Party? Why do I have to go?

Breathing in, Breathing out


Why can’t you just shut up for a freaking second!?”


I’m not the one that’s yelling! You don’t even listen to me!”


I told you to shut up!

I hear a loud sound, loud enough for me to wake up. I realize it was a dish that was thrown at the floor or something, but that doesn’t stop me from sitting in my bed. I hear more yells, this is such a typical Saturday for me. I rub my eyes, actually wishing that they stop. I hear the door opening and just roll my eyes when I see my older sister (for one year) walking in.

“Is this the attitude you’re going to have with me?” She sounds a bit y. Just as usual. “Ok so I was going to invite you to a party tonight because mom forced me too. Be ready by eight ok?” She turns around and before she leaves I call her.

“Hey wait.” I stand up. “Why do I have to go?”

“So you take care of me. Mom said you had to, otherwise I wouldn’t go.” She says and crosses her arms over her chest.

“Why would I go…”

“Because. Ok listen, I’ll be really far from your table. I heard Kiseop, Kibum, Kevin and AJ are going too.” She smiles when she names AJ. She has a crush on him I think, but her rules for mans are; come, use you, let go. And I see she hates Kevin for some reason.

“Yeah…” I remember they said something about a party, but I didn’t paid attention because I don’t really feel like going out, not now. I’m so into my thoughts I don’t even realize that our parents fight is over.

“Just please do it! Is a sweet sixteen, they’re not very common here in Korea. Please?”

“….Ok I’ll go…” As I say this she starts jumping up and down and she comes and hugs me. I won’t deny I smiled a bit.

“hands off!” I say and gently push her.

“Thank you dongsaeng! Be ready by eight, ok?” She walks to the door and stop for a moment, waiting for my answer I guess.

“Ok. But Don’t leave me until I find them” I say referring to my friends. She smiles and opens the door.

“Ok fine” She gets out.

“Aah…” I let out a frustrating sigh. But when was the last time I went out? Somewhere that isn’t school…about…one and a half month?

I just really don’t like going out lately, I don’t feel like it…Mom and dad keep on scolding me everyday, this days have been really weird. I mean, I did had some fights with them, but this went to a whole other level right now. Any second of the day we’re fighting, I can’t remember when was the last time we had a polite conversation.

But anyways. Should I go more formal? All those programs about sweet sixteen’s, everyone goes on a smocking or something that look really formal so…I guess I’ll wear formal too.

I walk to my closet and start checking out what I have. “Too bright colors…” I say as I see practically all the colors in my closet. I tend to dress depending on my mood, and I feel like wearing something black. I find one black long sleeve shirt and pull it out, for my jeans I just simply think of my black jeans. And my black formal shoes. With a bit of eyeliner. Yeah, all in black. Well I have my clothes now. I turn my face to check the clock that is beside my bed and is 2:13pm. ‘Well I slept a lot.’ I think. Well is Saturday, there is no pro-

“DongHo!” A loud yell interrupts my thoughts and the door wildly opens, smashing hardly against the wall and making me jump a bit. “The house is a ing mess, go clean up!”

“B-but!” I stand up and frown at my yelling dad. “I did it yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and the day before that one!” I cross my arms. “Tell Soyeon to do it! She never cleans anything!”

“Come on! Soyeon is an angel but is not her we’re talking about. Now go down and clean!” An angel? Yeah right dad. If you just knew all the things she does.

“Ok…” I decide not to have a full huge fight so early that is to me and as my dad walks to his room I walk downstairs. I see Soyeon talking on the phone, I can’t spot my mom and I see that the house actually IS a mess. I sigh and go to the bathroom before starting cleaning up, I brush my teeth, wash my face and do what I have to do.

As I clean, like there’s anything better to do, I listen to Soyeon talking about the party and how exciting is going to be. I don’t know if it’s one of her girls or her boyfriend. Poor guy, she doesn’t even care about him. I think she’s using him to get another boy jealous. I realize after a while she’s talking with one of her girlfriends because she’s using way too much the world ‘beach’. Is just annoying, but whatever. Why am I talking about this? Aahh…I hear her saying that I don’t know who is going to be there, it started with Soo. Shin Soo…well I can’t remember. I don’t know why that called my attention? Is going to be a big party and I don’t think I’ll even know his name once we’re in there.

For some weird reason, there’s something about this party that really makes me impatient. I don’t know why, but I have the feeling that something great is going to happen there… But what would it be?


Here I am! With one chapter :33! I don't know if it's good or not, I really didn't know how to start it xD! This has three other version, but I really didn't like them. Not at all. But well....I hope this is good, even though is short; I didn't wanted to take any longer since followers and comments are love ^ u ^~! Hope you like it :3

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Chapter 9 is in process! :3


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Chapter 8: Not to be a pest or anything, but do you think you'll comeback to this story? I really enjoyed what I've read so far. Dongho is my bias and 2Shin is a winner in my heart. And I was enjoying the jealousy from HoonHo interaction. I hope to see an update from you soon. :)
Chapter 8: Come back to this story authornim!! I really like my 2shin. Authornim Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 8: Jaevin? My poor Kiseopie :'( Vinseop T.T

2shin is cute but in reality there is more Soohoon than 2shin :'(
nice story =3=
kissme_2shin #5
please update soon xD
i really like this story..
awww cute :P
I kinda hope Xander makes Soohyun jealous :P
kekeke <3
omo Vinseop, Kiseop is jealous <3 me gusta *vinseop shipper here, well my name says it too xD*
ally-chan #7
me want angst!
update soon~
Ooooooohhhh this is gonna be good
ctmanga #9
plz udate soon<3
ally-chan #10
oohhhh so cute, those guys!
update soon~