Hyung ! seriously ?!!! Are we going to live in this house ? sunggyu groaned  "the kids won't like this for sure , right guys ? " he turned his head towards the member . the other nodded their head in response showing that they're agree with sunggyu except sungjong who had been staring at the house in awe . sungyeol grew annoyed and slap sunjong head . 

"yah ! why do you look so interested ? " sungjong gave him a death glare and rub his head in pain .

"stop slapping my head ! " he whined . "why did i have such choding hyung ?" sungjong mumbled .

"bwoh ? !! what did you say ? you want to die ? " sungyeol attempt to slap sungjong head again when hoya hold him back. 

"yah ! both of you stop now " hoya scolded .sungjong and sungyeol hung their head down in shame .

"mianhe hyung " the both said in unison . 

"yah stop copying me ! " sungjong shouted . "what you're the one who mocked me" both sungjong and sungyeol started to fight again .

sunggyu face palmed seeing his maknae's fight .

"sorry kiddos " manager apologized everyone pay attention thier attention to the manager even sungjong and sungyeol who were just grabbing each othe collar. "this is all we could get for you guys since our company didn't sponsor much but i promise once you guys are better in this industry i'll get you guys a better house. " he smile . infinite just look at the house weirdly .no one dared to make another step into the house . 

"aww come on ,you guys should be grateful this house is big plus it's cheap " manager patted sunggyu shoulder and walked into the house .

sunggyu let out a long sigh ,"i guess ,this is it ,for a while only " sunggyu take a deep breath and follow manager inside . "just for a moment" woohyun shrugged and trail after sunggyu . 

soon everyone were inside the house , not knowing there's something wrong with the house .......

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Chapter 8: please update...
aliainfinite #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon:)
zzks46 #3
Chapter 8: Update soon! ;D
Chapter 8: Update soon! :D
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #5
Chapter 1: Wonder what's wrong with the house ._.
Chapter 7: Really.. I'm really really in to this fanfiction already..
It is scared but interesting...
Update soon, author-sshi...
ahhaaha >< @haehae95 you better sleep early tonight ><