Chapter 18

Clutching Sand

The wind seemed so much more calm than Jiyong's racing heart as it faded under a cloudless, darkening horizon sky that was bleached with dim yellow. Seunghyun and Siwon were circling eachother like recently-escaped wild animals that were fighting over prey. Siwon was smirking a toxic grin that ate half his face in it's sideways path as he brought a hand up to run through his spiked hair. Seunghyun looked calm, but fierce, almost territorial, as if the land he was walking on really belonged to him. A fun part of the fight being the before-the-actual-fight-comeback-show where they yelled insults at eachother a mile a minute, if even that long, to see who really started the fight.

"I almost wonder if it's a crime to hit a gay guy. You know, like hitting a girl?"

Seunghyun cracked a morbid grin and replied,"I'd be careful. You're the one whose been getting pretty close to Jiyong, "Straightaway." I'd almost think you liked Jiyong too, but hey, who could blame you?" There was a glint to his eyes. One that would have resembled the way a detective would to a guilty criminal to get a rise out of the latter,and it sparkled when it did. 

The comment was enough to make Siwon's face fall, and for a moment, it almost looked like he was unsure if Seunghyun's words were true, or false, sending Jiyong shivers from the three or four yards apart they were. The confusion was masked,Siwon continued his confident stride, but now with a stricter face on. "You know, I do like Jiyong, as a punching bag, which is exactly what he will be when I beat your gay face in."

Seunghyun chuckled, actually chuckled. It reminded Jiyong of the Lion King with the I laugh in the face of danger, hahahaha. Who knows, maybe he wasn't scared of Siwon, but they'd see where it led too. Right now, things were still in Siwon's favor because he was calling the shots. "You keep using gay as if it's an attempt to insult me. Is that really all you have? I could go on for days how bad your grades are, and how bad you are at flirting with girls, not to mention how bad you are at cheating. I don't do that, but if I did, at least I probably wouldn't get caught." 

Siwon rolled his eyes, stopping because he must have something he was so confident with that he knew Seunghyun would lunge for him, starting the fight. Seunghyun stopped too, waiting. For a breif moment, his eyes scanned the circling crowd for Jiyong, who was to the left in the very front of everyone, and he softened for a moment before standing up straighter as if he suddenly got a newfound strength inside the younger boy.

Seunghyun's lips were in a relaxed, just before grinning, form before he swatted at a fly buzzing around his head, and it was then that Jiyong remembered another thing from when they were kids. Jiyong used to be terribly afraid of the bees where they used to play out in their rural playground. Everytime he would see one, which wasn't often but did happen, Seunghyun would grab his hand and lead him away before returning and trapping the bee in a jar, and every now and again suffering from the stings in which Jiyong would have to remove stingers for. Everytime, Seunghyun would give a huge, goofy grin through the pain that would make him cry out, and Jiyong would apologize profoundly, but Seunghyun always told him one phrase. One he still told him to this day no doubt, that he'd been too blind to realize. Just to see you smile, I'd do anything, Bongie. It doesn't hurt that bad. I can get over it cause I'm tough! And then he'd flash a macho pose and thumbs up,which gave Jiyong the idea to do it to him as a kind of reassurance, but the fight had begun.

Siwon had lunged at Seunghyun for a comment that didn't make it through via the blockade of thoughts, and now fists were flying. Siwon was hitting much faster, but Seunghyun was hitting with more force, so it was hard to tell who was really winning. Two minutes in and Seunghyun had a bust lip with blood in his teeth, and Siwon's eye was blackening with one of the vessels popped. There was constant kicking, but something Jiyong took notice of was that Seunghyun wasn't trying to hurt Siwon. He was actually trying to catch him in a choke hold it seemed like. For a moment, Jiyong thought Seunghyun had him. Seunghyun had grabbed both Siwon's arms in pure rage and pushed away his hands to grab at his neck.

Grey and shiny, the metal appeared out of thin air, and it made everyone gasp when there was ripping clothes and an hurtful hissing noise. It made him spit at the ground in agitation as the liquid fell in slow drops to the ground, and Siwon soon after followed as Seunghyun pushed back with great force. Seunghyun stayed a step back, keeping his eye on the switchblade in Siwon's hand as the same male's chest reverberated with laughter while he stood back up.

Siwon made joking movements to watch as Seunghyun would pull back at each one cautiously, and laughed each time before finally lunging forward. Seunghyun lost his balance  and fell forward, hissing when the blade cut his collarbone before he twisted and managed to get to the other side. Things were bad, and just getting worse becuase now the only thing on Seunghyun's mind was the blade, not the person behind the blade. Now he was starting to panic because there was a weapon involved. There was an opportunity that he needed, and Jiyong mentally hated himself for this, but he knew that he was going to make sure Seunghyun won because of how sure he was that he wouldn't.

He crossed a few more steps to the left and grabbed Siwon's shirt, pulling him up and back towards the crowd and kissing him on the mouth. It was quick, but slow enough that Jiyong's top lip was bloody now as he pushed him back into the clearing. People made sounds to the left and right, and Siwon's face contorted as he rose, but Seunghyun was paying attention now with a deadly alertness. Something good about a kiss, they give you a sense of confusion when it's done, and that was the one window that Seunghyun needed to kick the blade from the junior's hand and pull him to the ground. There was a sickening crack as bone met cement, and now Seunghyun was choking him, literally.

Siwon was clawing at his arms, motioning for help, which made a group of guys immediately stand up and begin forward, but they were countered when the same amount, and then a few, stood at the opposite side, crossing their arms. Seunghyun brought friends, and they were giving a daring glare to Siwon's gang to take another step. Two of the men, Jiyong recognized from the shop and was surprised to see, while the others he wasn't very familiar with.

Suddenly, Siwon started slamming his hand on Seunghyun's arm, but it seemed like Seunghyun didn't plan to let go. It took three people to pry him off and a collage of "he's tapping out" or "let him go" to get Seunghyun off while Siwon sat on his hands and knees panting. There was a dark look to Jiyong before it returned to Siwon. 

"Still think you're hot ?"

Siwon glared up, pointing shakely. "T-This isn't..over."

Seunghyun scoffed and grabbed the knife from the ground, his eyes were ice. "You're right. Next time I will kill you." There was a sharp swoosh as the blade spun in calloused hands before being pocketed. "Now leave him, the , alone." Seunghyun was panting between words, but he was still as threatening, and the sweat on his forehead was beading down his face more obvious.

A grin, and Siwon whiped blood at his lips. "Oh, but now the game is interesting. Don't you see, this is the beginning, because now the game is interesting." The laugh that followed was maniacle, one only a truely evil-inside-and-out person was capable of. It was scratchy from his bruised windpipes, but still filled the air in the same ugly way his presence did. 

Jiyong crossed over to Seunghyun,grabbing his shirt sleeve gently to get an upset look from the older, but it softened like it always did. Seunghyun interlocked their fingers, that familiar wave of happiness washing to them both, and Siwon let out some hoarse cry of anger at it, which made Seunghyun smile and kiss the younger boy's hand happily as Jiyong bathed in the protectivity.

"Merong," he said, sticking out his tounge, as he wove through the people and out towards the park area, receiving a few cheers, and a few ugly grunts. There was a call from one of the car repair men, his name started with a weird letter, but Jiyong couldn't remember. 

"Good job!" He yelled, waving with a grin. 

Seunghyun smiled back and nodded. "Thanks," he called, pulling out his phone to send a signal of, 'talk to me later' or something like that. When they got a wave back, Seunghyun yelled goodbye to Youngbae, promising he'd talk to him later, or tomorrow, but he couldn't stick around. Youngbae seemed to understand, and he sent back a signal that looked like he was saying "me too" so it was okay. They trusted eachother, a lot.

And then there was an ugly phrase that chilled Jiyong, and flared anger in Seunghyun.

Jiyong kissed Siwon! It rang through the trees, the windless enviroment, but most of all, the mind. Because Jiyong did kiss Siwon, hard, and on the mouth. Granted it was because Jiyong was desperate, and it was the worst thing he'd ever done in his life, but he did it, and he knew Seunghyun was mad. So why hadn't he yelled at him yet? Why hadn't they had a fight yet? Jiyong was tired of fighting, and he wanted to give in, but he needed pushing. There was a side of him that was nothing but fear, needing to be guided until it was nonexistent because he needed to be told there was truth in the fact that what could be gained is worth what could be lost, even if it wasn't true.

Jiyong stopped walking, and raised his head with his eyes closed as if he was mentally preparing and everyone needed to do that every now again. Especially when he was going to do what he was about to do. "We do this a lot, don't we?"

Seunghyun laughed. "Seems like you like to start, and stop, go off and on until you're satisfied. You worry me."

Jiyong punched Seunghyun is the arm, hearing a tiny noise of faint displeasure as it was probably already bruised from Siwon's dirty hands. The thought of someone having their hand on Seunghyun made his skin crawl. It just wasn't right, so why couldn't Jiyong just stop it? Especially to Seunghyun, whose waited patiently while he faced problem after problem. Yes, he complained, but he listened, and he faced it, and even more importantly, he accepted it. 

"Why don't you just punch me for a good five or so mintues, and then we can talk." 

Jiyong glared at the bad attempt at a joke,making Seunghyun surrender under the strong gaze of him. There was a sigh, and he scratched his neck, looking out at the darkening horizen. Cloudless still, but shaded and enough to make the wind finally arrive, or maybe Jiyong just hadn't payed any attention to it. It must've been around five now,probably when he should call his mom. It was now or never, right?

"Can I go to your house? I don't want to be, well, in public." 

Seunghyun raised an eyebrow, confused as to why he didn't want to be outside. It was a nice enough night, but he didn't plan to turn him down, so he reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone, beginning a text message. "Can I ask why?" Seunghyun didn't look up, he just SMSed while he listened for an answer.

Jiyong's face got red, bile started to churn in his stomach to even it out with a paleness in his face. For a moment, Jiyong almost fell with a strange noise emiciting from his mouth. Seunghyun hooked his hand around to grab Jiyong's side, giving him a worried, and warning, look. "Jiyong, are you okay? Are you sick?" The boy's phone went off, but he ignored it so he could put his hand to the other's forehead,seeing if he had a fever. "Jiyong, you're warm." He stated, soft as he looked at Jiyong with a deep frown.

"My leg is infected, and I haven't slept well for a while, and I just ache. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I haven't really eaten, and there is too much stress." Jiyong listed,sighing deeply as he put his fists to his completely drained face.

Seunghyun checked his phone and then pocketed it before pulling Jiyong a long. "Well then, we should get home soon so you can lay down."

Jiyong followed, but murmured something, his eyes closed so he could pretend he wasn't actually doing this right now. This was something he promised to never do, a promise to himself and whoever listened to him when he made the first mark. Seunghyun was still unsure of what was going on, so Jiyong would let him in on it, and see where it went. Surely no where good, that's never how it ended up, but they would have to see what happened. "That's not what I planned to do though. I'm..Ugh."

Seunghyun pulled Jiyong closer, put his hand around his shoulders and continued walking,not showing much emotion besides an exhausted look. "I'm listening," he urged, curiousity overcoming the cat faced cutie.

"Because I know you aren't going to just leave me,huh?"

"Took you long enough to realize," he scoffed.

"I'm going to show you." 

Seunghyun raised a brow, looking at the younger boy when he felt the other's arm snake around his hips. "Show me what? I haven't seen everything already?" 

Jiyong bit his lip, chewing it as he choked out,"Not everything Tabi." But he would fix that, even if it started in the worst possible place.

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Ahhh it's over~ I can't believe it! Thank you all for supporting my story and subbing!! I LOVE YOU


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mikadosm #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for writing this. I'm so sensitive to bullying lol. But really... you should at least write one more chapter to really finish this. It is such a cliffhanger... but I can understand if you can, I have the same problems haha.
Gtop1988 #2
Chapter 23: Please please this story is so good you don't even know. Please update and continue the story it very good and you have written it so well. Be proud of your story it very great I must say.plz update it I beg you
Vira115 #3
Chapter 23: Can you at least make a one shot sequel?This fanfic is so cliffhanging me
I could have sworn I read this ages ago and some of this rally felt nostalgic but there were chunks that were completely new to me! I think perhaps I started it but never finished it. Anyways, I really liked this. I know how hard it is to come back to a story or an idea after so long but I hope that maybe one day, you might feel inspiration strike. Even if it's just a once off, this is where they are years later kinda thing. I feel like it would be really beautiful ^^
Chapter 13: Thank u
I love tabi protecting ji
This is so touching
Thanksforreading #6
Keep up the good work!
yaaaah #7
I remember Reading this awhile ago. I remember I found the story unique and your Writing language Beautiful, thought I'd tell you this. Good job with the fic! :)
Nour93 #8
Chapter 23: It was very good fanfic though u left me hanging i dont know and cant imagine how will the ending become but thank you for this .
Even though i read it because gtop hut the fanfic had alot more than that ... Made me really think about how hard the teenagers life is .
GREAAAAAAT STORY!! <3 though i would really love a sequel-.-....... OTL pls make one!