Chapter 20

Clutching Sand


Beep. Beep.

Jiyong rubbed his crusty eyes with his fingertips, trying to remember the reality of what was going on in the world. The television played dimly across the room, and Seunghyun still had the control in his hand. It made him laugh as he moved back into the side of his boyfriend. The movement caused Seunghyun to shift slightly to the right in order to slam off the slarm clock and then quickly back to the left so he was forcefully holding Jiyong in a secure lock because he knew Jiyong was going to try and get up for school. Seunghyun wasn't having that this morning.

The younger gently poked at Seunghyun, probing for any sign of life. As a response, there was a large sigh and being held tighter like a teddy bear that needed life squeezed into it.  Jiyong laughed and mumbled,"Yah,  we have to get up." 

"No, we don't. You just think we do, and you're very, very wrong, Ji."

Jiyong rolled his eyes, thinking of another way to be able to move his rusting joints. His hands moved from cuddled in front of their chests to Seunghyun's sweatshirt, gently making their way under the thick material. Seunghyun opened an eye at this, but was just a fraction to late as he began laughing and cringing as he tried to force Jiyong's hands away from his incredibly-weak-against-tickling sides.

"Yah,yah, s-stop that!" Seunghyun could barely force words through his laughter, but surprisingly, was able to jump backwards, almost crashing off his own bed. Jiyong laughed at him as he heard Seunghyun mutter, "I'm going to get you for that later. Just you watch." 

"Sure,sure. Remember that appa only said I could spend the night if I got to school today-"

Seunghyun interupted Jiyong's words as he waved his hand. "And you lied about having some project that I could help you on. I remember," and finished the thought for the other who was now rising from the bed. It took all of his strength to not throw a pillow at the boy for a peice of revenge.

Jiyong got changed in the bathroom again, still feeling awkward and self concious even though Seunghyun made him wear a short sleeve shirt and sweat pants all weekend. Every time Jiyong caught Seunghyun looking, he'd kiss him quickly, and then Seunghyun would kiss his wrists again. It happened four times over the two days, and after the second, he added,"You're so handsome Jiyong.

By the time he came back, Seunghyun was done and rumbling around on his phone with a loud, contagious yawn that flew over to the younger boy. 

Seunghyun rose from his bed and pocketed his phone to stand up. Jiyong clasped Seunghyun's first two fingers as they walked back down the hall and into the kitchen to get something to eat before he dropped him off. It was mostly quiet as they ate, but it was a confortable silence. Not one that needed to be interupted, but could if desired. It was just peaceful. A few moments later, Jiyong dropped off his bowl in the sink and headed out to the car. Jiyong sang to the songs on the radio, and Seunghyun managed to chuckle even though he was one of the most non-morning persons on the history of the planet. 

"Blahuhamnia I'm not ready for this," Jiyong muttered, suddenly wondering what on earth he had said at the beginning of his sentence. It wasn't that important though, because his breathing was getting shallow, and his heart was pumping blood faster than need be. The hand holding his tightened, causing him to look over. 

"Jagiya, you've lived with it for a while now, you can handle three days, right?" 

There was an implied, until I come back. Jiyong almost wondered if Seunghyun would turn around the car had he been about to say he couldn't handle it. It was probably a good bet that he would have. "Yeah, I can. That does't make it any less terrifying though." 

Seunghyun sighed, pulling Jiyong in for a chaste kiss that left a feeling of the breakaway being too soon to both of them. His hand reached out to caress Jiyong's cheek, and the younger leaned in to the touch with an agitated sigh because he did not want to do this. "You've always been stronger than everyone, Jiyong. You dealt with this with no help at all. I still believe in you." 

And for some reason, that gave Jiyong hope, because he hadn't heard that for a long while. It reminded him of his harabeoji, not because Seunghyun was an old man or anything, but from when Jiyong was little and he first began writing songs. It was him who told him he could make it big, and really helped Jiyong push himself in writing the lyrics of his emotions as a verbal message.

"I'll see you later, okay?" 

Jiyong nodded, grabbing Seunghyun's hair and pulling him in for one last kiss before he grabbed his backpack and walked out into the abusive zone. No one said much to him. In fact, it was as if he didn't exist, just like before his secret was revealed. Wait, it was, wasn't it? Everyone knew he was some freak, but no one was laughing or making fun of him. This was indeed odd. No one payed much attention, in fact, a few people smiled and waved at him as if they actually wanted to acknowledge his existence.

Out of the blue came a just slightly shorter boy tumbling to Jiyong, shaking him like mad. "Why didn't you tell us? Why not? you didn't answer any of our calls either!" His friend bellowed, obviously very upset from the MIA sophmore. The younger boy looked like he was about ready to stomp his feet and pound on Jiyong's chest as hard as he could until he got an answer.

"You think it's easy to just tell you when I have a problem, do you?" 

Seunghyun Lee looked downwards, sighing as Daesung interupted with a much nicer way of what the other was saying. "I tried to tell him that, but I do wished we could've helped somehow, or at least wondered why you stopped hanging out with us so much. Maybe you can give us a chance to try?" His eyes were swirling with hope, and a touch of determination. "I'm actually sorry you felt like you couldn't tell us."

Jiyong pulled the two into a hug, a ghost of a smile attempting to break through his straight lined lips but failing. "I'll need a lot of help. The more the merrier, but you guys will have to meet someone first. Someone whose been helping me for a while now." It was good a time as any, Jiyong reasoned, so maybe sometime his Seunghyun could meet his friends, but they'd need some way to diffrenciate his friend from his boyfriend. "But you might need a new name, Seunghyunnie, because he has the same name." Jiyong never thought it'd matter because they'd never meet, but he wanted a chance to be happy now. A chance that didn't involve relying on a razor blade in his pocket to bring him relief. A chance to show himself that he was still alive, and that this was where he wanted to be. With help, he might just get there because he still had the biggest trigger nagging at him. His mind.

"Really? I wanna know who this guy is! Who is he, hyung?" Seunghyun asked, suddenly intruiged by this. "You'll tell us, right?"

Jiyong put a finger to his lips secretively, because he wasn't sure how he was going to break the news exactly yet. After a month of hiding his Seunghyun and making up lies to his friends with why they weren't hanging out, which they didn't even do much anyway, it was going to be a strange new task that was more on the bad side of the worthy scale. "You'll find out soon enough, okay? I think you guys will like him." 

The bell rang loudly, and the trio headed towards the staircase to their first class, but something grabbed Jiyong's black backpack enough to cause him to stutter. Jiyong turned around, looking at who was attempting to get his attention. His blood ran cold as ice shot through his limps to keep him from running anywhere. Fear always kept him rooted to the spot instead of running like any normal being.

"I want to talk to you, Jiyong." Siwon said, his eyes at nothing in particular, hands in his pockets. Like this, he almost looked like he was a normal kid, not a terrorizing murderer who really needed some psycological help. 


Siwon's eyes widened lightly as he looked at him. "Are you that scared of me?"

Daesung and Seunghyun looked at the pair, eyeing daggers to the junior as if they were planning ways to roast him over an open fire. Even though they didn't know who Siwon was, or why Jiyong was so troubled by his appearance, they could sense the tension of something wrong. Daesung crossed his arms, raising a brow when Siwon looked at him, smirking when it flew back to Jiyong.

"Can we talk..alone?" 

Jiyong straightened his posture, his sweaty hands fisted at his sides as he grumbled out a soft "no." There was no way he was going anywhere with this maniac. If he did, there was no way that he would ever be able to make up for the things he had done, and he was already planning out he was going too because he owed a lot of people things. "We can talk here, but hurry, class starts in five minutes." 

Siwon grumbled something, anger flashing through him to where it was almost as if he was ready to hit Jiyong. The boys behind him were about to spring to action and yell for a teacher, but Siwon didn't do it, so they went back to watching him closely, standing a little closer to their friend. 

"I like you, okay? I felt intimidated near you, so I lash out and make fun of you because you won't even look my way most of the time. When other kids thought it was cool, I started going further, but I didn't know that you did that because I played stupid jokes on you and pushed you around. A lot of people have been talking to me lately. I didn't know I was killing you. I thought it was a joke. One of them was your friend telling me how much I've ed you up, and yeah, I have."

"You near killed me a few times Siwon. That's not something you do when you like someone. It's what you do when you want to feel higher then them, and you knew what you were doing."

"My brothers and me play around like that all the time. I didn't know how much stronger I was then you and I'm sorry. I really just wanted your attention."

Jiyong took a step back, shaking his head. Hell, his whole body was shaking by now. "No, Siwon. You wanted a play toy, and I was your victim. I'm not going to be a part of that anymore. I won't be like this anymore because of you." Jiyong turned and ran, his friends following right after as he ran into the halls and to his classroom, crashing through the doorframe as the bell rang. 

Everything was a lie. His friends, his boyfriend, they showed him that he had a right to himself. He had a right to be free. Daesung and the other Seunghyun had sent him multiple messages, and his boyfriend had proved it to him this weekend- this whole month. Siwon wanted to get closer to Jiyong so he could hurt him worse, it was so obvious, wasn't it? Siwon couldn't be trusted, right? He was using this kind of thing because Jiyong kissed him during the fight, and he thought he could use it to get close to him, and break him. That would be a damn near perfect plan. If Siwon took Seunghyun's place, he could watch Jiyong not only crash and burn, but be the reason he did and steal all of Jiyong's options to able to live. Siwon was a twisted person trying to catch Jiyong on a noose.

Well wouldn't that be the perfect plan? Seunghyun had fought for so long, and he no doubt was weakening from it. It would probably take one, maybe two, more fights for Seunghyun to just get up for good because no one can handle that much. Even if Seunghyun was in some crazy love with him. It would just hurt to much to go through.

Siwon was wrong. This was over.

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Ahhh it's over~ I can't believe it! Thank you all for supporting my story and subbing!! I LOVE YOU


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mikadosm #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for writing this. I'm so sensitive to bullying lol. But really... you should at least write one more chapter to really finish this. It is such a cliffhanger... but I can understand if you can, I have the same problems haha.
Gtop1988 #2
Chapter 23: Please please this story is so good you don't even know. Please update and continue the story it very good and you have written it so well. Be proud of your story it very great I must say.plz update it I beg you
Vira115 #3
Chapter 23: Can you at least make a one shot sequel?This fanfic is so cliffhanging me
I could have sworn I read this ages ago and some of this rally felt nostalgic but there were chunks that were completely new to me! I think perhaps I started it but never finished it. Anyways, I really liked this. I know how hard it is to come back to a story or an idea after so long but I hope that maybe one day, you might feel inspiration strike. Even if it's just a once off, this is where they are years later kinda thing. I feel like it would be really beautiful ^^
Chapter 13: Thank u
I love tabi protecting ji
This is so touching
Thanksforreading #6
Keep up the good work!
yaaaah #7
I remember Reading this awhile ago. I remember I found the story unique and your Writing language Beautiful, thought I'd tell you this. Good job with the fic! :)
Nour93 #8
Chapter 23: It was very good fanfic though u left me hanging i dont know and cant imagine how will the ending become but thank you for this .
Even though i read it because gtop hut the fanfic had alot more than that ... Made me really think about how hard the teenagers life is .
GREAAAAAAT STORY!! <3 though i would really love a sequel-.-....... OTL pls make one!