Let's Just Go!

Breathing in, Breathing out

“DongHo are you ready yet? We’re leaving in thirty minutes!” Soyeon yelled from her room to mine, both of us getting ready in different ways. She was doing her make up, I was brushing my hair. Suddenly my dad comes to my room.

“You guys are not going out.” My dad said and Soyeon appears on my room with a shocked expression.

“Why? But mom said that-” My dad interrupts her.

“But your mom is not here! She left around one in the afternoon and she hasn’t come!” My dad yells for no reason.

“Yeah dad but…you were the one that fought her” I say rather shy. Or scared. I’m scared of him.

“And who asked your opinion!?” He yells at me.  “Now go into your room I don’t want to see you,” he points me, “Or you” he points Soyeon.

“Aaah dad! Ah just…I just!...” Soyeon seemed like she wanted to say something but was in between saying it and die, or not saying it and also die. She forms fists with her hands and sighs. She turns around and goes to her room, slamming the door in the process. Next you can hear very loud music, some hot new K-Pop songs…Wait I wanted to go to this party too!

“Dad come on!” I say a little angry.

“I told you to go into your room” His voice is even louder now that the music makes it hard to listen. I roll my eyes.

“Ok.” I say no more and slightly push him out of my room. He seems mad about that but I close the door and lock it.

I decide to use my computer for a while. I turn it on and do just as my sister, but instead I use earphones. I play MBLAQ’s It’s War and log onto the social web. I see I have a message from…AJ. I go online and since he is too, I start chatting with him.

AJ: Hey, you are going to the party right?

DongHo: Sorry, can’t. My dad didn’t allowed us to u_u

AJ: Boy, you don’t need to ask permission e_e

DongHo: I don’t?

AJ: Nope, you have to ask for apologies XD!

DongHo: -.- Haha, very funny

AJ: Lol jk. But, you have a window you know.

DongHo: One or another way you’re asking me to sneak out of the house!

AJ: So you would?

DongHo: I don’t want to take the bus. At least not with Soyeon, her dress is far short.

AJ: Then leave her and come!. Psst you have to come! Is going to be awesome! Kibum is going, you know he is not really a party person!

DongHo: I can’t just do that! And  you’re right…Kibum hates parties. But…I don’t know…

I see that thing that says “AJ Is typing…” but as I wait for his message, I feel someone gently hitting my head so I take out my earphones.

“Ouch!” I turn back to see who is it. “Why was that for?” I say rubbing my head. “And Soyeon how did you entered!? It was locked!” I say surprised.

“Oh well I have hair clippers. Come on, if you’re going to wear eyeliner apply it now, we’re almost leaving” She says as she takes out her eyeliner and gives it to me.

“But I-I thought that, like dad said that,” I was a bit confused now. When my dad says no, he keeps on saying no. No matter what, he doesn’t change his opinion.

“What dad said? Ha” She closes the door, just in case, and comes back to stand in front of me. “That is why we’re not telling him. Do you have money for a taxi?” She asks me and I keep on staring at her with surprised eyes and the eyeliner on my hand.

“N-no!” I say and stand up. “What are you-” she cuts me of for a moment.

“Lower your voice!” She whispers.

“Ok…” I start whispering. “What are you thinking about? You’ve lost your mind!”

“I’d lose my mind if I didn’t attend that party. Come on, we need to hurry” She sits me back in the chair by pushing me and takes the eyeliner from my hand. “Close your eyes” I do as she tells me and I feel how she traces a line in the upper side of my eyes.

“Really Soyeon, if someone catches us…”

“But nobody will know, at least not our parents. Open,” She says referring to my eyes. “Look up” Once again I follow her orders and she starts lining my water line. A few moments later she’s done and I don’t even bother looking up because I know she’s good with makeup. However, I look back at my laptop and see I have some messages from AJ.

AJ: How can you not know! Come on, be silent and go out through the front door. I’m about to go, I can pick you up.
AJ: I mean, if you’re ok with it.
AJ: DongHo don’t get mad!
AJ: Are you alive?

I am about to write back but Soyeon gets over excited on the fact that is AJ and pushes my chair aside. She then starts writing. Ah she passes from cool to annoying! Anyways, I get close with my chair to see what she wrote.

DongHo: annyeong AJ<3! Is Soyeon, please come pick us up? We could be kidnapped. We’ll wait outside!

“What?” I ask confused to her. “Why did you put a heart beside his name?” I get even more confused. “Wait I don’t want to know…but anyways, YOU will get kidnapped with that dress. Careful, is so long you could step on it” I say that last line with sarcasm. She rolls her eyes.

“I’m doing you a favor! You’ll love this party as much as I already do. Now choose, window or door” She asks and closes my laptop as she saw that AJ typed ‘I’ll be there in five’.

“God there’s a reason why we have a door!” I stand up and quickly put my long sleeve T-Shirt over my tank-top. “Let’s go.” I say and open the door, but as a great brother, I walk out first.

“You’re a full gentleman” She says in a whisper, taking off her heels for completely silent steps.

“Yeah, I’m your little brother!” I also whisper and slip out my tongue. We see all the lights off on the first floor so we know dad is upstairs. We calmly walk downstairs, trying not to fall or make any noise.

We get to the front door and as I try to open the door I notice is locked.

“Give me the keys Soyeon” I whisper to her and she walks to the keychain that is like four steps far from the door.

“They’re not here!” She starts looking for them around; she looks on the couches, the coffee table, the little desk, the dinner table, the kitchen, but they’re nowhere to be found. “DongHo they disappeared!” Suddenly we hear the door from our parent’s room and we panic.

“umm…umm…” I try to think of something or somewhere they might be, but anything comes to my mind. The door of the parent’s room closes and we hear slow steps coming down.

 I look around in full panic and Soyeon runs to my side. I spot one window…thank god they’re not reinforced. “The window!” I yell in a whisper. Soyeon smiles and we both quickly run to the window. The steps sound now closer. I see that Soyeon has some troubles opening the window so I help her, “Hurry!” She carefully crosses to the other side of the window, carefully and slow.

“FSJNanhajk” She says something, but I can understeand a single words since she covers .

“What’s wrong!?” I say hurried for the steps that are now almost on the corner of the stairs.

“A huge cockroach!” She closes her eyes.

“Who cares is smaller than you! Now jump!”

“Who is there!?” We hear our dad voice on the stairs.

Hello my lovely subscribers~! I hope this is enough, I'll tell you something...Next chap is the party! Hehehe ^ u ^! I'm excited about writing it, the party is basically how this whole story starts xD! and well you may notice that this font is bigger than the rest of the chap, is beacuse to myself I'd rather use big letters, I like them more xD


@8Symmetrical8; Hello thanks for liking my humble work :3! hehehe xD I try to do my best, lol I think that I need more practice with the writing, but I guess practice will make it better x3! Btw, Ik! I am so in love with 2Shin, is my OTP for life~! I wish it had more atenttion, is such a y pairing lol! Don't worry, commenters/subscribers will never be a bother to me :DD! I love them XD!
And, answering to your question, my main language is,....Spanish! Maybe a bit to common but xD Is a cool language XD

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Chapter 9 is in process! :3


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Chapter 8: Not to be a pest or anything, but do you think you'll comeback to this story? I really enjoyed what I've read so far. Dongho is my bias and 2Shin is a winner in my heart. And I was enjoying the jealousy from HoonHo interaction. I hope to see an update from you soon. :)
Chapter 8: Come back to this story authornim!! I really like my 2shin. Authornim Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 8: Jaevin? My poor Kiseopie :'( Vinseop T.T

2shin is cute but in reality there is more Soohoon than 2shin :'(
nice story =3=
kissme_2shin #5
please update soon xD
i really like this story..
awww cute :P
I kinda hope Xander makes Soohyun jealous :P
kekeke <3
omo Vinseop, Kiseop is jealous <3 me gusta *vinseop shipper here, well my name says it too xD*
ally-chan #7
me want angst!
update soon~
Ooooooohhhh this is gonna be good
ctmanga #9
plz udate soon<3
ally-chan #10
oohhhh so cute, those guys!
update soon~