Chapter 6

Clutching Sand


Jiyong woke up that morning with aching everything. Definitely not something that he missed, nor wanted to happen again. He stood up from his bed, wiping sleep from his eyes, or well, at least trying too. At first he planned to not take a shower this morning, but with the sleep trying to consume him, he realized it would be a very intelligent idea to help wake up and take on this soon to be ugly day. 
When he got out of his room, his sister waved at him with a smile as she made her way out of the house to go to her University. The cold air of the house hit him immediately, causing a small shiver as he crossed through the living room to the kitchen. The smell of his mothers Kimchi Gamjajeon was empowering. TaeHyuk set down his cup to look at his son as soon as he entered the dining room. 
"Why didn't you tell me you knew Seunghyun?"
Jiyong tilted his head, confused as he went to grab a plate. "What do you mean? I just met him on Monday." 
"He goes to your school though. He's a senior at Seoul Highschool."
Jiyong turned around,eyebrows knitting together in confusion. Surely this was a joke,right? "No he doesn't. He works at your shop everyday."
TaeHyuk took another sip of his drink,giving a shake of the head when he sat it down. "No, he works Mondays,Tuesdays, and Fridays. Wednesdays and Thursdays he has Highschool, and has half days on Friday. You haven't seen him around before?"
Jiyong considered the days,suddenly realizing that his dad might actually be right. "Well the classes are kept separated so he wouldn't be in my classes, and I've never seen him before so it's not like I would have been looking for him. So he goes to my school what days,again?" The pancakes fell easily onto Jiyong's plate as he began searching for utensils to eat them.
TaeHyuk looked down at his phone,not noticing the panic that was spreading through Jiyong's body. "Wednesdays and Thursdays." 
Jiyong put his elbow on the counter for a moment,thinking everything through. Seunghyun was a Senior, Siwon was a Junior, so they wouldn't have classes together, not to mention the fact that he had never seen him there before. Course they hadn't exactly been looking for eachother,but how could Jiyong have missed a six foot, sweet talking, attractive as hell man that radiates charisma? Maybe he could survive this,right?
"I heard he's going to keep his eye out for you now that he knows you go there too. He laughed when he wondered how he had missed a blonde kid walking around." 
Wrong. Jiyong could feel his stomach in his feet, the same moment his mother came through the doorway and bumped him with her hip. "Hey honey,what're you doing just standing there? If you don't hurry, you might be late for school." 
Jiyong snapped out of his fueding mind,beginning to eat his breakfast. TaeHyuk asked a few more questions about various things with a few inputs from Jiyong's mother,Soo Yun, when she heard their conversation. Eventually he managed to finish off his breakfast and be driven to school by his mother.
It was in the middle of the day,directly three minutes and fourty two seconds until the lunch bell rang; Jiyong was counting the minutes down. Siwon was sitting sideways in his seat in front of him as always,scratching his pencil on a broken edge against a peice of paper,causing an ugly shrieking sound that made Jiyong shiver and try to cover his ears. It made him close his eyes and try everything to block out the noise,especially Siwon's laughter that was now mixing with it. Mr.Cho walked over,banging his ruler on the desk twice to get Jiyong's attention once more. Is class over yet? Better yet, can I disappear into a black hole? Finally though, the bell rang, and Jiyong stood up to collect his things. Siwon stabbed Jiyong with the pencil in the rib once,getting a flinch. He did it again. Jiyong moved to the side as he zipped up his backpack. Siwon stabbed him in the shoulder now with two pencils,causing a hiss as he hurried out,holding his shoulder. 
The moment he got out of the doorway, his quick walk seemed to turn into a sprint as he made his way towards the cafeteria. About halfway there, someone tapped his arm. Jiyong turned,surprised, near ready to scream. 
"What are you so jumpy for? It's just me Jiyong."
Jiyong immediately put down his hands,surprise taking over him as he bowed to one of his teachers. "Hello Mr.Ahn. Sorry. Me and my friends, we are,uhh, playing this game. I thought you were one of them." He tried to laugh, but it came out sort of awkward.
Mr.Ahn didn't take notice, or maybe he pretended not too, because he changed the topic smoothly. "Well I was going to make sure you had a subject for your research paper since I noticed you were having trouble deciding."
Jiyong smiled,nodding his head. "Yeah, I finally stopped being so picky about it. Thanks for the concern." 
Mr.Ahn nodded before walking the opposite direction, leaving Jiyong sitting there, facepalming himself. That could've been so close now. For a moment he thought he had just run into one of Siwon's stupid friends. Now was usually the time they like to stand in a circle and push him back and forth,but much to his fortune,they didn't seem to be there. 
Until a hand suddenly grabbed Jiyong,swinging him around. Immediately Jiyong yelped,positive of who it was this time. His arms covered his face,and for a moment, he thought he could already hear the ringing of him hitting the lockers in his ears. There was no way it couldn't be someone else. The first time was luck, a once in his lifetime deal. 
"Woah, are you okay Jiyong?" 
Jiyong's eyes opened so fast it was unreal. Wide and surprised, and for a moment his eyes hung open like that. "S-Seunghyun-sshi?"
Seunghyun let got of him, laughing at the bewildered expression of the younger,poking his face once he finished. "You don't have to be so formal to me Jiyong, but why'd you freak out? I was just going to say hi. Am I that scary or something?" 
Jiyong shook his head, a grin starting to break apart the shock and fear that once lit up his face. "Sorry,sorry-" He didn't finish, Seunghyun began to move his hands the way Super Junior did in the song and it made him laugh. He even put his hand to his face to help mute it. "You just surprised me. I thought you were someone else." 
Seunghyun raised one of his brows, a look that was familiar to Jiyong, that could make him whimper under his gaze. It took all of Jiyong's strength to not start stuttering his words or use other nervous gestures as he looked into the eyes of a man who could probably make Jiyong's heart stop had he ever wished it. 
"Who'd you think I was?" Seunghyun tilted his head,watching the boy for lies most likely. 
"No one, er, well I mean a friend." 
"Someone who was planning to hurt you?" 
"No! We were,playing, a-a game."
He lied. And Seunghyun must have known that he was lying through his teeth,but for some reason he just nodded,shaking his hair a little afterwards too. It was quiet a moment, and it seemed as though Seunghyun was about to go when Jiyong found himself asking a question he never thought he would. "Hey, hyung?"
Seunghyun looked at him,curious as to what the younger wanted.
"Do you have anyone you hang out with at lunch?"
Seunghyun shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Not really. I'm that one awkward kid that doesn't talk to people really."
Jiyong chuckled,poking the black haired male in the chest. "That's a lie. You talked to me."
"Well you're an exception I guess. I don't really talk to people long enough to get to know them, or at all for that matter really. I guess I'm pretty antisocial. I sit in weird places and either sleep, or write." He chuckled, probably from the irony that he was actually standing there telling a Sophmore about his idioticy.
"Why don't we hang out? I don't have anything to do since my friends are either makeing up tests, or helping with that community project thing. I'd like to see what you write!"
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Ahhh it's over~ I can't believe it! Thank you all for supporting my story and subbing!! I LOVE YOU


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mikadosm #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for writing this. I'm so sensitive to bullying lol. But really... you should at least write one more chapter to really finish this. It is such a cliffhanger... but I can understand if you can, I have the same problems haha.
Gtop1988 #2
Chapter 23: Please please this story is so good you don't even know. Please update and continue the story it very good and you have written it so well. Be proud of your story it very great I must say.plz update it I beg you
Vira115 #3
Chapter 23: Can you at least make a one shot sequel?This fanfic is so cliffhanging me
I could have sworn I read this ages ago and some of this rally felt nostalgic but there were chunks that were completely new to me! I think perhaps I started it but never finished it. Anyways, I really liked this. I know how hard it is to come back to a story or an idea after so long but I hope that maybe one day, you might feel inspiration strike. Even if it's just a once off, this is where they are years later kinda thing. I feel like it would be really beautiful ^^
Chapter 13: Thank u
I love tabi protecting ji
This is so touching
Thanksforreading #6
Keep up the good work!
yaaaah #7
I remember Reading this awhile ago. I remember I found the story unique and your Writing language Beautiful, thought I'd tell you this. Good job with the fic! :)
Nour93 #8
Chapter 23: It was very good fanfic though u left me hanging i dont know and cant imagine how will the ending become but thank you for this .
Even though i read it because gtop hut the fanfic had alot more than that ... Made me really think about how hard the teenagers life is .
GREAAAAAAT STORY!! <3 though i would really love a sequel-.-....... OTL pls make one!