Eighty Three: Key

Lost You
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“Hyung...?” a familiar voice wakes me up from my dream and I look to see Minho at the end of my bed.
There’s dries tear stains on his face and his eyes are slightly pink.
“How long...” I adjust my position to sit straighter, “How long have you been here?”
“A few minutes, I-I wasn’t sure whether I should wake you or not,” he stutters, and my attention refocuses on him. He never falters.
“Come here,” I speak motioning for him to come closer.
“Does the bullet wound hurt?” he asks, pulling a chair closer.
“No..not anymore, thanks to the painkillers. But that’s not what’s on my mind, you were crying?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he forces on a smile but it was obvious to me how fake it was.
“Don’t lie to me, please,” I roll my eyes.
He looks at me startled, and then nods.
I stare at him as a small silence follows, and then add,
“You know, I’m sure you’re not allergic to hugs.”
He smiles slightly, moving to do so.
I realize he isn’t one to show off his feelings, but a realization struck me as the IV on my arm pushed deeper into my arm. No matter how hurt I was, I couldn’t let it show. I had to keep strong. For the maknaes, for my hyungs. Everyone. If I went down, they’d come with me.
I force on a smile, moving him a bit to help with the pain of the IV and manage to give a small laugh,
“It’s alright, I’m alive, I’m well and finally out of there...we are out of there. I can leave here tonight, I’m not in critical condition any

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actually nvm..i'll just warn ppl in the foreword


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LuckyMend_97 #2
Chapter 111: Omo!! I do love this fanfic!! The story is so cool, and your writting.... Honestly, so perfect. I haven't read a fanfic that good in a while*.*
Chapter 42: Chapter 37 and 38 won't work?!?! >< is it just me or what?!?!?! OMG!!!
PetShawal #4
Chapter 38: Even though I cheated and read the last chapter, I still don't dare to continue reading this! You're way to scary >< I am 100% going to get nightmares from this
PetShawal #5
Chapter 23: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! keeeeeeyyyy!! It's hard to describe an emotional breakdown in a comment…
sofie93 #6
Chapter 111: I really enjojed the story! Well done! :)
Chapter 111: it ended seriously?!....oh well i love it and im glad i found this thank you author-nims, this was amazing i read it all in one go and boy was i swept up...the details about Key's tortures to the rescue/virus and finally the happy ending this was plain amazing thank you again^^
nanawildredrose #8
This story is just FANTASTIC !! *-*
I was reeeealy schoked when i saw that there were 110 caps Ö_______Ö ahahahah xD
I´m glad that the story finished with a happy end :')
You are awesome really :D
( sorry for bad english .. i'm italian x3 )
naturallygreen #9
I really liked it!
It wasn't something I would usually read but it was very well written and I enjoyed it! Even if it was so sad at some parts :(
It had a good ending :)
Thank you! I hope you continue writing! :)