Ninety Five: T.O.P

Lost You
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“Do they know?” Jiyong asks.

“About the lead doctor’s death?” I speak, “There’s no need to mention it.”

“Well seeing that he died from a virus that was found in Key’s room, I think he does,” Taeyang speaks.

“Wait, what virus?” SHINee’s manager Choi sat beside our own Manager, he’d kept quiet until now.

“They had a virus..i thought the shots we were giving them or that SHINee was being given were just some drug that picked up their heart rate and messed with them...” the image of myself carrying key in after they’d tied him down and tortured him flashed through my head but i clear it away, “In fact we were giving Key, and I don’t know which other members, small doses of the virus they’d created.”

“Are the anti-hallyu sentimentalists also part of this?” he speaks leaning forwards, “and how will we know who has it, what are the symptoms?”

“Undefined. I wasn’t told much.” I answer
“But you were the one working closest with the head of the Yakuza!” he speaks outraged.
“Manager Choi, please lower your voice,” Jiyong and our manager speak as a few people turn to look at us.
“Mianhae but will someone please explain to me what the problem is now, what virus? I can’t have a group of deadly idols walking around everywhere,

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actually nvm..i'll just warn ppl in the foreword


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LuckyMend_97 #2
Chapter 111: Omo!! I do love this fanfic!! The story is so cool, and your writting.... Honestly, so perfect. I haven't read a fanfic that good in a while*.*
Chapter 42: Chapter 37 and 38 won't work?!?! >< is it just me or what?!?!?! OMG!!!
PetShawal #4
Chapter 38: Even though I cheated and read the last chapter, I still don't dare to continue reading this! You're way to scary >< I am 100% going to get nightmares from this
PetShawal #5
Chapter 23: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! keeeeeeyyyy!! It's hard to describe an emotional breakdown in a comment…
sofie93 #6
Chapter 111: I really enjojed the story! Well done! :)
Chapter 111: it ended seriously?!....oh well i love it and im glad i found this thank you author-nims, this was amazing i read it all in one go and boy was i swept up...the details about Key's tortures to the rescue/virus and finally the happy ending this was plain amazing thank you again^^
nanawildredrose #8
This story is just FANTASTIC !! *-*
I was reeeealy schoked when i saw that there were 110 caps Ö_______Ö ahahahah xD
I´m glad that the story finished with a happy end :')
You are awesome really :D
( sorry for bad english .. i'm italian x3 )
naturallygreen #9
I really liked it!
It wasn't something I would usually read but it was very well written and I enjoyed it! Even if it was so sad at some parts :(
It had a good ending :)
Thank you! I hope you continue writing! :)