Eighty Five: Key

Lost You
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As soon as the doctor says yes and brings me my clothes, I change into them. A mirror that had hung on the bathroom wall showed me the ‘K’ embedded across my chest and arm. Most likely a permanent reminder.
    But even as I’d stared at it, even as I ran a finger over the marred flesh, I couldn’t believe this had happened to me. It didn’t feel real. I felt as if any moment now, I’d wake up, I’d be in my dorm, still sick. Jonghyun would wake me up, carrying in the medicine he’d gone to get.
    I wouldn’t feel like everything was messed up and wrong, I wouldn’t feel like it would’ve been lucky had I not made it this far. That I was ready to break mentally and emotionally.
    Once the doctor came over to clear me officially, I had to force myself to look and act sane though I wanted to run and scream. Even though I was free, I felt like prey as I walked down the street, feeling like I was being hunted. I kept my head down, and began to run when I felt everyone’s gaze on me. Hunted by who, or what now, I had no clue. Maybe it was all in my head. I didn’t know. I run faster as more people blur by, not sure if I was searching for reality or praying for a dream.




A/N: Here's the first of the 3 chapters I promised you all, please enjoy and I know its short, but to all you lockets out there, He has a SUPER long ch

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actually nvm..i'll just warn ppl in the foreword


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LuckyMend_97 #2
Chapter 111: Omo!! I do love this fanfic!! The story is so cool, and your writting.... Honestly, so perfect. I haven't read a fanfic that good in a while*.*
Chapter 42: Chapter 37 and 38 won't work?!?! >< is it just me or what?!?!?! OMG!!!
PetShawal #4
Chapter 38: Even though I cheated and read the last chapter, I still don't dare to continue reading this! You're way to scary >< I am 100% going to get nightmares from this
PetShawal #5
Chapter 23: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! keeeeeeyyyy!! It's hard to describe an emotional breakdown in a comment…
sofie93 #6
Chapter 111: I really enjojed the story! Well done! :)
Chapter 111: it ended seriously?!....oh well i love it and im glad i found this thank you author-nims, this was amazing i read it all in one go and boy was i swept up...the details about Key's tortures to the rescue/virus and finally the happy ending this was plain amazing thank you again^^
nanawildredrose #8
This story is just FANTASTIC !! *-*
I was reeeealy schoked when i saw that there were 110 caps Ö_______Ö ahahahah xD
I´m glad that the story finished with a happy end :')
You are awesome really :D
( sorry for bad english .. i'm italian x3 )
naturallygreen #9
I really liked it!
It wasn't something I would usually read but it was very well written and I enjoyed it! Even if it was so sad at some parts :(
It had a good ending :)
Thank you! I hope you continue writing! :)