Fifty Nine: Onew

Lost You
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I catch up to Jonghun, panting, and doubling over as I grip the back of his shirt to stop him from crossing the street.

“You lost them, Jjo-Jonghyun, you can’t go running around the city.”

He looks down the road as if watching someone walk away.

Minho comes up behind us,

“Please tell me you got the license plate...” he wipes sweat off his forehead.

He thinks a moment...

“Yeah, I did.”

“Great so report that to the police, and then they can track it down.” I speak.

“I know,” he speaks running a hand through his hair, “It’s getting late,” he looks up at the sky and my gaze follows.

Between the tall buildings you can make out the transition of the sky from light to dark. I realize now that b

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actually nvm..i'll just warn ppl in the foreword


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LuckyMend_97 #2
Chapter 111: Omo!! I do love this fanfic!! The story is so cool, and your writting.... Honestly, so perfect. I haven't read a fanfic that good in a while*.*
Chapter 42: Chapter 37 and 38 won't work?!?! >< is it just me or what?!?!?! OMG!!!
PetShawal #4
Chapter 38: Even though I cheated and read the last chapter, I still don't dare to continue reading this! You're way to scary >< I am 100% going to get nightmares from this
PetShawal #5
Chapter 23: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! keeeeeeyyyy!! It's hard to describe an emotional breakdown in a comment…
sofie93 #6
Chapter 111: I really enjojed the story! Well done! :)
Chapter 111: it ended seriously?!....oh well i love it and im glad i found this thank you author-nims, this was amazing i read it all in one go and boy was i swept up...the details about Key's tortures to the rescue/virus and finally the happy ending this was plain amazing thank you again^^
nanawildredrose #8
This story is just FANTASTIC !! *-*
I was reeeealy schoked when i saw that there were 110 caps Ö_______Ö ahahahah xD
I´m glad that the story finished with a happy end :')
You are awesome really :D
( sorry for bad english .. i'm italian x3 )
naturallygreen #9
I really liked it!
It wasn't something I would usually read but it was very well written and I enjoyed it! Even if it was so sad at some parts :(
It had a good ending :)
Thank you! I hope you continue writing! :)