Chapter 14

You Can Call Me TaeJun

I stood out side for a long time. Longer that maybe necessary. My legs were going numb, and it brought me back to Baro's earlier skeptisism over my dress.

How was I going to tell Baro, that this new kid knew I was my brother? Or that I was dressed as him.

Would he care? I mean he and Daehyun seemed to be on pretty good terms now. He should be glad that the one who knows is Daehyun! It's better him than some complete random, right?

I stopped trying to convince myself of anything, seeing as my feeble attempts only led me to ask more questions than I was answering. So I slowly, and with purpose, dragged my frozen legs up the stairs and down the hall.

Being right in front of the door now, I wasnt sure how I should bring up my latest discovery.

'Hey, Dae knows about my cosplaying adventure.' Yeah I'll just use humour. Maybe he'll pity me! Or I could be direct, like 'Daehyun knows about my cherade.' You know, just come out with it?

In the misdst of my own debate the door flung open to reveal a wide eyed Baro.

“What the hell do you think you·re doing?“ He pulled me into the room by my wrist, spinning me around so I was now facing the door from the inside. “Do you know what you're wearing right now? Any number of guys could have seen you! How could you be so careless!“

Shifting from foot to foot aprehensively I beared the weight of his reprimanding.

“Well now we wont have to worry about one more student seeing me...“ The words came out in hush, almost as if without thought.

He raised a brow and came in closer, forcing me to move myself back as well.

God, Yun. Way to go. Not quite humour, not quite direct but very stupid!

“Pardon?“ He spoke firmly in a tone that let me know he heard what I just said, but was not entirely okay with it.

“How was it with the boys? Um, Daehyun's a pretty trustworthy kind of fella, don't you think? Very dependable, right?“ In the spur of the moment, I decided that speaking in code was the best way to go.

You see, If he gets it, it's over with. Though, if he doesn't then...I haven't really worked that out, there should be an upside some how...

Wordlessly Baro stepped away from me, throwing his head back with a groan. He turned his back to me, putting a hand on his hip and another over his mouth pensively.

“You have two options!“ He finally spoke, voice muffled by his hand,

“You can leave,“ Turning to face me now, it was clear he perferred this path, “or you can stay. If you stay, you have to a)…“ His gaze now fixated on mine “confront Daehyun. Or b) pretend like he's mistaken. Since we don't really know Daehyun that well yet, it would be smart to play it safe.“

My body froze. I knew I couldnt leave, and I also knew it would be easy if I just picked up and ran away. Although, if I leave my parents would be notified and, boy, would they ever be informed. Also, Taejun would lose any chance he had at becoming a musician. My mom would see this little stunt as an example of the “corruptions of the music industry.“

Thinking of Taejun, I really had no choice.

“I'm staying.“ This time it was my turn to look away, as I busied myself with unclipping my hair pieces. “But, Daehyun is smart. He wont be so quick to so easily give up on such an accusation. He obviously has proof.“ I sighed putting down my last extension “I've got to own up to this. Though, I wont mention that you know. If he does have ill intentions, that info would only give him more to slander with.“

I was feeling pretty good about my smooth problem solving, and cool words.

“You're an idiot.“

All good things must die.

“Why's that?“ I spun around in more confusion than fury.

“If he's as smart as you set him up to be, wouldn't it be obvious to him that I would know. He would easily come to the conclusion that I was the first to find out, seeing as we live in pretty close quarters!“ He leaned on the bunk beds, using one arm to prop himself up.

“Then what difference does it make? If he knows, then he knows!“

“Sure, but if he's an evil brat then he'll think you're trying to hide something and use it to his advantage or something!“

“Whatever, I think we're just reading into this too much now. I'll talk to him after class, or during lunch and find out how much he knows. I'll try and let him do most of the talking, he's a playful guy so it wont be too hard.“ I lightly punched his arm in a sweeping motion, “By the way, is it just me, or did you seem worried about me for a second there?“ My grin hiked up as one of my eyebrows dipped playfully.

He groaned with an annoyed rummble of his throat, “Just get to sleep, crossdresser“ He spat with playful fire, emphasis on the last word.

I shrugged carelessly in response, “Ya'know it don't hurt if it's true“

With that, I ducked away to the bathroom with some pyjamas.

He yelled out from behind me as I turned away, "If he thinks we're an item, then you're leaving!"

I laughed maniacally for show, Baro groaned out in displeasure just as I closed the door. 

Although the mood had lighted drastically in a short moment between the two of us, I could feel that there was still an air of uncertainty lingering around our decision. In fact, it didn't seem as though we had actually made a plan at all.

Walking back into the dark room in my pyjamas, I simply decided that I'll take tomorrow as it comes and silenced any thoughts. I was beginning to feel mentally drained all at once now that I was changed and all.

I found my way to the top bunk and my mind easily found sleep. But before I could enter it Baro knocked on the wooden paneling of my bed, I mumbled in response,

"Don't worry about this, it'll turn out fine. This isn't even a something to worry about, okay."

I sighed contently at his whispered words as the days events finally caught up with me.


Hey there my lovely friends! I hope you've all been well ^-^ Did you miss me? Better yet, do you remeber me? Y'know, since I've pretty much lost my pulse here on AFF...Don't be alarmed but, I have arisen from the dead! Well, until I am once enveloped in my extremely hectic life (not really, more like until I'm too lazy to get my on this site again...sorry...).

In any case, lets cut to the chase shall we? Walk with me, talk with me...or at least, scroll with me, read my text and think about it with me. So, I was thinking that once I completely finish one of my ongoing stories, I would start a new one. And, not to say that I was cheating on any of my stories (or you), but I have a few in mind that I've been drafting. I'll let you guys think about it, and you can get back to me in this poll! I don't know if my descriptions are that in depth, but I hope you get the jist of it. I will be posting this poll on each of my stories and I'll let you know which one comes out on top!

Thank you for reading

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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 12: nice chapter:-*:-*:-* write more taeyun and baro moment please:-*:-*:-* good job authornim:-*:-* update soon:-*
DeullieSa34 #2
update soon authornim~~
Chapter 11: Awh, I caught up. *cry cry* Update soon, okkie?
Chapter 11: Daehyyun~~...what a charming voice he had...
DeullieSa34 #5
love your story:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* im waiting for you:-*:-*:-*
...oh no!..please update author-nim...
hope that TaeYun is okay with the test...
ohhhhh noo!!!! what happened to Taeyun!!!!
You have great writing talent. Keep up the good work! ;)
oh no!~ oh dear!~ I'm super pumped for the nest chapter!~
:) AWWW!!! The twins!!! Hehe I love it <3 i hope you update soon! I can't wait for her to be a boy >:)