Chapter four

Breathing in, Breathing out

“Kiseop please go faster!” I say from the back seat. I’m actually all squished; AJ, Kevin, Soyeon, Kibum and SooHyun are also in the car, and let’s say that AJ’s father car isn’t the most spacious one.

“B-but what if I crash!” Kiseop says a little afraid. “T-two more blocks!” Kiseop says referring to the distance between us right now and my house.

“But, my dad! He wakes up at 6:30 every morning, not actually caring if it’s Sunday!” I say in full panic. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn back to see who it is.

“Two more blocks, calm down?” Kibum says with a dizzy voice and I just nod. I don’t know why, I had the hope it’ll be SooHyun, but he’s too busy sleeping on Kibum’s shoulder. Well we all look like zombies I guess, we all have dark circles and…Kibum is chatting with a talking zebra, he maybe drank too much. I take a look on AJ and Kevin, and Kevin is sleeping on top of AJ; actually AJ seems to be falling asleep to, and his arms are all wrapped around Kevin’s waist. Soyeon is in the front, and is just now that I realize she isn’t wearing her short dress anymore.

“Soyeon, where is your other dress?” I ask curious.

“I switched dress with another girl, this one is pretty isn’t it?” She says with a huge smile. Well, that dress is more appropriated to my eyes. Is short in the front, but has a long tail.

“Yeah, it looks cute” I smile at her.

I look over my shoulder because I wanted to see Kibum, but my eyes laid right on SooHyun. I wonder how old is he? Does he have a girlfriend? Why he doesn’t like to talk that much? Is he on my same grade? Ah Too many questions DongHo! I hear my conscience talking. Well, I am curios. I start having a little conversation with myself.

Ask him!-Yeah, like I know him- Well…talk to him!-Oh yes! Like I have the guts to. He seems to be that kind of cool guy, who only hangs around with people who are at least a bit cool like him…And I’m not cool at all. I mean, he looks just…so amazing and, I’m nothing beside him. Nothing.-Don’t be that negative, who know what he likes?-Hey what do you mean!-That he might like you as well.-And why ‘as well’? I don’t even like him!-If you say so…

I guess I was staring at him this whole time, because he opened his eyes and our gazes met. A few seconds pass and I see that he gives me a warm smile; I blush like crazy and quickly smile back before I look to the front.

“And we are…” Kiseop stops the car. “Here! DongHo now run!” I quickly open my door and so does Soyeon. I close the door of the car and run to the sidewalk.

“Thank you!” I yell as Kiseop keeps on his way. “Soyeon what time is it?” I ask to my sister as we hurriedly walk to the house.

“six twenty…seven!” She keeps her smile.

“We gotta hurry! Dad’s alarm is right about to sound!” I say worried. I look at the window we sneaked out by, but its closed. “Damn it!” I whisper. “Let’s check on the yard!” I keep whispering and walking as fast as I can, but careful so I don’t fall.

“They’re all locked!” Soyeon sighs in frustration and I try to think. Why am I always the one that has to solve the stuff? Oh come on DongHo, think…think…The Basement!

“Soyeon! He have an egress window, in the basement!” I say with a smile full of relief.

“Yeah! Is this way!” She starts walking and I behind her. “Covered in plants, but here it is!” She pushes away some bushes with her hands and jumps in the little space in front of the window.  (
“DongHo, help me! It doesn’t open!” She says trying to open it.

“Oh come on is really old! Just, push it!” I also jump into the little space and Help her. Is supposed to open from inside, but is really old so any little push will open it. We both push with all our strengths and it finally opens. Soyeon goes in first and I follow her.

“Time?” I whisper to Soyeon as I close the window and wait until she takes off her heels, this time she just throws them somewhere in the basement, since she doesn’t needs them anymore.

“6:29!” She uses her phone to illuminate the way while we rush up stairs to get on the first floor. “Hurry DongHo!” We walk until we’re at the living room. Suddenly, the lights go on and Soyeon and I stay frozen in front of the TV.

“Good morning” Our mother voice fills the living room and Soyeon and I slowly turn around.

“We should’ve ran…” She whispers to me and I only nod.

“Take a seat. We have a lot to talk about” Our dad seems angrier than ever, and Soyeon and I can’t help but walk to the couch.


“And also, no phone, no computer, not even window!” My dad is the only thing you can hear. Not even a single breathe, or the wind…Soyeon and I only nod at everything he says while looking to the ground, and mom sometimes speaks. But since my dad is better on scolding, well…

“H-how long?...” Soyeon asks almost in a whisper.

“umm…” Dad thinks for a moment.

“Eleven days” Mom says, and Soyeon and I raise our heads. “With Eleven hours, eleven minutes and eleven seconds. Don’t argue” She says with a serious expression, while mine’s is like, ‘This insane S***! Wth!?’. And I notice Soyeon and Dad are also like what is wrong with this?.

“Ok?...ok” I say. “Starting from?” I ask.

“8’clock.” She quickly answers.

“in fifteen minutes” My dad says. Yes, is almost 8am and in that one and a half hour we were being yelled at by mom and dad. Well, it was really worth it. “You can go,” My dad says and Soyeon and I stand up. I was about to touch the first step and then mom stopped  us.

“I forgot, you’ll get a halftime job for those eleven days” She keeps her serious expression.

“W-what? Wait, what jobs are we getting?” Soyeon says exalted, she hates work.

“You’ll know it, tomorrow” She raises her brows with almost a smile.

“Ok” Is the only thing I say. I start walking upstairs now, going right to my room.

I close the door behind me, throwing myself in the bed. It feels so comfortable~
I roll on my bed and take my phone that is under my pillow. I only look at the screen for a few moments, until a little pop-up comes on it.

New message!

I raise my brows and open the message. Is really, really short.

“Hi” It says. I smile clueless and give an immediate response.

Hyung! Guess what?” I decide to immediately tell him about my recent scold.

(Pink= DongHo, Red=Other line)

“what happened?”

“Well, I got grounded D}x! For guess how long?”

“That’s bad, for how long?”

“Eleven days, eleven hours, eleven minutes and eleven seconds. Weird, isn’t it ._.?”

“Wow, are your parents related to army? My uncle used to be on the army and that’s the way they do it over there”

“Really o_o? I might take care, or they will try to shave my head ㅠㅠ

“Hehe, I hope they don’t, your hair is really pretty”

“Thanks Hyung ˆ - ˆ!”  I have the feeling that…Is not necessarily Kibum on the other line…And I think, I only think I know who is it…I stay thinking for a few moments, remembering SooHyun’s hair.“I like your hair too :3! I think is creative the way you died your bangs from a lighter tone”

“Thank you DongHo, most people say that is just weird…”
“Wait! You know I’m not Kibum right xD?”

“Yeah, principally because he only has one aunt, not a single uncle xP!”

“Hehe~ Well I knew you’ll know it. Only not this fast, you’re smart”

“Thanks though I know I'm not -_-! I am just terrible in math. Terrible, a whole mess. I think I’ll unapproved this year if I keep like this u_u”

“Math is the easiest thing in the world! The only thing you have to do is put close attention when the teacher is explaining”

“Then you might be smart, because I’m easily distracted D}x!”

Between text and text, I didn’t even realize it was almost 8am. As much as I wanted to keep texting Soohyun, I couldn’t.

“Hey, I have to go…My 11-11-11-11 starts right at eight =3=”

“Ok, see ya’ tomorrow at school?”

“Sure! See you there then, and tell Kibum I said hello xD! Pai Pai ˆ - ˆ!”

Once I made sure the last message was sent, I turned off my phone and took my SIM and SD memory card, just in case. I was feeling a bit lazy about switching to my Pj’s, so I only took my clothes off until I was only in my boxers. I sometimes sleep like that, only in summer but today was ok too.

I jumped back on my bed, hiding under the covers. It didn’t took me long before I was all unconscious, sleeping…with a smile on my face.


-Change on PoV-

I was holding Kibum’s cellular, reading and then texting. It was really fun talking with DongHo, even if I don’t know him. And I must admit, I did it because I had some curiosity about him. I would’ve just check the number and do it with my own phone, but I don’t have one…because I hate them. I don’t like them, I don’t know why. But texting DongHo made me wanna go and buy one, only to text him more often. I have no idea why, but I have this urge to talk to him.

Normally I would just let it go, because I don’t know him. I don’t like talking to people I don’t know, because…well, because most of people just seem to be nice at the beginning, but while the time pass they change. And sometimes they also talk about their ‘friends’ on their backs, that is so not friendly

The last text came from his part, saying goodbye because the punishment would start right at 8’o clock. I sighed and replied fast.

Ok, see ya’ tomorrow at school?”

I waited for the reply. When it came and I read it, I smiled to myself. I putted Kibum’s phone beside him, since he was all passed out beside me. I can smell the alcohol all the way from him, I know he drank that much because, he doesn’t normally goes to parties, but when he is on one he becomes a drinking monster.

“You shouldn’t do it that much…is going to hurt you” I whisper to the sleeping Kibum. We’re sleeping on the floor of his bedroom, so I lay beside him. I don’t want to fight over the sheets again.

I stare at the ceiling for a few minutes. I notice that the sun is almost completely up, so I close my eyes and fall asleep in a matter of minutes.

I like to sleep, dreams are pretty.
That night I dreamt of DongHo.

Hello my lovely readers, commenters and subscribers ^ - ^~!

I'm sorry if this chap wasn't as good, my mind was all in Neverland, so no that much inspiration but yeaah xD I'll try to make next one more interesting :DD!! Lol if you could notice the lack of inspiration in the title XD!

@8symmetrical8: I So totally am ^ - ^! they'll be appearing in different times of the story, and I also love Xander *Q* So to me is not even an option if I add them or not XD count them in♥

*Edit: LOL Thanks to @ally-chan for reminding me about easter! Happy easter to you too dear :33!
And also Happy Easter to everyone else :DD!

*Edit2:  I Forgot to put the hours in the groundment, sorry ^^U But is all done! 

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Chapter 9 is in process! :3


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Chapter 8: Not to be a pest or anything, but do you think you'll comeback to this story? I really enjoyed what I've read so far. Dongho is my bias and 2Shin is a winner in my heart. And I was enjoying the jealousy from HoonHo interaction. I hope to see an update from you soon. :)
Chapter 8: Come back to this story authornim!! I really like my 2shin. Authornim Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 8: Jaevin? My poor Kiseopie :'( Vinseop T.T

2shin is cute but in reality there is more Soohoon than 2shin :'(
nice story =3=
kissme_2shin #5
please update soon xD
i really like this story..
awww cute :P
I kinda hope Xander makes Soohyun jealous :P
kekeke <3
omo Vinseop, Kiseop is jealous <3 me gusta *vinseop shipper here, well my name says it too xD*
ally-chan #7
me want angst!
update soon~
Ooooooohhhh this is gonna be good
ctmanga #9
plz udate soon<3
ally-chan #10
oohhhh so cute, those guys!
update soon~