
A Sip of Cocoa

 The next day was silent. Dead Silent, for the first six hours atleast. 

 Everyone had words they wanted to spill, anger to scream at one another, but everyone cared too much for the rest of the members. After the previous day's incident, no one wanted to trigger someone's melt down. No one wanted to see Quiet calm Yesung, melt down, no one wanted to see Shindong's breaking point, no one wanted to see Kibum screaming his heart out and no one wanted to see Donghae breaking down. 

  Donghae swallowed the lump in the back of his throat as his make-up artist came over to him, spreading concealer around his cheeks. Behind his artist was Siwon, sitting calmly. This never bothered him before, but then again before was before the kiss, before the fight, before the breakdowns. 

  " Are you okay?" Donghae asked, being the first to talk all day. This relieved his makeup artist, and caused a smile to form on her lips.

 "  If I said no, would you kiss it to make it better?" Siwon joked. Donghae could tell this wasn't an invitation and giggled.

 They were silent after that little exchange. Neither of them really had words to say, but not out of fear, just out of comfort. They were fine sitting there in silence. Siwon maybe was a bit more casual. After all Donghae was just kissed by the man in front of him, but the man in front of him was his best friend. He can pretend it never happened, at least for the concert.

 Screams, cheers, and posters filled the room as SUPER JUNIOR made it's way to the stage. Lights moved around, slowly focusing on the group singing. As they sang their hits, Eunhyuk slyly moved over towards Donghae. It wasn't uncommon for them to be close on stage, and Donghae had no other thought but 'having fun at the concert' in mind. So, the closeness wasn't uncomfortable.

 As Donghae jumped to the music, his childish grin on his face, Eunhyuk wrapped an arm around the boy's waist, jumping with him. Donghae only laughed and waved his arm back and forth. Eunhyuk quickly followed the movements.  A few more excited screams appeared as the camera zoomed on the two of them: The back screen now focusing on the two men. The rest of Supe rJunior twisted their heads back a bit to see what the commotion was about. They all just smiled: It was a normal EunHae antic again.

 " THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A WONDERFUL AUDIENCE!" Leeteuk yelled into the microphone.

 " We hope to see you next time my lovlies!" Heechul winked. The crowd quickly cheered.

 " Make sure to check us out on Star King everyweek!" Kyuhyun added, as they left the stage.

 Siwon slid back and draped an arm around Donghae's shoulder. A slight cheer of SiHae was heard. Eunhyuk glanced back and his heart twisted. He quickly turned away from the scene though, praying to god he wouldn't break down again. Luckily, he didn't, but he oh so much wish he could. They slid into their three seperate vans, Donghae quickly sliding in beside him.

 " I need to sleep." Kyuhyun whined, leaning his head back. Leeteuk turned around and shook his head.

 " Sorry Kyuhyun, you, Eunhyuk and I have some plans at the dance studio, when everyone else will be resting until dinner. After they will be going to seperate practices and events. Sorry." Leeteuk explained.

 Eunhyuk turned his head towards the dozing Donghae. He was extremely glad Donghae had nothing left to do, but he wished he was left with nothing too. He wouldn't have been too frustrated if he had heard Siwon's name too. Sadly, Siwon wasn't named. Siwon was going home. Siwon was going to kiss his Hae again.

 Hyukkie groaned softly, but it awoke Hae's senses. Donghae opened his eyes and turned to Eunhyuk. " You okay Hyukkie?" 

 " Yeah, I'm fine."

 " You suure? If somethings wrong, you could tell Teukie-Hyung, and he could let you have the day off." Donghae whispered.

 Donghae actually did know what was going on through Hyuk's head. He knew that Eunhyuk didn't want Donghae left with Siwon. Somewhere in Donghae, he didn't want that either.

 He also knew the words he was saying were extremely tempting. He knew they were slowly sinking into Eunhyuk's mind, and they would slowly create a dilemma in his head. He knew what he wanted would cause Hyukkie to slightly lie to Teukie-Hyung. He knew all of this, but he still wanted Eunhyuk too choose the selfish choice. He wanted Eunhyuk with him, back at the dorm, and he was positive after Eunhyuk's break down the previous day, Leeteuk would atleast use that too give him the day off. If a member seemed to be too stressed, Leeteuk always tried his best to convince the managers to give him a day off.

 " Besides... Kangin is coming tomorrow... we need to get prepared." Donghae whispered, closer to Eunhyuk's ear.

 Before Eunhyuk could whisper a reply back, Donghae was pulled back. Siwon's arm gently around the Fish's neck, holding him against his chest. " What you guys whispering about?" Siwon asked.

 Donghae looked back. " Mr. Shisus."

 The van fell into a load of laughter. The nickname was a joke between everyone in the dorm, and what made it more hilarious, Siwon didn't know about it. When a member would look back to see Siwon's face, which was full of complete confusion, they would burst out laughing harder than before. Siwon, looked around only to see everymember uncontrollably laughing. If the fans could see them then, and with out the sound effects it would look like they were all having heart attacks.

 " Who?" Siwon finally questioned. This only caused louder booming laughs.

 " Nevermind Siwonnie." Donghae replied, smiling innocently. He was greatful they could joke around like they did before this whole perdicement.

 " Don't use my nickname on me... what is Mr. Shisus?"

 Donghae laughed and tried to sit up, but was kept in position by Siwon. " Someone totally not related to you."

 " Why is everyone laughing?"

 " He is a bible freak... I think you'd enjoy him." Eunhyuk explained. Siwon narrowed his eyes at Eunhyuk.

 "Freak... says the monkey... I'm not a freak, I'm just dedicated. " Siwon countered.

 " Dedicated, Freak. Same thing in my book." Heechul sang, quickly turning around to watch the entertainment.

Kyuhyun secretly videotaped this hole charade, which probably is why he hadn't been speaking. Everyone was goofing off, and ganging up on Siwon, and the Maknae had it on tape.

 ' I could use this too my advantage one day.' Kyuhyun thought as the car came to a stop.

 It was the first, in a long time, Donghae had not fallen asleep on the car ride home. Hyukkie was slightly dissapointed at this, but didn't announce his feelings. He just let Donghae hop out first, giving him time to do his annual ' I'm Outside' routine. This was him standing outside of what ever door he had left, breath in the air, look around for fans, and walk towards the next door. It was completed every time they left a building. It was just another quirk that Eunhyuk loved about Donghae.

 " Okay, repack for your scheduals, and get back here in ten minutes." Leeteuk ordered. Donghae slowed his pace as he realized Eunhyuk had froze. Eunhyuk was contemplating if he should ask for a rest, or if he should continue working hard. He glanced at Donghae, and twisted his head to check on Siwon, who was holding the door open for his beloved.

 " Leeteuk-Hyung." Eunhyuk called. The leader swiftly spun around and nodded towards Eunhyuk.

 " Yeah?"

 " Do you think it would be possible to um..."

 " Give you a break? Yeah. You never asked before, so it'll be fine. I'll just switch you with Siwon's schedual. I don't really want you two in the same house after yesturday." Leeteuk smiled. This was the Leader everyone knew and loved.

 Donghae smiled, and finished walking inside. Yes, he had overheard the conversation. Yes, he was the one who put the thought into the head. Yes, he was giving off an Aura everyone hadn't seen for awhile.

 As everyone started to settle down, Leeteuk came in, and announced the changes. Siwon grimly accepted the changes and went to go pack. Hae only felt a bit of guilt as he watched Siwon trudge into his bedroom. He didn't really want Siwon to leave too, but it was for the better. Being selfish did have some side effects.

 In ten minutes everyone with scheduals had left the dorm, packed and ready. Donghae and Eunhyuk had made themselves comfortable in their room, setting up the camera for their own private photoshoot planned for the day before. Donghae was skipping around the room, happier than Eunhyuk has seen him for the past few weeks. Eunhyuk could only sit on the edge of the bed, his hand holding his head up, as he gazed at his want-to-be-lover. As Hae finally stopped moving the objects around to make a decent photoshoot area, Eunhyuk stood up. He stole Donghae's wrist away from the boxes and brought him over to the camera.

 " It's us, the fans will love to see what's in our room so relax." Eunhyuk laughed. It might have mainly been Eunhyuk's lack of want to place everything back that was making him say this, but he told himself it was the reason his just stated.

 " Alright! Okay, so um, SIT!" Donghae yelled, laughing a bit. Eunhyuk nodded and sat on one of the stools in front of the camera. 

 Donghae clicked the button ontop of the camera and sprinted to sit beside Eunhyuk, as if someone was going to steal the seat away from him. As the camera flashed for the first picture, Eunhyuk's phone rang. Eunhyuk sighed and threw it on the bed, causing Donghae to silently fist pump. Eunhyuk saw this though, and could only chuckle.

 The next flash appeared as the phone went silent and the camera took their picture. It was the only real picture they took for the phone rang once more. The picture had taken the shots of Eunhyuk walking, Donghae watching, and Donghae tearing, which put together would of made the utmost heartbreaking flip book one would use.

 Eunhyuk glanced at the caller I.D.





Author's Note:

 It's an update... and I should be doing my homework, but I don't care! I was like I NEED TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER! And here it is.... I have a problem with keeping things happy don't I?

 What you think of the little EunHae moment?.... this chapter is really horribly written v.v ..... I hate it ..... but what matters is your opinion so tell me! <3

 OMG! You know how much you guys subscribing and commenting make me happy? LOADS! I want to give you all hugs and gifts... but I don't know... any ideas? Something that I can do and not something really out there like sending you to mars.... for one you would die :o I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!

 .... I am super strange today.... like super strange! Like SUPER JUNIOR STRANGE :P I really need to calm down...


 Anyway I love you all! Please comment... and do people even read author notes? xD  I do... I think their fun.... anyway, bye my lovlies, have a good day!

 <3 Neineie

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 9: Omonaaaaaa
Chapter 9: do update soon pleaseeee....pweeaasssseeeee....@_@
Update soon pleaseeee i miss this :'
valkin #4
hey this is great...I hope you can update soon C:
And I want to know what happened to Hannie...
YOU ARE BACK! *w* -jumps at you and hugs you- And noow...I so hate this Mr Park. This is just doesn't seem right. EunHae should be happy together. Hyoyeon should stop forcing others to love her because that's impossible. Hyukkie should be braver and protect those who he loves. Donghae should be braver too and tell Hyukkie that he wants a normal relationship, not a ed up one, like this.
Aaaaah it's so difficult. .___. Oh and one more thing: Hyukkie shouldn't keep secrets and tell Donghae everything.
Ah I'm so happy to see you being back again. *-*
agnes_yunita #6
after a long time ur back...but still wanna moreeeee...
waiting and gonna wait again....
vicvic123 #7
Welcome back, I have missed you, and I feel an angst coming, hehw can't wait ;)
oh it's a rewrite chapter...but i never read before so it's new for me.
by the way I'm a little bit confuse when I read it for the first time. Like how can donghae let hyukjae kiss him without any relationship and i feel siwon is not a high competitor here..he don't push donghae, perhaps it's because siwon is a good man hehehe..
aahhh like everyone here..curious with the deal between hyukjae and hyoyeon..and she has something with hangeng gone too?
lastly..your story is promising...
agnes_yunita #9
Still really curious about the deal between hyoyeon and hyukie...still hate her...
gonna waiting thank u
SyonEcary #10
Sorry, this's a SJ fic not SNSD's one