Wait For Me, Cute Pets

Breathing in, Breathing out

I wake up with the sound of some random radio station, since I don't have my cellular. Ah...how I'm going to miss waking up with my own music. I sigh and turn off the radio, rub my eyes and get up from my bed. I make my way to the bathroom and do my stuff, brush my teeth and of course apply on my special soap so I have no imperfections on my face. (A/N: Lol Dongho type B XD)

I walk again to my bedroom and put on random clothes; it ended up being a ‘My Chemical Romance’ shirt, skinny jeans and of course I’m wearing my converse. I didn’t took a bath because I did it yesterday, not so long before I went to sleep. I remember what I did yesterday and a small smile spreads on my lips.

Soohyun is so nice to be around! And his family is great as well; when Soohyun invited me to eat with them, they talked a lot with me, as if they were trying to know me better ˆˆ! But probably because they thought that…


“B-but hyung! What if I fall?” I say pouting, refusing to walk around the water again because a moment ago I was about to fall. “And when I fall, I hit my head with a rock and then go unconscious and die drowned?” I say with panic in my voice. He chuckles and ruffles my hair.

“That won’t happen” He says as he stays thinking for a moment. “See, I’ll hold your hand” I nod, thinking it wouldn’t be really of a big deal, and right when his hand is about to reach mine…Someone calls him.

“Soohyun!” We hear a manly voice. Soohyun turns around and chuckles. “Comeee!! Let’s eat bro!” I also turn around and see a tall guy with a long brown side-bang, the same brown honey-ish color covering the right side of his hair and also a few streaks that fall on his left side, then underneath those streaks his hair is dark brown. He seems a bit older then Soohyun, probably going to college… 

“Dongho-yah, would you like to eat with us?” He asks me and I think a little. “Come with me?” He softly shakes my shoulder and tries to do aegyo. I laugh at his fail.

“Hyung, you must work more in your aegyo!” I say with a smile, holding my laugh. He softly laughs and nods.

“I know” He says and smiles. “So will you come?”

“umm…” I tease a bit and he shakes my shoulder again.

“Dongho-yah let’s go” He smiles and I nod with a teasing smile, walking beside him to where his family is. Mom and Soyeon told me they were going for a walk earlier and I know they’ll take long, so I can take as long as I want to eat.

Soohyun is joking all the way to where his brother is (I guess it’s his brother), and out of nowhere he places his arm around my shoulders; I only blush a bit and keep our conversation as if anything was happening. After all, we’re just friends aren’t we?

“Come on, the food will get cold!” The man who called Soohyun says with a bright smile. He looks at me and scans Soohyun’s arm around me, then he scans me and I swear he’s smirking. I discreetly look over at Soohyun and his expression turns almost angry; His arm moves off my shoulders, but only to be wrapped protectively around my waist. I blush deeper than I was. “Who is this lovely young man that we have the honor to be with?” He steps closer to us.

“Uhm” Soohyun quickly steps back, pushing me closer to him in the move. “His name is Dongho. Dongho-yah this is my useless brother, Seunghyun” he says and sticks his tongue out at his brother.

“Ah! I’m not useless! You’re being mean to your hyung!” Seunghyun crosses his arms over his chest and looks on a different direction. He seems to forget about it so easily, because he looks at us with a bright smile again. “So! How old are you Dongho?”

“Umm…16” I smile at him and he interlaces his own fingers together and lets out and ‘awwww’. I title my head and stare clueless at Seunghyun as Soohyun back-hugs me and rests his head on my shoulder. I feel my face burning at his strong arms around me, and mind confused at his fangirling brother.

“Dongho-yah” He says and move his mouth closer to my ear. “He’s crazy, don’t listen to him” He says and kisses my cheek. Both his voice whispering in my ear and his kiss makes me shiver, I wish he didn’t noticed it.

“Ah! Soohyun, Dongho is a bit too cute for you!” His brother says in the middle of his fangirling. “How long have you known each other?” He asks with an amused smile.

“Oh well we met each other in…” I’m gladly answering Seunghyun’s question, but just as soon I realize what  does that stands for. Soohyun chuckles with a smile as I paralyze. “Wait he isn’t my-”

“Everyone this is Dongho!” Seunghyun yells to the thousand familiars of Soohyun and they all look at me. I give a nervous smile and Soohyun sloooowly lets go of me. They smile back, and I shyly bow.

“N-nice to meet you!” I say still bowing, blushing and nervous. I’m greeted back by some ‘Nice to meet you too,’ and ‘thanks for joining us’. Soohyun pats my head as I sing for me to stop bowing, so I do.

“Let’s eat!” Seunghyun yells and they all nod in agreement.

We sit in the park benches, like the picnic ones. As I said before, his family is very big so they needed to set a large plastic table in order to be sitting together. The BBQ tastes really good actually, I guess I expected it. I talked to some of his familiars, but mostly to Soohyun…and his brother. I was sitting between them, and it was actually fun hearing how they fought.

“So…you’re going to college?” I ask to Seunghyun.

“Yes!” He says happily. “I’m studying law” He sounds really proud and the man next to him pats his back with a smile.

“Ah! I see. You’re living with Soohyun-Hyung?” I ask him and he is right about to answer, but Soohyun interrupts him.

“Hell no!” He says frowning. “He lives in an apartment, all lonely like he deserves to” Soohyun jokes and his brother gasps.

“Uh-uh! Aish you need to be more respectful to your brother!” Seunghyun says and they hold a little friendly fight. As I said, is funny.

“You guys? Poor Dongho!” A woman said. Or a girl, she looks rather younger. Like 17 or 18. “He is never going back to dinner with us!” She says and both Soohyun and Seunghyun look down at their plates and try to hold back their laugh.

“Dongho, how did you and Soohyun met?” The girl asks me and I blush.

“Umm I…well, we met…” I’d really like to explain it without making everyone think we’re dating. “Well first of all we are not…”

“Ah! Don’t be so shy Dongho” She says with a smile. I raise my glass and take a zip from the coca-cola as she speaks. “I actually wish I had a boyfriend like you, Soohyun is such a lucky guy” She says and I choke with the soda. Soohyun softly laughs and I look at him.

“Hyung?” I ask him with my eyes to make it clear.

“Eunjung, we aren’t dating” Soohyun said warmly to her. I’d feel a little jealous, if I didn’t knew it was his cousin…wait what am I saying?

“Oh yeah right, that’s why you kissed him in the cheek and whispered something to his ear while you back-hugged him earlier!” Seunghyun said and Eunjung smiled.

-End of Flashback-

Soohyun and I kept talking for a while, I kept avoiding the question every single member of his family made; “How did you met each other”. Soohyun said it was ok and that he’d made it clear later, so I just went with it. I stayed with them until I saw mom and Soyeon approaching us, so I said goodbye because we were leaving already. It was a nice day~

“Dongho!” I wake up from my day-dreaming as Kevin calls my name. “Ah, I thought we’d lost you. Come on, is lunch time” He says and I title my head.

“Lunch time? Really?” I say as I stand up. Ren comes behind Kevin and smiles.

“Yes, you were just thinking of something this whole period.” I blush a bit and hold back my giggling. “…Or maybe someone?” He says and him and Kevin wildly smile.

“L-Let’s go!” I say blushed and start walking to the cafeteria.

When we get there, we make the line for our food and then go and sit outside with Kibum and Kiseop, as we always do. They’re of course talking about random stuff and laughing. We join their talk as we eat.

“Hey Ren” Kevin whispers to Ren, but Ren only mumbles and keeps his eyes on his plate. “Here comes JR…”

Kevin, Ren and I watch as JR pass our table. Ren of course, looks up and I think his eyes meets JR’s for a few moments before JR looks away and keeps walking with his popular crew. When Kevin and I look back at Ren, he’s already eating as if anything just happened.

“Ren!” Kevin says giggling. “OhMy, I think he likes you…”He says and moves his brows up and down a few times.

“So what if he does?” He says, cold as usual. Ah, this serious boy…

“What do you mean so what?” I ask him.

“I mean so what. I don’t like him back, so stupid him for falling for me” He says without looking away from his food.

“Aigo! Ren, don’t be so mean! He might be your true love…” Kevin says and stays thinking for a few moments.

“Too young,” He answers after chewing his food. “I’m too young, he’s too young to be in love”

“Aish, whatever Ren. One day you’re going to be kissing him and you’ll remember us!” Kevin says and we both laugh. Wait! Now that I remember…Where might Soohyun be?

“Kibum have you seen-” I get cut off  when I see Soohyun almost behind Kibum.

“Whom?” Kibum asks with his mouth full of food.

“Don’t be so gross Kibum” Soohyun says and Kibum looks at him. They greet each other and I blush as he comes closer to me and hugs me. Kevin looks at us shocked for a moments before he starts having a normal talk with Ren.

“How is my boyfriend?” He asks and I laugh remembering yesterday.

“Fine. How is my boyfriend?” I say, emphasizing the ‘my’. I look at Kibum and he’s jaw dropped; then I look at Kevin, Ren and Kiseop who are also like ‘WTH is going on.’ They all stare at us and I see Soohyun also notices it, but he suddenly gets his usual pokerface.

“Since when are you guys dating?” Kiseop asks getting out from his shock, unlike the other who are still petrified.

“W-we are not …” I say looking down, but soon Kevin interrupts me.

“That’s why you didn’t paid attention in any of  our classes! Donghie is in love!” Kevin says.

“…Oh my god I cannot belive it, God knows how Soohyun convinced my baby dongsaeng to date him!” Kibum says as he stands up with a motherly-expression.

“So what if they’re dating? Is their relationship not ours” Ren says.

“God you just met each other boys!” Kiseop says in amusement. “Just make sure you’re making the right-” Soohyun cuts Kiseop off.

“We are not dating” His deep voice fills the air and everybody looks at him. “We’re just playing, that’s it. So no, we’re not in love, I didn’t black mailed him, thank you Ren and don’t be so like that Kiseop. We’re just joking around” He doesn’t even smiles a bit. Soon everyone starts going ‘Aaah!’ in full relief and keep on their stuff.

“Well that was weird” I say and look down still a bit embarrassed. I’m about to tell him something, but the bell ring interrupts me so I have to say goodbye and walk back to class with Kevin and Ren.

My last periods went painfully slow. When the last bell rang I wished I could go walking with my friends as I usually do, but mom went to pick Soyeon and I. I wasn’t refusing, I just at least wished I could go home and change my clothes before going to…our first day working.

“How was your day guys?” Mom asks us.

“Fine” I shortly answer.

“Very well! You know, today I…” Soyeon starts talking to her as if they didn’t talked anything yesterday. I’m pretty used to it. I roll my eyes and look through the window, wondering what can my job be.

Mom says she’s driving me first. My curiosity grows more and more as she says we’re getting closer.  Is a bit far from home by now, but not as much as I expected it…Aah I wanna know what it is already!

“So, Soyeon isn’t coming with me?” I ask.

“No, she’s having a different job, in a different place” Mom simply answers and I nod. “Ok Dongho, we are…here” She says as she stops the car in front of…the animal shelter?

“I-I’m going to work here?” I ask.

“Yes” My mom says with a smile. I smile wildly and quickly get out of the car, leaving my backpack there since mom is taking it home.

“Ah goodbye mom! Take care! Thanks! Bye Soyeon! Have a great day!” I say as I repeatedly wave my hand to them.

“You have to go with the-” My mom says but I don’t let her finish.

“Yeah mom I know I know give my name, bla bla bla!” I say with the same big smile. My mom softly laughs.

“Ok Dongho…Have a great first day then” She says before she starts driving again. I wave to them until the car is far enough for me to stop seeing it.

“Wait for me little pets~!” I say before walking inside the building.

“Hello! How may I help you?” a young hyperactive looking girl says. I smile at her.

“Oh um, I came here for my new job?”

“Oh yeah yeah!” She says and goes to a desk and checks some papers; I walk to her and stay in front of the desk. “Shin Dongho?” She asks once she read a paper.

“Yes” I say with a smile.

“Oh how great to have you in here! I’m going to call your co-worker and then you’ll start. Your mother already came to fix all these little papers for your temporary job” She says and takes out her phone and soon starts talking. “Yes, yes. He just came….Yes, ok see you here in nothing” She talks with a smile all the time. She seems nice?

“Hello helloooo!” An energetic voice comes from behind me so I turn around. It’s a guy, some inches taller than me with brown mid-long hair (barely reaches his shoulders in the back) and a bright smile.

“Hello!” The girl replies. “it’s him!” She says and walks beside me. The guy walks closer to us and shakes my hand.

“Shin Dongho right?” He says while still shaking my hand. I only nod and his smile grows wider. “Good afternoon Dongho! My name is Alexander!”

“A…alexander?” I ask once again, wanting to check again how it spells. It sounds American.

“Yes! Alexander Lee Eusebio.” He finally stops shaking my hand.

Guess what!? Alexander is in! Ah, I'm so excited. xD

Again sorry for saying I was going to update I think it was...two or three days ago. I just HAAATEE school, that's it. Stupid school.
About the 'version 1' of chap 5, I wrote it; uploaded it AND then deleted, but I re-wrote it and re-uploaded it. I didn't really liked it...Ah, Dongho got beaten by his father. So I think that was why, I wasnt really happy with the result. Mianhe! I might add some drama like that, just not yet...^^

So yeah. I hope you all like this! I added some more 2Shin, because I was checking this the other day and I was all like..."Chapter five and they barely talked? HUM les change that!" So yeah :D! Hehe I hope I could add the little comedy I wanted on this chapy hehe~ xD!

Thanks to my subscribers/Commenters/Readers, you guys are love<3!

And yeah. Look forward to the next chap! Is going to have more *tadadada* Alexander in!(?) and about Dongho's first day on the Animal shelter, and probably curiosity on Dongho by the weird time of the groundment. BD!

Thanks again ^ o ^~!

And I almost forgot. Yes they are Ren and JR from Nu'Est! Just in case ^ _ ^~ And, also sorry if there's any error on it...I didn't checked it a thousand billion times as I use to, because I didn't wanted to make you guys wait anymore é3è!

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Chapter 9 is in process! :3


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Chapter 8: Not to be a pest or anything, but do you think you'll comeback to this story? I really enjoyed what I've read so far. Dongho is my bias and 2Shin is a winner in my heart. And I was enjoying the jealousy from HoonHo interaction. I hope to see an update from you soon. :)
Chapter 8: Come back to this story authornim!! I really like my 2shin. Authornim Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 8: Jaevin? My poor Kiseopie :'( Vinseop T.T

2shin is cute but in reality there is more Soohoon than 2shin :'(
nice story =3=
kissme_2shin #5
please update soon xD
i really like this story..
awww cute :P
I kinda hope Xander makes Soohyun jealous :P
kekeke <3
omo Vinseop, Kiseop is jealous <3 me gusta *vinseop shipper here, well my name says it too xD*
ally-chan #7
me want angst!
update soon~
Ooooooohhhh this is gonna be good
ctmanga #9
plz udate soon<3
ally-chan #10
oohhhh so cute, those guys!
update soon~