Chapter 4

You Can Call Me TaeJun

Now you were in front of the door, you had been standing there for what seemed like forever.

Ahhhhh~” you were starting to get sleepy and the yawns just kept coming, but you didn't want to risk going inside there if he was still awake.

Come on! There's no other way! Classes start tomorrow, and you need rest!” You pumped your fist in the air then dropped it.

But if I go in there sleep won't be the biggest issue, waking up the next day will be!!” You were becoming frustrated, and you started to pace back and forth in front of the door.

SHUT UP!!” “WERE TRYING TO SLEEP!!” People in the other dorms were yelling making you realize you had been yelling the whole time.

Sorry” You finally whispered.

You turned back to the door and took a deep breath

Here goes nothing. You thought and turned the door knob with your eyes shut tight.

When you opened them you saw that the lights were off and you relaxed a little, but not for long.

All of a sudden the table lamp on the desk , revealing Baro who was smiling creepily.

Roomy! Where have you been I missed you!” He jumped off out of his chair and tackled you with a really tight hug.

S-s-so you're n-n-not m-m-mad?” You asked struggling to breath.

Of course not! Why would I be mad?” You just stared at him in wonderment “You should go get washed up then get to bed, its almost 1AM” He said in a weird cheerful tone.

1AM? I was standing out there for and hour?” You mumbled quietly, but he still heard you.

What?” He asked kind of loosing his happy tone and returning to the deep voice you heard earlier.

Nothing, um, just...Good Night!” You were relieved that he wasn't angry but kind of weird-ed out by the fact that you were still hugging, and his hands were on your waist and your hands were on his chest.

You were starting to feel super uncomfortable.

Uhhh, I-i'm gonna g-go w-wash up.” You said struggling to get out of his grasp.

Okay” His voice was once again jolly, and he let go of the hug. But now he was staring at your chest, making you covered it with your hands. You then ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

You leaned against the door breathing heavily, “Are all guys this...touchy-feely?” You wondered making a mental note not to sit too close to anyone at lunch.


While you were in the washroom Baro was plotting.

Yup, definitely a girl. When I hugged her she automatically put her hands on my chest, I could feel a bra strap, when I stared at her chest she instinctively covered it up. Che, that was too easy.” He shook his head and went back to bed.


To recap what just happened lets go back to when you were hiding from Baro...


So he...she..'it' has pads, girls clothes and deodorant, and hair extensions. And this could only mean one thing,”

Actually he could just have a weird love for dressing up like a girl.” Jinyoung corrected.

or he could be gay.” Added Sandeul.

The guys came over to Baro's dorm with take out since he said he couldn't come out to eat, when they saw him with all those pads they got suspicious. The only way he could prove they weren't his was to tell them about what happened earlier.

Okay, so it could mean many things. But! The most logical is that 'its' a she.” Baro declared.

Why isn't it logical that he's just gay?” Sandeul asked.

Why do you keep saying that? Are you gay?!” Baro exploded kind of annoyed, and disturbed because he was really hoping that you weren't gay. Since that would be awkward for him if you started to like him, and you were a guy.

NO! I have a girlfriend! Jeeze, I just meant that judging by his student ID picture he is kind of scrawny...and his skin is really milky.” Sandeul started to admire, and everyone else gave him weird looks.

I am not!! I have a girlfriend! You guys met her today!!!” He started getting angry.

Calm down Sandeul-ah we're just joking.” Shinwoo tried to quiet him down.

He is right though, today when I bumped into him I barely felt anything but he fell onto the ground. And when we were talking his voice was kind of high pitched. So really it could be either.” Shinwoo said rationally.

True, but how can I make sure?” Baro asked his hyungs and Gongchan.

They began listing the things that Baro should check for:

-Bra strap/'You-know-what'

-Where 'it' puts their hand while hugging

-What happens when you stare at 'its' chest.

After the guys left Baro stayed up to wait for you and it was 10PM so he assumed you would be home soon.

Time passed and it was 1AM. He already fell asleep but from out side he started to hear yelling and jolted up. He heard the door knob turning since he left it open knowing you didn't have the key. He raced to the desk and sat down.

You entered and he the light.


Back to the current time...


You washed up and changed into your pyjama's, when you got out of the bathroom Baro was still awake but he was just lying on his bed. They were bunk beds, he was on the top one and you were on the bottom by default.

You got yourself settled into bed and as you were about to turn off the amp Baro spoke,

You know there is one way you can repay me.” He said leisurely.

Of course! Anything!” You were still feeling guilty, even though he didn't seem mad anymore you wanted to make it up to him.

Be my servant for the entire year.” He said bluntly.

What?! No way!” You laid back down and crossed your arms.

You wrecked my most precious childhood memory.” He feigned the sound of loud weeping.

You softened and started to feel terrible again, “Fine!” You groaned and uncrossed your arms.

Okay, tomorrow I will have a list prepared for you.” He said in his normal voice again and he didn't sound one bit upset.

Aish, this guy! Really! You turned of the light and closed your eyes. With your fists clenched tightly you fell asleep, not knowing that the next day would be hell.


Short chapter today...

Anyway, thank you to all of my subscibers!! I may not have many, but I'm lucky to even have this many! Plaease continue to support me ^-^

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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 12: nice chapter:-*:-*:-* write more taeyun and baro moment please:-*:-*:-* good job authornim:-*:-* update soon:-*
DeullieSa34 #2
update soon authornim~~
Chapter 11: Awh, I caught up. *cry cry* Update soon, okkie?
Chapter 11: Daehyyun~~...what a charming voice he had...
DeullieSa34 #5
love your story:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* im waiting for you:-*:-*:-*
...oh no!..please update author-nim...
hope that TaeYun is okay with the test...
ohhhhh noo!!!! what happened to Taeyun!!!!
You have great writing talent. Keep up the good work! ;)
oh no!~ oh dear!~ I'm super pumped for the nest chapter!~
:) AWWW!!! The twins!!! Hehe I love it <3 i hope you update soon! I can't wait for her to be a boy >:)