Chapter 4

Clutching Sand


Jiyong was staring at the wall next to him, the dirtied way too many times it could possibly be white color, the posters of math equasions,but he could still feel Siwon looking at him. Though that might be because he always looked at him this period, just like he always tripped him on his way out of class, or he'd pull his hair,something. The bell rang overhead,students sighed in relief as they left,already being packed up. Mrs.Park laughed heartily and began to wave at the children,understanding their want to go. 
Siwon stood at the door frame,waiting. Jiyong walked towards him,attempting to brush past as he always did,and then failing like he always did as Siwon slapped him on the back with his hand,gripping his shoulder. Most of the strike was collected by his blue hoodie, but Jiyong fell from the sudden force as Siwon pushed him downwards to where Jiyong collided with the plastic school tile floor.
Mrs.Parks turned around quickly when she heard a slap, walking over to Jiyong. Her hand went to his arm as she helped him up, looking over him for any damage. "Are you alright Jiyong? What happened?" She looked around, but all the kids were out of sight. Siwon,he was probably a mile away by now.
Jiyong waved his hands,laughing like a child. "I tripped, I'm okay. Thank you though." He bowed his head to her to show his gratitude before rushing off towards his car. If there was anything he wanted at the moment, it was as far away from that school at possible. Anything but staying where Siwon could lurk. Jiyong hurried threw the halls, hearing a few mocking words as he went past Shindong, Kibum, and Sungmin. It was easy to block out though because they usually repeated ones he had already heard before, like the overly used idiot, or gay, or freak. 
The car ride home was long and quiet. His mother attempted to keep convorsation strong by asking questions, but Jiyong cut her out with his simple answers and insisted fatigue was why. So she sighed, staying quiet the last five minutes of the trip as she dropped him off at the shop,gave him a kiss, and then left Jiyong to the loud blistering noise of the car repair.
The first thing Jiyong saw was Dami,standing at the door with their father,discussing some business stuff. His sister was a secretary for the shop as she seemed genuinely interested in the place, but not as much the car side of it. So he walked up to door and knocked once,catching their attention in order to keep from hitting them with the door. TaeHyuk smiled and opened the door for Jiyong to step in. "How was school?"
"It was fine."
"Anything interesting happen?"
Jiyong forced a laugh that sounded so real, he almost believed it while heading towards the back room. "Nothing that doesn't happen any other day." 
The blonde boy threw his bag onto the desk,not even wanting to think about his homework just yet. In fact, not wanting to think about anything. But instead, he did think. His wrists were itchy, and so was his back from the fresh cuts that mustve been there. Luckily they were mostly just scraps, but Jiyong did have two pretty good bruises; one on his back, and one of his stomach.
I wonder if Seunghyun is out there..? He didn't know why, but he felt like he wanted to talk to the man. Maybe it was from the kindess he showed him the day before,or just the way his smile curved in a way that made him seem so genuine. Maybe even the way Seunghyun gave him a feeling of value. As if someone liked him being around in a way, something he hadn't seen in who knows how long. Maybe it was because, and even Jiyong knew this, he was beginning to like the guy more than he should. Maybe it was because Jiyong was determined to find something wrong with Seunghyun so he could stop this crazy crush developing!
Jiyong bit his lip. What if he thought he was annoying? It might be weird if Jiyong went looking for him to talk some more, especially since he does have to work. It took a few moments for him to decide what to do, and his conclusion left his hands sweaty. Slowly, he exited the backroom,seeing no one, and walked calmly into the store where he was greeted by a person standing behind the counter. One he hadn't actually expected to be so easy to find.
"Jiyong." Seunghyun greeted, smiling warmly to the younger. "Surprised to see you out of the dark."
Jiyong gave a playful glare as he walked a few steps closer to sit on one of the chairs behind the countertop,sitting a few feet away from were Seunghyun,who was standing by the broken register. They used to use the shop to actually sell items that people needed, also known as actually using it as a shop, but eventually TaeHyuk just turned it into another storage room where they housed supplies for the cars and the computers for all ordering and such. It's also a part where people can take breaks. 
"Yah,I told you I'm not a vampire." Whined the boy playfully,spinning back and forth on the swirl chair he sat on, but then he laughed. "Do you have the right to criticize me when you dress like that?"
Seunghyun looked down at himself,taking in his appearance as if he forgot what he wore. Who knows,maybe he did? The boy was wearing straight legged, not skinny jeans, but straight jeans that were a dark denim that seemed a little too long as he had them rolled at the bottom. His shirt was another black one, but this time it had a red dragon that started at his right hip and went up towards his shoulder with short sleeves that had korean lettering across. The black glove from yesterday was gone,leaving both hands bare to expose the cut fingernails, with messy black hair that still went to his neck in long black strands. "What's wrong with how I dress?" He questioned, laughing openly. 
"You dress like more of a vampire then I act. You have some kind of Goth-Gangster look going on." Jiyong looked him up and down again,trying to look higher to keep his eyes off the broad chest that flexed when Seunghyun crossed his arms. 
"Pfft. Don't you have homework or something to do? Something else besides talking about how apparently bad I dress?" Seunghyun joked,eyeing Jiyong playfully for a moment before checking the time. 
"Actually, no I don't. This is probably why I don't come out. Don't you have something better to do, like work?" Jiyong questioned back.
Seunghyun chuckled. "Actually no. As of," he paused to check the clock,"Almost three minutes ago I'm on break. I have an hour until I have to work." 
Jiyong sat up,putting his hands on the part of the chair between his legs as he looked at Seunghyun. "Oh really, so what do you do when you do work?" 
Seunghyun sat on the old counter,rested his forarms on his thighs as he looked at Jiyong. "I fix cars, I help troubleshoot, and sometimes I put things away. Whatever TaeHyuk-sshi tells me to do really." 
"Ah." Jiyong thought for a moment before adding,"So you like cars?"
"Hell no. Cars are probably the worst invention in our universe." 
Jiyong looked at Seunghyun,blinked a few times, and then caught Seunghyun break his straight face. They both began to laugh. "For a moment I was wondering what was wrong with you."
"Well obviously I wouldn't work here if I didn't like cars Jiyong. What about you? What kind of things do you like? You said you liked music a  lot yesterday,right?"
Jiyong was surprised. It genuinely surprised him that Seunghyun remembered that. Somewhere between their utterly long conversation from the day previous, Jiyong did say music was a big part of him, but he said a lot of things about himself(and learned about Seunghyun too). Did he really pay attention?
"Yeah. I have a strange connection to music."
Seunghyun nodded his head,seemingly happy he had heard him correctly. How much stuff did he remember from yesterday? Jiyong remembered telling eachother their birthday,food prefrences with a while of arguing about what was better, various basic stuff. Even some about their families. Seunghyun's sister seemed rather kind, but his older brother was still a mystery as he wasn't spoken of much. Jiyong in return told him the same things, but kept the convorsation relatively on Seunghyun.
"When words fail,music speaks." 
The way Seunghyun said those words hit Jiyong. How, or why he didn't know, but it hit him. Maybe it was the way the males head was tilted to the side as his bright, beautiful eyes looked off towards a collage of paint, or the way his voice had a hint of something so,unrecognizable. Either way,Seunghyun would have killed Jiyong with that gaze if he ever looked at him that way. So in thought, and free looking.
"Do you ever write music?" Seunghyun asked,looking towards the boy curiously. 
"Yeah." Jiyong froze for a moment, putting his hand to his mouth,nervous suddenly. "That was not something I wanted to admit. Why did I do that?" He asked, a happy bewilderment across his features.
Seunghyun chuckled. It was a deep,hearty laugh that left butterflies in Jiyong's stomach. His dimples popped out, and his eyes shut. "Because when it comes to music, you can't lie. It has a way of speaking for you, am I right?" 
Before Jiyong could answer,someone walked through the door. "Hey,Seunghyun-sshi, can you get something while your back here?" 
Seunghyun looked at the person who had entered and hopped off the counter to meet him at the door. "Sure Youngbae, what do you need?" He glanced at the peice of paper once, to where Youngebae was pointing, and headed back into the isles. It seemed like it took him a moment to find it as he was back there for almost two minutes before he came back with a large white box that was the size of Jiyong's head probably. Well not exactly, but not that far off. 
"Thanks. Saved me a trip." Youngbae said, smiling at he departed the room with a wave from Seunghyun.
The older began his walk back to the opposite side of the counter with long strides. Jiyong gently swung back and forth as he wondered if he should speak, or wait until spoken too. As Seunghyun got closer to him, Jiyong felt an itch on the side of his neck and reached to scratch it,suddenly feeling a pain. 
A voice suddenly cut threw everything. Jiyong could feel his hands beginning to sweat again.
"What happened to your neck?" 
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Ahhh it's over~ I can't believe it! Thank you all for supporting my story and subbing!! I LOVE YOU


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mikadosm #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for writing this. I'm so sensitive to bullying lol. But really... you should at least write one more chapter to really finish this. It is such a cliffhanger... but I can understand if you can, I have the same problems haha.
Gtop1988 #2
Chapter 23: Please please this story is so good you don't even know. Please update and continue the story it very good and you have written it so well. Be proud of your story it very great I must say.plz update it I beg you
Vira115 #3
Chapter 23: Can you at least make a one shot sequel?This fanfic is so cliffhanging me
I could have sworn I read this ages ago and some of this rally felt nostalgic but there were chunks that were completely new to me! I think perhaps I started it but never finished it. Anyways, I really liked this. I know how hard it is to come back to a story or an idea after so long but I hope that maybe one day, you might feel inspiration strike. Even if it's just a once off, this is where they are years later kinda thing. I feel like it would be really beautiful ^^
Chapter 13: Thank u
I love tabi protecting ji
This is so touching
Thanksforreading #6
Keep up the good work!
yaaaah #7
I remember Reading this awhile ago. I remember I found the story unique and your Writing language Beautiful, thought I'd tell you this. Good job with the fic! :)
Nour93 #8
Chapter 23: It was very good fanfic though u left me hanging i dont know and cant imagine how will the ending become but thank you for this .
Even though i read it because gtop hut the fanfic had alot more than that ... Made me really think about how hard the teenagers life is .
GREAAAAAAT STORY!! <3 though i would really love a sequel-.-....... OTL pls make one!