfect rolled R. “Or well we call him that” He says and smiles.

          “Does it comes from the spanish? Like, with that rolled r…” I say.

          “Yes!” He nods with a bright smile. “It means king, because we thought he fought like the king he is in order to stay alive” He says without losing his smile. I nod with an ‘o’ formed in my mouth.

          “We? Do you have another co-worker?” I ask him rather curious. He smiles and nods.

          “Today is his day off, but you surely will meet him tomorrow” He stands up from his seat behind his desk and walks over to a mini freezer, taking out two sodas. “Here” He hands me one and I gladly accept it. “I think he’s your age…You said you were sixteen right?” he asks before zipping some soda. I only nod. “Oh, then he’s one year older than you. I’m sure you’ll get along very well”

          We talk for a little while before he shows me the full building. Is not huge, but is spacious enough for the animals to be happy. We took the dogs out to the garden for one hour or so, before putting them in again. We played with every single one of the kitties, making sure they were happy. I enjoy this job! Like, how hard is it to play around with cute pets ˆ _ ˆ? And besides I have Alexander, he is such a great person.

          Finally, 7pm arrives and I can go home. I am rather sad to leave, but that sadness goes away as I know I’ll come back tomorrow. I say goodbye to Alexander and the hyper girl who attended me at first and walk out of the Animal Shelter.

          I wish I had my MP3 with me right now (Mom forgot to take it, kekeke) but I have on my backpack…I sigh and start walking down the sidewalk to the bus stop, mom said she was going to pick me up here. I tap my foot with the music that is playing on my mind right now, waiting patiently for the bus to come. Time passes…I take a look at my watch; 7:30pm. It shouldn’t take long…I lean against the wall and look to each side of the road, but not even a soul is here. So weird…Probably nobody comes around here at this time. But at least the bus? I sigh again. I wait longer…8:00pm. Nothing. The sun is starting to set and I’m a bit afraid of walking in the dark… 

          “Damn it…” I sigh again and start walking. I’d rather go fast if I don’t want the night to come. Tomorrow I won’t forget to take my MP3 with me. Aish why did it seemed to be not that far in car? I’m trying to go fast but there’s still a long way! Ah. I walk for another twenty minutes and is still so far, damn this!

          “Stupid life!” I say as I sit on a bench that was close. “Why does umma always forgets me?” My feet hurt, probably because I’m not really used to walk a lot. I only walk from school to home, but is like a fifteen minute walk. Not an hour walk. I won’t even have time for my homework…well not like I was going to make it anyways, since I only had math homework. God why am I so lucky? I mentally say, being sarcastic. Now there is just a little sunlight and I can’t help but worry. I’m not even going to make it home before the sun sets, what if somebody kidnaps me!? I start feeling scared.

           “Dongho!” I hear my name but I can’t hear the voice clearly (Like recognizing it) because of a beep. I look straight up and there’s…

          “Soohyun?” I say with a smile as I stand up. He smiles back and I can’t help but melt a little on his beautiful smile, his eyes covered with some cool black sunglasses. “You have a car?” I ask him trying to avoid the fact that I blushed a bit.

          “As you can see” he says and takes a look around his car. “Why are you here? Is a bit far from your house” He says and turns off the car.

          “I just came out from job” I say and watch as he comes off the car. I walk over to him and hug him…for some reason his hugs feels different from everyone’s. They make me feel so…safe…I stop feeling scared as I hug him.

          “So late?” He asks and we both break the hug.

          “Well…more like I got out from job a while ago…” I say with a shy smile. “Mom never came”

          “I see…Ah por Dongho,” He says and steps a bit closer to me. I feel my heart pounding fast as his face comes closer and closer to mine…he plants a soft kiss on my forehead. I feel my face heating up and I suddenly wanna giggle around like a crazy girl. “Get in, I’ll take you home” I nod and run to the passenger’s side, getting in rather fast.

          “So what’s your job?” He asks as he turns on the car. I lay back confidently on the seat after wearing my security belt. He turns on the car and starts driving.

          “I feed cute puppies and kitties” I say, unconsciously sounding cute. He smiles and chuckles.

          “Ah, I bet you are cuter than those pets” He smiles and I laugh. Why ever in hell do I feel nervous? Agh! We’re on a red light so he takes a CD from I really don’t know where and puts it on the stereo. The music starts playing in a normal volume, not to loud but either to slow. It takes me a few moments to realize the song playing is “What I’ve done” by Linkin Park.

          “Do you like Linkin Park?” I ask excited. “Or more specifically rock?”

          “Of course,” He says and smiles. I clap and jump in my seat.

          “That’s so cool! I mean, now days everyone is so crazy about K-Pop here in Korea. It’s really hard to find someone who listens to other than that” I say. Not like I hate K-Pop, but I prefer rock than it.

          “I know. I mean…they have great songs and the idols are surely talented, but I like rock better” He says and we soon start talking about our favorite bands. He mentions The Offspring, I mention My Chemical Romance. He mentions Metallica, I mention Nirvana. So cool! I notice he took the long way home…I smile to myself. I lean back down on my sit feeling a bit tired. I’m so busy staring at the thousands of different lights in the city that I didn’t even realized I am now So ing far from home.

          “Soohyun, we’re at the center of the city” I say and his smile fades away.

          “Jesus…” He whispers and quickly looks around before he keeps driving. “I’m so sorry Dongho! Let me just hurry up to take you home” He says and it’s about the fasten the speed but I stop him.

          “No! I mean…There’s really no need to. I’m fine with it, just…take your time. Besides, it was them who abandoned me” I say with a pout. He sighs with a smile.

          “Ok…But is it really ok? Like…aren’t your parents going to scold you?” He asks now going at the same speed as before.

          “Nope, I know they won’t” I smile and unconsciously move my hand in between our sits. I look again to the window admiring the huge buildings and all of the sudden I see Soohyun’s hand resting beside mine. I get a bit nervous, but discreetly and slowly move my hand closer to his. I try to hold my giggles while still looking through the window and quickly take his hand, holding it with mine.

          I feel something…something weird on my hand at the very moment they connect. Like, electricity but it wasn’t painful…It was rather…pretty?...I stare now clueless at our hands, wondering what the hell was that I felt. But it indeed felt…cute, because I blushed and felt something on my chest, like pure happiness mixed with even more happiness. I look up at him and he also has a little clueless look in his eyes, though he’s looking at the road. He smiles and interlaces our fingers together and I wanna die of happiness right now.


Hello theree~! So once again I thought it had been shorter since I updated but I updated suuuch a long time ago. Mian! *bows*
Anyways, I hope this chap was interesting...y'know x3! I'll add a new character on the next onee~  xD!!
As always, my creativity reduces when it comes to the chap title. Hehe~


HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD 'TE AMO'? It's such an AMAZING song. Like, Latin American KissMe; we're so freaking happy to hear them speaking spanish. The little accent when they say 'amor'....it kill us *-*!!!

Anyways xD I have nothing else to say I gues....Ah,
Thanks to my commenters/readers/subscribers. I love you guys a lot

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Chapter 9 is in process! :3


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Chapter 8: Not to be a pest or anything, but do you think you'll comeback to this story? I really enjoyed what I've read so far. Dongho is my bias and 2Shin is a winner in my heart. And I was enjoying the jealousy from HoonHo interaction. I hope to see an update from you soon. :)
Chapter 8: Come back to this story authornim!! I really like my 2shin. Authornim Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 8: Jaevin? My poor Kiseopie :'( Vinseop T.T

2shin is cute but in reality there is more Soohoon than 2shin :'(
nice story =3=
kissme_2shin #5
please update soon xD
i really like this story..
awww cute :P
I kinda hope Xander makes Soohyun jealous :P
kekeke <3
omo Vinseop, Kiseop is jealous <3 me gusta *vinseop shipper here, well my name says it too xD*
ally-chan #7
me want angst!
update soon~
Ooooooohhhh this is gonna be good
ctmanga #9
plz udate soon<3
ally-chan #10
oohhhh so cute, those guys!
update soon~