Chapter 9

Clutching Sand

Warning: Slight violence. Korean swearing/English swearing against eachoher.

(P.S. the honorific -ah is used when referring to someone special in case that was unclear)
Words used:(Could be wrong as I am very,very white. Tell me if they are wrong so I can fix!)

-Mungchungi: Blockhead,dunce, or idiot
-Manghalnom: Mother er
-Jokgoshipeo: Do you wanna die?
-Sunbae: Senior
-Ssaboida: Cheap(e)
-Jotgga golbinnom: off, airhead bastard

Siwon was taller then Seunghyun by about two and a half inches,surely Seunghyun must've noticed, but he didn't seem to care. Siwon was smiling the carniverous way he had when it came to Jiyong. If Jiyong didn't know better, he'd have thought Siwon was a crazy stalker who wanted to eat him. Seunghyun seemed utterly relaxed with the way he leaned back on his palms and his legs stretched out in front of him. It looked like Seunghyun was mocking Siwon, and Jiyong had a feeling that he knew that too. Siwon was giving Seunghyun a look that said,'oh you think your cool'.

"Oh, whose you're friend,Jiyongie?" Siwon purred, making Jiyong immediately forget everything he had in his mind at that moment. He had been thinking of something really intelligent to say, but everything was wiped clean. Siwon had his hair spiked up like always with a sweat-filled white tee shirt and jeans. Could Jiyong begin his running yet?

"Yeah,Jiyong-ah, who is this?" Seunghyun asked, catching the eyes of the blonde with a lazy smile. Were they really making him do this? Was Seunghyun really on Siwon's side or something, like a sick joke?Jiyong's heart began to beat faster,and his hands were sweating out probably all of the liquid in his body. Was that why he felt his throat constricting?

"U-Uh,um, this is Siwon," he stuttered, pointing to the junior in front of him,"a-and this is Seunghyun," he pointed to the senior next to him.

"So,Jiyongie's got a boyfriend," Siwon said, singing it the way you would the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song, laughing happily. 

Seunghyun didn't get upset in any way, he turned to Jiyong with a raised eyebrow. Jiyong lost his breath at how attractive the being in front of him was. "Are we dating? Wait, maybe I should be asking,could we?" Seunghyun had just poured his feelings out onto a platter offered to Jiyong,but he was unable to respond as he had a different matter to deal with.

Jiyong's eyes widened immediately, his heart pummeled in his chest, sweat poured from his brows. There was nothing in the world he wanted more then to walk around on the arm of Seunghyun. That idea was magic in itself. There was no way this could be true. Where was the catch because Jiyong knew there was one somewhere. "U-Uh-"

Siwon scoffed loudly at the stuttering boy,kicking dirt at Jiyong before he could speak. Jiyong winced in return and began trying to get the dirt off his lap, but he didnt say anything. Seunghyun glared at Siwon with a deathening look. If looks could kill, Seunghyun just killed Siwon and his next five lives. The look in Seunghyun's eyes were territorial, while Siwon's seemed carniverous. It was like in a club where there was that one really y girl who had two guys who wanted her, both good,clean guys, but they couldn't both have her,right? So they'd fight until one stepped down. Seunghyun was getting suspicious about Siwon.

"Yah,that was pretty ing rude. You owe Jiyong an apology you mungchungi." Seunghyun said,shifting so he was sitting with one knee up and his arm on it. Jiyong was so passive when it came to Siwon that it made Seunghyun feel angrier as thoughts of Siwon doing this for who knows how long appeared in his brain. How. Dare. He.

Siwon grinned, finding that one red button that says 'do not press' and pressing it loud and clear. Jiyong was the weakness that would help Siwon kill two birds with one stone. Not only would he get to harrass the hell out of Jiyong that made his day, but he would show Seunghyun who was really the boss as Siwon believed he had the right to separate the weak from the strong. Whoever messed that up had to pay, just like the weaklings did. Besides, Seunghyun was obviously in a lower grade because Siwon had never seen him in any of the junior events. But currently, Siwon focused on the words that Seunghyun just uttered to him.

"Who the do you think you are?" Siwon hissed at him, standing up straight in a position that was ready to lunge for the other boy when he got fed up, which would no doubt be soon. Seunghyun seemed to have found the button too. They were going to create a World War III through their words most likely. Everything was going up in flames soon, and Jiyong was that one stupid soldier who was stuck in the crossfire, like always. A little boy on fire that was unreachable in the burning building.

"I think I'm Seunghyun actually, and I think you're a stupid manghalnom who should go die in a hole with the rest of your brain. Who do you think you are?" He replied snarkily,looking into the eyes of Siwon. The senior stood up, looking at Siwon with a grin on his face. There was a tiny height difference, but Seunghyun had muscle on his side. Shoulders more broad, and arms tighter. You wouldn't even know that Siwon was taller.

Siwon growled,pushing into Seunghyun chest to knock him over, but he stood there like a rock. Jiyong noticed the way he stood,he presumed that was how he stayed up. "Jokgoshipeo? I think I'm the one whose going to run over you. What grade are you in,hoobae?" 

Seunghyun laughed in Siwon's face. He laughed at the pure irony of how Siwon thought he was better, of how stupid the boy really was, but mostly that he had the audacity to assume that Seunghyun was his junior. "I'm your sunbae. I'm a senior, and your disgraceful needs to get the out of here before you find yourself with your head between your knees. Punk,Jokgoshipeo?" He returned, putting extra emphasis. If there was anything Seunghyun wanted right now, it was to fulfill his promise. No one had a right to do something like this to someone, and especially not this bad.

Jiyong hissed, his teeth peeling open his lip as he bit. Seunghyun immediately took his attention off of Siwon to look at him,frowning when he saw what the younger did. Jiyong gave a 'what can you do' shrug, and began biting on his finger. The time it took for Seunghyun to look behind him and back at Siwon was all he needed to think of a comeback.

"Gay senior for a gay sophmore, how cute. I guess you failed to realize that Jiyong's ssaboida!"

That was all it took now,because Jiyong gasped,and threw his hands on the ground. "Stop it Siwon!" It sounded like he was on the verge of tears again because that one hurt, possibly as bad as the beatings. Now, Seunghyun was close to the edge, but he had some self restraint left. He wasn't going to hit because that would be easy to get him in trouble. But there was definitely something in store for this stupid prick.

So he smiled a wide,completely at ease grin with eyes as dark as the devil's. "Jotgga golbinnom." 

Both the boys were stunned. Jiyong could feel a tear ride down his cheek, but he tried to wipe it away before any of the others fell. Siwon's face was beat red with anger as he sent the punch to Seunghyun. Jiyong brought his hands to his face,completely unsure of what he should do. If things got any more out of control, he was going to yell, and scream, and kick, and do anything in his power to stop the world. 

Seunghyun was expecting the punch though,the smile never faltered. He immediately pushed the fist to his right,sending him stumbling to the opposite side Jiyong was sitting. "Jiyong-ah, please move back. I don't want you to get hit." He said, not turning away from Siwon now as he was expecting a return blow or lunge. Jiyong scrambled up and moved backwards,his eyes flashing between Shindong and Kyuhyun to Siwon and Seunghyun. 

"You stupid ! I'll show you who you're messing with!" Siwon turned around quickly,sending another punch to Seunghyun that collided with his shoulder,temporarily knocking him off balance. 

The battle had begun.  Seunghyun regained his footing and twisted, sending a kick to Siwon's arm that knocked him to the ground. Before he could stand up, Seunghyun jumped on his stomach and pinned down his arms. Siwon began bucking, trying to get free, but for once in his life, he was inferior. Jiyong began to mumble incoherent things to himself, trying to mentally will himself to stop being on the sidelines. He stared at Kyuhyun and Shindong,thinking they surely were going to jump in to help, but they didn't. They watched, and stared at Jiyong back from time to time, unsure of what to do as well.

Seunghyun held both the boys hands down, and he used one of Siwon's hands to grab his hair,smiling. "How does it feel to be the underdog? Now, I think you owe someone an apology,am I right?"

Siwon glared,spitting up at Seunghyun who just barely missed by moving his face back;It landed right back on his own, and he growled as he tried to shake it off. Seunghyun shrugged lightly and slammed Siwon's head into the grass,making him give a grunt of pain. "Am I right?"

Siwon's eyes narrowed as he said,"I'm not apologizing to that pansy." 

Seunghyun sighed,pulling back his hand. "Then I'll beat the out of you until you take your back,gaesaekki." The second his hand collided with flesh was when he heard Jiyong's voice. It was a small, hollow ah coming from his small lips. Seunghyun turned to him, to see the teary eyed and shaking figure. It was clear that he was scaring him, even if he was helping him. He glared at Siwon, growling his words as he grabbed at the younger boys throat. "I'm going to tell you once, if you ever so as look at Jiyong with bad eyes, I'll end you so fast you won't even blink. You can eat and die." Seunghyun pushed off him to stand up, making Siwon lose his breath and roll over to the side as he tried to get it back. "That goes for you as well." Seunghyun looked at Siwon's little gang, his anger tenfold over right now before he turned to Siwon. "Get the out of here." 

Siwon got up,glaring harder then he'd ever done before. His eyes were as black as if him and Seunghyun were in a contest of who had the most hatred right now. He pointed to Jiyong,a smile crossing over his bleeding lip that was leaking across the bruise on his jaw. "You can't beat me! I always win!"

Seunghyun laughed,his eyes black endless pits of rage. It looked like Satan had possessed him. "I just did, and I will again I ing promise. I grew up fighting little es like you."

"This isn't over. I'll get you both back for this." He spit blood on the ground before walking away,pushing away anyone who came near him. His gang followed a small distance away. Someone was definitely was in need of a huge time out.

Seunghyun turned to Jiyong. He was crying now with his hands at his sides and his eyes shut tightly like a five year old. The older strolled over to him,taking his face in his hands as he brought his eyes up to him. Slowly they opened to look at Seunghyun,teary and puffy. It made Seunghyun want to chase all of them down and beat them reapeatedly until there was nothing left was cement, beat them until they had no blood left. If only now was the time, but he knew that it was time to help the precious boy in front of him. Jiyong needed him the most right then.

"I think you're prettiest when you're smiling Jiyong-ah."

Jiyong looked at Seunghyun before shaking his head and burying his face in the jacket that had just dried a second ago, his hands clutching the material in front of him as he cuddled against the older boy. It was an immediate response from Seunghyun to wrap his arms around the younger,his head placed gently on top of the blonde hair. Jiyong heard the sigh of relief,and for a moment, all was well.

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Ahhh it's over~ I can't believe it! Thank you all for supporting my story and subbing!! I LOVE YOU


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mikadosm #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for writing this. I'm so sensitive to bullying lol. But really... you should at least write one more chapter to really finish this. It is such a cliffhanger... but I can understand if you can, I have the same problems haha.
Gtop1988 #2
Chapter 23: Please please this story is so good you don't even know. Please update and continue the story it very good and you have written it so well. Be proud of your story it very great I must say.plz update it I beg you
Vira115 #3
Chapter 23: Can you at least make a one shot sequel?This fanfic is so cliffhanging me
I could have sworn I read this ages ago and some of this rally felt nostalgic but there were chunks that were completely new to me! I think perhaps I started it but never finished it. Anyways, I really liked this. I know how hard it is to come back to a story or an idea after so long but I hope that maybe one day, you might feel inspiration strike. Even if it's just a once off, this is where they are years later kinda thing. I feel like it would be really beautiful ^^
Chapter 13: Thank u
I love tabi protecting ji
This is so touching
Thanksforreading #6
Keep up the good work!
yaaaah #7
I remember Reading this awhile ago. I remember I found the story unique and your Writing language Beautiful, thought I'd tell you this. Good job with the fic! :)
Nour93 #8
Chapter 23: It was very good fanfic though u left me hanging i dont know and cant imagine how will the ending become but thank you for this .
Even though i read it because gtop hut the fanfic had alot more than that ... Made me really think about how hard the teenagers life is .
GREAAAAAAT STORY!! <3 though i would really love a sequel-.-....... OTL pls make one!