Five: Key

Lost You
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            I roll over onto my side, my body aching everywhere. I open my eyes and blink at the small amount of sunlight that hit’s my face from a window high above.

            Where am I?

            I stare at the small patch of visible blue sky, letting my eyes adjust. I look down to see my shirt’s missing, so is my jacket, and I’m covered in fresh bruises and red lines that look like whip marks that sting badly, overlapping older wounds. Damn it, I’d been close to escaping too...the rope they used to bind my hands had left cuts on my wrist and it hurt to move them around too much, but that was no surprise, I was glad to be free after being bound for weeks. My jeans were ripped a little and covered in dirt probably from when I tried to fight that one guy off yesterday. Ugh, my head throbbed, pounding with its own drum beat. What did they do to me?

 I move to get up, wincing as I stand and my back hits a bookshelf. I moved a little too fast, getting a little dizzy, but I still look around, walking slowly around the space.

            The room is small, but there are a lot of random things stored here. Picture frames, paintings, lamps, tables, there’s a full length mirror and I walk over to it, wiping away the thick layer of dust and looking at my reflection.

            I blink, look away and then back.

            Not my hair. Hell no, I’d get them back for this. They’d dyed most of it green; it looked like lettuce.

            I was glad to see my beautiful face was still fine. I look around for a door, but don’t see one.

            No door? Then how’d I get in here? I run a hand along the walls, trying to find some way out, but there was nothing.

            I hear a muffled voice suddenly, and move back to wear I woke up, sitting down. If one of the men was coming to get me, I could find a way out. A hatch on the floor opens, and one of the men’s heads pokes in, he grins and I realize how stupid I was for not noticing the door. I was in an attic. Great job, Kibum.

            “You’re gonna be a good boy today, I hope,” he comes in, shutting the door.

            “You’re crazy if that’s what you think,” I face him, clenching my fists.

            He laughs,

            “Come on Kibum, we both know you’re not a sports person, you can’t fight me. I’m sure you remember yesterday.”

            “Yesterday’s gone. It’s a new day,” I stan

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actually nvm..i'll just warn ppl in the foreword


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LuckyMend_97 #2
Chapter 111: Omo!! I do love this fanfic!! The story is so cool, and your writting.... Honestly, so perfect. I haven't read a fanfic that good in a while*.*
Chapter 42: Chapter 37 and 38 won't work?!?! >< is it just me or what?!?!?! OMG!!!
PetShawal #4
Chapter 38: Even though I cheated and read the last chapter, I still don't dare to continue reading this! You're way to scary >< I am 100% going to get nightmares from this
PetShawal #5
Chapter 23: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! keeeeeeyyyy!! It's hard to describe an emotional breakdown in a comment…
sofie93 #6
Chapter 111: I really enjojed the story! Well done! :)
Chapter 111: it ended seriously?!....oh well i love it and im glad i found this thank you author-nims, this was amazing i read it all in one go and boy was i swept up...the details about Key's tortures to the rescue/virus and finally the happy ending this was plain amazing thank you again^^
nanawildredrose #8
This story is just FANTASTIC !! *-*
I was reeeealy schoked when i saw that there were 110 caps Ö_______Ö ahahahah xD
I´m glad that the story finished with a happy end :')
You are awesome really :D
( sorry for bad english .. i'm italian x3 )
naturallygreen #9
I really liked it!
It wasn't something I would usually read but it was very well written and I enjoyed it! Even if it was so sad at some parts :(
It had a good ending :)
Thank you! I hope you continue writing! :)