It's Party Time!

Breathing in, Breathing out


“Who is there!?” We hear our dad voice on the stairs. Then we hear how he runs to the bottom of the stairs.

“GAH!” I panic and push Soyeon to the other side of the window, myself in the process. I fall on top of her and of course, she seems unconscious. She’s about to say something but I cover .

“…hello?” Yeah, Hello I’m a thief. I’ve came to take all your stuff so don’t worry! I sarcastically tell him in my mind. “aah…I’m really old already…” We hear as he turns on the TV. I get off Soyeon.

“Ok…let’s go now…” I whisper to Soyeon.

“You are…really, Really heavy” She also says in a whisper. We start crawling and when we’re in the very front of the house, we stand and run to the corner of the street. When we get there, we’re  panting and not really paying attention to the cars passing by.

“W-who cares if I’m heavy! I saved your life” I say arrogantly, but joking.

“But you nearly killed me!” She punches my arm playfully.

“I’ve told you that-” I stop talking when I see AJ’s car (or AJ’s father car) passing us. “HEY AJ! WHE’RE HERE!” I yell and the car stops, it starts reversing.

“Hey DongHo!” A smiling Kevin waves his hand. “…And” he sees Soyeon and his smile fades away. “Soyeon” He scans her but then smile again. I know he doesn’t like being mean to people, except when it comes to Soyeon…

“Hey Kev,” I say and open the door. I make a sing to Soyeon to get in but she refuses.

“No please…I want the window” She smiles and I get in.

“AJ I though your dad wouldn’t lend you the car?” I say confused. I hear how the door’s being closed and as Soyeon is beside me, the car starts its way.

“Uh…I didn’t exactly ‘borrow’ it…” He gives a dorky smile. Is just now when I see that Kiseop is driving.

“Hey Kiseop!...wait where is Kibum?” I ask to anyone in particular.

“He’ll meet us at the party,” AJ answers since Kiseop is way too concentrated on the road. “He said his…cousin?”

“Friend,” Kevin corrects him.

“Yeah! His friend is also going. So we’ll meet them at the party.” He says and I see how he smiles to Kevin.

“Ooh…” I look at Kevin and he’s smiling back, suddenly I see how Kevin winks to AJ and I immediately look to AJ who is now biting his lower lip. I have a pokerface while Soyeon looks all confused.

“SO AJ!” Soyeon yells and gets the attention from everyone in the car. Except Kiseop. She awkwardly smiles. “How’s your girlfriend going?”

“Oh umm…I’m not dating her anymore. So she’d be kind of my ex-girlfriend” He says with really not a hurted expression or anything. Actually I’m glad he broke up with her, she was a real…bother to everyone.

“Really?” Kevin and Soyeon say in unison with maybe the happiest eyes I’ve seen on them. They turn to glare at each other for some moments before turning to AJ again.

“When did it happened?” Kevin asks curios.

“Well, it happened just yesterday” He now has a sad smile on his face.

“Oh Jaesoppie!” Soyeon says. “Do you need anyone? A hug?” She says with a pout. AJ looks up at her and smiles.

“I’m fine thank you,” He pulls out a bubble gum from his pocket. “I have my friends!” he raises an old bottle of juice and we all laugh, including Kiseop.

“Yes! And a bottle of juice!” Kiseop finally speaks.

Ok making clear some things, Kevin is one of my closest friends; the closest out of them all I think. I suspect he has a crush on AJ, who is two years older than me and Kevin, making him one year older than Soyeon and also legal (which means 18). We met Kiseop by AJ, they’re cousins, but Kiseop is the same age as Soyeon. Kibum is 18 just as AJ, but he’s actually repeating his senior year and that makes him be in High school just as Kevin, Kiseop and I.

“We’re here!” We see a big salon with amazing decoration on the outside; lots of colorful lights, loud music coming from inside, a red carpet that leads you to the entrance. It also has a big cartel, one exact replica of ‘Las Vegas’ cartel. It says the same, “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas”. We know is going to be awesome, and I mentally thank Soyeon for bringing me here.

“Guys, I’ll go and park the car while you get in” Kiseop says and AJ, Soyeon and Kevin immediately go out of the car.

“I’ll go with you,” I say to Kiseop and move to the front seat. “We’ll meet you inside guys!” I say to the others. They only nod and start walking in the salon. Kiseop start driving again, going slow though, for if he sees a free spot.

“Hey Kiseop did you…for a chance, noticed how Kevin and AJ…well, Kevin winked to AJ…” I say a bit blushed for the fact that two of our friends were flirting with each other.

“He did?” He raises his eyebrows. “Well you saw nothing DongHo. If you only heard them when we were on our way to your home…” He looks blankly at me. I blink a few times, maybe imagining what they were saying. Kevin might be a really cute person, but when he likes someone…he gives his soul AND body. I mean it.

“Hey, it’s a miracle you wanted to go out” He says as he starts parking, like one block away the salon. “Whenever we asked you, you would say no…” He takes the keys off the car and looks at me. “DongHo, is anything wrong?” Damn it…he sounds worried.

“N-no…” I say with a nervous smile. “E-everything’s fine…yeah,” I open the door and get out of the car, expecting Kiseop to do the same. I forgot to lock it, so I open the door once again and lock it.

“You sure?” He asks, now he’s in the other side of the car and still looking at me with his worried eyes.

“Yes” I cutely smile now. “Let’s please go to the party, I’m dying to see how it looks in the inside!” I start walking leaving Kiseop behind. I hear his hurried steps to me.

We walk until we’re at the entrance, thank god there isn’t a bouncer or something like that.
The inside is so, so pretty! The salon is huge, it actually looks like a real casino. There are pool tables, poker tables and even roulette wheels. It’s a bit dark, but the dance floor makes it all colorful. There are tables around the dance floor that are for around 6 or 7 people, with dice centerpieces.
(A/N:In case you’d like to see the centerpieces xD

There a Lot of tables, so I can say that there are at least three hundred people in here. And like, two hundred of them are dancing right now. Some are drinking beer and…Wait? How did it happen to be alcohol in here, is a sweet sixteen! Aah anyways…

“Kiseop!” I yell at him, since the loud music barely let me hear my own thoughts.

“Uh...Yeah?” He turns to me, just got awaken from his trance for looking at the pretty decorations.

“How are we going to find AJ!?” I yell once again.

“What!?” He says and leans closer to me. I get close to his ear.

“Where is AJ!?”

“Ah…I don’t know!” He starts looking for AJ with his eyes. “Hey isn’t that boy in the dessert table!?” He points at the delicious looking dessert table. I see there is a chocolate fountain (a tiny one,) and I grab Kiseop’s hand and start walking to there.

“Look Kiseop! This chocolate fountain!” I take one of the strawberries that are around the chocolate fountain and put it on there for a few seconds, then take it out and start eating it. “Is delicious!” I say with a special sparkle in my eyes.  I’m about to give it another bite but someone stops me, also blocks my view to Kiseop.

“DongHo, if you eat too much chocolate you’ll get some terrible pimples” Says the boy, cleaning my mouth with a tissue and taking my strawberry.

“KIBUM HYUNG!” I say and throw myself at him. Is been around a week since I saw him, I’m so happy! He hugs me back, and as I don’t climb off him, he ruffles Kiseop hair.

“DongHo you’ll ruin Kibum’s clothes!” Says Kiseop and I finally let go.

“You look bigger now!” I smile to Kibum and go back to take another strawberry.

“Yeah, thanks? I think I look the same” He laughs and then glares at my strawberry. “Let’s go to our table! AJ and Kevin are there” He starts walking Kiseop and me to the table they sat at. On our way, we see the lights turning on, music going off on and the people walking back to their tables.

“Everyone please! Take a seat” A pretty girl says. Maybe the host. “Let’s please cheer up for our birthday girl, Saem!” Everyone starts clapping and we also do as we take a seat. “Please stand up to her big entrance!” The girls says again, and I find ironic how I just took a seat and I have to stand up again. The birthday girl and a bunch of other girls, enter with some revealing clothes. Maybe not as much, but enough to make me jaw drop. I hear some guys doing some weird sounds as they (the girls) enter half , walking all smirking and winking to some boys the pass by.

They Make a V formation. “Hello!” The birthday girl, Saem, says in perfect English. I notice they’re thirteen girls; Seven of them wearing the same exact revealing outfits and the other six girls are wearing something much more appropriated. So I guess those seven girls are saem+her friends or something like that, and the other six, are just for backup or something.

“We are here tonight, to celebrate our beautiful Saem” one of the seven principal girls says and points Saem, “Who is turning sixteen right today. Thank you everyone who came, and in appreciation for your company, we hope you to enjoy this” The girl throws herself with the other six principal girls at the floor and I’m all like, DUDE? WTH?. Is just now that I realize they’re wearing mics, so I know they’ll also sing. The song starts, and so does the show.

( )

During the song, I notice how every single boy in the room looks at them, including Kevin. Maybe he’d like to learn the steps. But, this boy that was on our table didn’t. I think is Kibum’s friend, because I truly don’t know him. He looked back to stare hem but as soon as he saw how they were dancing, he rolled his eyes and concentrated at the marshmallows covered in chocolate in his plate. It really surprised me, like, even the girls were looking at them! I guess I stared at him for too long because he looked up and our eyes met. I smiled at him not really expecting him to do it too, but he quickly smiled and concentrated on the chocolate again.

The song is over, and I know because everyone starts clapping again. I also clap, ignoring the fact that they maybe wanted to call attention, they had really good voices. Saem started talking.

“Thank you everyone! We hope you can…” I hardly tried to listening to this girl, but there is something in this boy that makes me stare at him. I’m so gone that I don’t even notice Kibum standing right beside me about to say something.

“DongHo,” He whispers to my ear and I wake up. He softly laughs.

“Hey umm…who is him?” I ask to Kibum.

“He, is my friend SooHyun. Haven’t you seen him at school?” Kibum asks with his usual blank expression. Once again everyone starts clapping and soon the lights go off, and again, the music goes on. I say no with my head, and he laughs again. “Is ok, he really doesn’t talk as much anyways”

“Hey everyone! Let’s dance!” Kevin says and AJ, SooHyun? And I are actually ok with it. Kibum and Kiseop refuse a bit, but we get to convince them. We are soon walking to the dance floor.

We make a circle in between us, Kevin, AJ, SooHyun and I are dancing, except for Kibum and Kiseop. “Guys don’t be so boring!” I say and take Kibum’s hand, waving them a bit. “Dance with us!” I smile at Kibum but he does nothing. I sigh and free his hands.

“I know,” SooHyun speaks to anyone in particular. “Kibum and Kiseop are dancing together!” He says with a smile. We all laugh at his joke, excepting Kibum and Kiseop of course.

“Not funny!” Kibum says. SooHyun sticks his tongue out and we just keep dancing. I look beside and Kevin and AJ are dancing together, so I get closer to the others. We talk while dancing, and SooHyun rarely speaks. So far he have only spoken three times, and one of those times was to ask Kibum for a zip of his beer.

“Kibum! Give me soomeee!” He says referring to the beer in Kibum’s hand.

“No way! You’re minor still” Kibum evilish smiles to SooHyun and zips some more beer.

“I’m turning eighteen this year, now give me! I’ve drank plenty of times already” He says and tries to take the beer. Kibum refuses, and I have the feeling that at some point the bottle is going to be thrown at the floor.

“Guys ummm….” Kiseop says looking at them.

“SooHyun you are not getting any beer” Kibum tries to keep the bottle on his hands.

“I am! Now just give me the beer…” He also tries to hold it. “OH GOD!” He yells as the bottle slips from his hands and smashes against the floor. Thank god the music is so loud that anybody noticed the noise of the broken glass. We all stop dancing and stare at each other.

“…let’s just move from this spot!” I say and we walk as far as we can from the bottle.

The rest of the night is full of jokes, a drunk Kibum and a super quiet SooHyun. We’ve actually danced for so long I don’t even notice what time is it until the host announces the end of the party.

“…And that you had a great time, happy birthday Saem! Oh I almost forgot…” The host keeps on talking and talking, so I decide to quickly check my phone. Well I remember I left it at home, so I ask the person that is next to me; it happens to be SooHyun.

“Hey, do you know what time is it?” I ask with a smile, he seems very tired. He checks his watch.

“6:03am” He smiles back. I stay paralyzed with my smile and blank eyes. “Everything’s ok?” The deepness in his voice makes me reaction.

“….3am?” I ask again, making sure my ears are not bad.

“No, six in the morning. Is anything wrong?” He asks looking curious.

So it’s 6am.









Yah this is the longest chap so far  :DD! Is because it's the party jojojo~ I hope it was ok, I hope you'll like it ^ o ^!

So I've been on spring break since friday by now :DD! So happy I'll have more time to write ^ - ^~! Sorry if it ever takes me long sometimes , I'm doing my quinceanera preparations and is freaking hell -.- 
Letters on the last chap were so big LOL XD! and I just realized I leaved a note on the first chap saying "followers", and it actually is "Subscribers". I apologize XD! Well, off to work on the next chap yeah Bl!

But first may I thank my lovely commenters and amazing subscribers ^ - ^~ Thanks for accepting my terrible work xD I love you all :3♥~

@8symmetrical8: -facepalm- I guess I forgot that UXD!! It wont repeat I promise o3o! xD
Well 2Shin is always waiting right in the corner! hehehe xD
I myself had difficulties rolling my R's D:! it took me WAY much longer to speak than my sister, over all because of those stupid R's D
Ik~ I though 2Shin was one of the most common pairings on U-Kiss but it turned out the opposite D:! Lol, how can she hate it XD!? Is such a cute couple~ like, who better to take care of the baby maknae than the y leader 1313!?? And finally thanks 

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Chapter 9 is in process! :3


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Chapter 8: Not to be a pest or anything, but do you think you'll comeback to this story? I really enjoyed what I've read so far. Dongho is my bias and 2Shin is a winner in my heart. And I was enjoying the jealousy from HoonHo interaction. I hope to see an update from you soon. :)
Chapter 8: Come back to this story authornim!! I really like my 2shin. Authornim Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 8: Jaevin? My poor Kiseopie :'( Vinseop T.T

2shin is cute but in reality there is more Soohoon than 2shin :'(
nice story =3=
kissme_2shin #5
please update soon xD
i really like this story..
awww cute :P
I kinda hope Xander makes Soohyun jealous :P
kekeke <3
omo Vinseop, Kiseop is jealous <3 me gusta *vinseop shipper here, well my name says it too xD*
ally-chan #7
me want angst!
update soon~
Ooooooohhhh this is gonna be good
ctmanga #9
plz udate soon<3
ally-chan #10
oohhhh so cute, those guys!
update soon~