Day Off Part 2

A Sip of Cocoa

 Donghae jumped, his eyes now wider than the sun itself, as he felt Siwon put more pressure into the kiss, gently pushing him down to the bed. Donghae snatched his nemo plushie from his lap, and lifted it inbetween their lips, breaking the contact.

 Originally, Donghae would have treated the simple kiss as 'fanservice' or a comfort kiss. He wouldn't have been freaked out, he wouldn't have been worried about the door that was slightly cracked, but this was definitly different. Once Siwon added pressure, this wasn't a comfort kiss among him and a good friend. This wasn't a pity kiss. This wasn't 'fanservice'. This was real, and this wasn't with Eunhyuk.

 " S-Siwon...." Donghae mumbled bringing back down the plushie.

 Siwon gazed straight into Hae's eyes. " Does it feel better?"

 " D-Does... w-what feel b-bet-eter." Donghae asked.

 Siwon brushed Hae's bangs back gently. " Your forehead?"

 Donghae felt his face heat up as Siwon's fingers trailed down his face, down his cheek. He didn't know what to do, or say. Siwon, one of his best friends, just kissed him. His best friend just kissed him and was carressing his cheek. His best friend was quickly entering his bubble to give another one.

 " S-Stop."

 " What's wrong?" Siwon asked his fingers playing with Hae's hair.

 " Nothing... just don't kiss me." Donghae begged, avoiding eye contact. He felt terrible for denying Siwon.

 " Right, I didn't confess. I like you Hae, I like you more than anything in this world. I love you more than my bible, if that makes any difference to you."

 Donghae nearly choked. " Love?"

 " Love?" Hae and Siwon heard echo at the doorway. They turned their heads to spot Eunhyuk. His face held no expression, but was focused on Hae.

" Hyukkie." Donghae managed to spit out.

 " Yes Hae-Baby?" Eunhyuk asked walking closer to the two. His voice was monotone. His eyes were emotionless. His mouth was shapeless. His everything, was scaring Hae. Never had anyone seen Eunhyuk so unnerved, unloving.

 Eunhyuk didn't know what was going on himself, and if he was too look in a mirror probably would have been just as shocked, but the emotion wouldn't have shown.

 Hyukkie had met Hyoyeon. He had met her outside of a very unpopular, distraut, resturant.  He had met her expecting to be clinged on gently, to be flirted with, and to be threatened from time to time. IT all happened, but Hyoyeon wasn't sober. Not even close, and Hyukkie couldn't stand it when someone was drunk. It was a large turn off for him, and he couldn't stand having Hyoyeon's fingers attempting to touch places that he believed should only be touched by Hae. So, when he met her, when he discovered her drunk-like-appearence, he brought her back to her dorm. The rest of the girls of SNSD thanked him, and stated they weren't shocked. They explained how they knew this was going to happen. Eunhyuk felt the need to ask them why, but a thought had popped up into his head.

 ' He can go back to Donghae and patch everything up.'

 So he went back. He wanted to take a cab, but couldn't find one. He was going to take a bus, but that was unavailable too. He was going to call one of the members, but he didn't want to have to explain. He decided he was going to walk, but it soon changed to running. Then it was a full out sprint back to the dorm.

 Once he was there he slowly walked to their bedroom. He was considering what he was going to say, when he heard Donghae's voice.

 " Nothing... Just don't kiss me."

 He froze at the door, and leaned against the wall. It was a pointless move seeing he was going to be standing straight, and eyeing his two friends at the doorway in a matter of seconds, repeating heart breaking words.

 " Baby?" Hae asked, slightly straightening up. Eunhyuk didn't reply though: He didn't know why it slipped out.

 " Siwon please leave." Eunhyuk sighed.

 Siwon stood up a bit only to sit next to Hae, his arm slipping itself around the Fish's waist. " I don't want too. I'm staying with Hae-baby."

 " Hae and I were going to take pictures so get your up and leave."

 Siwon's eyes widened. Never had he heard Eunhyuk curse. Wel maybe he had, but only when it came to injuring himself. Never had he seen Eunhyuk angry would have been a better statement. It was clear as day to Siwon, that Hyuk's eyes were narrowed out of anger not frustration.

 " I'll join in on the pictures." Siwon announced. " I don't think Hae will mind."

" Hae?"

 Donghae glanced back and forth between the two. " I-I guess.... but later."

 Siwon felt a small smile tug on his lips. " Do you want another kiss?"

 Suddenly, Siwon was on the floor, gripping his stomach dearly. Donghae had slightly screamed, enough for the rest of the members to rush in. Heechul and Leeteuk were the only ones to actually enter the battle field.

  " BABY FISHY! Are you alright?" Heechul asked rushing over to Donghae.

 " I'm fine." Donghae mumbled, curling his fingers into Heechul's shirt. It was clearly wrinkling it, but it was Donghae, Heechul didn't mind.

 " What happened here?" Leeteuk asked, his voice full of authority. Eunhyuk bent his head down. He had never done such a thing before, he had always had restraint.

No one responded. Eunhyuk was in too much shock. Donghae didn't want to rat his lover out. Siwon was doubled over in pain, but even so, didn't want to have to speak with Leeteuk about such a private matter. Honestly, both Siwon and Eunhyuk were pissed off Leeteuk was trying to get into their buisness, but he was the leader. He was suppose to do this.

 " I will ask once more... What the hell happened here?"

 " Technically, that isn't the same question. You added 'the' and 'hell' making it a different question so therefor you didn't ask twice." Kyuhyun announced, a sly smile placed on his lips. Sungmin giggled but quickly covered his mouth seeing no one else was doing so.

 " Kyuhyun..." Leeteuk muttered. " SHUT THE UP!"

 Everyone froze. It was one thing for Eunhyuk to loose all control. It was another for Leeteuk to loose it. Earlier that day, Leeteuk hadn't lost it, he was simply annoyed. Here though, there was no question Leeteuk had broke.

 It's funny how one simple thing can be the last statement to be said before switching someone on.

 " Teukie." Heechul whispered walking over to the leader. Donghae willingly let go.

 " Heechul! Don't you try to in calm me down. You can't ever help anyone. So shut up. Everyone but Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Siwon OUT!" Leeteuk screamed. Heechul bit the inside of his lip and stumbled out of the room. As did everyone else.

 " Siwon relax and sit up straight, then tell me what happened. Eunhyuk sit on the chair over there." Leeteuk ordered, pointing at the desk chair. " Donghae... I don't know, how about you tell me what happened?"

Donghae glanced up at his leader. He never wanted to witness his leader's breaking point. He didn't think it was soon anyway. Maybe everyone was too busy with their own lives to have noticed. Still, who could have thought it was that soon.

 " I-I..." Donghae mumbled, tears coming to his eyes. Leeteuk felt the rage soon vanish as he spotted a tear slide down Hae's face.

 " Oh god. Hae, I am so sorry for yelling." Leeteuk apologized falling to his knees in front of Donghae. " But can you please tell me what happened."

 " Eunhyuk..."

 " Uh-huh?"

 " Punched me." Siwon announced, finally sitting up, the pain finally dissapearing.

 Leeteuk snapped his head towards Siwon. " He what?"

 " He punched me because I was going to kiss Hae."

 Leeteuk was shocked for a second. He didn't know what to say, but he did know this was going to be a long day. He knew he was going to have to calm down, once again, if he was going to be able to cope with everyone. " ...."

 Donghae gently hugged the leader. " It's okay, Hyung."

 Leeteuk smiled and hugged back the childish man. " Thank you Fishy." Leeteuk picked up the nemo plushie and pushed it against Hae's cheek. " Muah." Leeteuk immitated the kissing noise as the plushie's lips met Hae's cheek.

 A small smile formed on Donghae's face.

 " Siwon... go to Wookie and get cleaned up. Eunhyuk, go to my room and wait for me. I have to apologize to everyone, especially Kyuhyun and Heechul."

 They said boys nodded and headed out. Leeteuk glanced at Donghae. " Do you want to talk with me?"

 Donghae shook his head. " I'll just take a nap."

 " Don't forget to put the camera away first... but sleep tight. I'm really sorry Hae."

 " It's okay Hyung."

 Leeteuk smiled and walked out into the hallway of the dorm. The leader quickly washed away his own tears before hiding his face in his hands.

 " Kangin, I need you." Leeteuk whispered to no one in particular.


Author's Note:

 So there are alot of mini subplots and love stories, but if you want more detail on one I can write a new fic with the main story being them. I'm not against it.

 WOAH! Both Eunhyuk and Leeteuk were like BAM and snapped. Poor Donghae doesn't know what just happened.

 What you think of Leeteuk's breakdown?

What about Eunhyuk's?

 What about Siwon's?

 Yeah I know... it hasn't happened I was just making sure you all read xD.
 OH LOOK I UPDATED! xD .... not that you can tell or anything....

 I also updated my information on my page so if you are curious about me and my wierdness then read it. You can also ask me to read your stories, even if you are a complete stranger. I'll love to read them if they fit one of my favorite ships. 
 Well yeah, before I make this longer than the story.... BYE BYE

 <3 you all you little lovlies.

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 9: Omonaaaaaa
Chapter 9: do update soon pleaseeee....pweeaasssseeeee....@_@
Update soon pleaseeee i miss this :'
valkin #4
hey this is great...I hope you can update soon C:
And I want to know what happened to Hannie...
YOU ARE BACK! *w* -jumps at you and hugs you- And noow...I so hate this Mr Park. This is just doesn't seem right. EunHae should be happy together. Hyoyeon should stop forcing others to love her because that's impossible. Hyukkie should be braver and protect those who he loves. Donghae should be braver too and tell Hyukkie that he wants a normal relationship, not a ed up one, like this.
Aaaaah it's so difficult. .___. Oh and one more thing: Hyukkie shouldn't keep secrets and tell Donghae everything.
Ah I'm so happy to see you being back again. *-*
agnes_yunita #6
after a long time ur back...but still wanna moreeeee...
waiting and gonna wait again....
vicvic123 #7
Welcome back, I have missed you, and I feel an angst coming, hehw can't wait ;)
oh it's a rewrite chapter...but i never read before so it's new for me.
by the way I'm a little bit confuse when I read it for the first time. Like how can donghae let hyukjae kiss him without any relationship and i feel siwon is not a high competitor here..he don't push donghae, perhaps it's because siwon is a good man hehehe..
aahhh like everyone here..curious with the deal between hyukjae and hyoyeon..and she has something with hangeng gone too?
lastly..your story is promising...
agnes_yunita #9
Still really curious about the deal between hyoyeon and hyukie...still hate her...
gonna waiting thank u
SyonEcary #10
Sorry, this's a SJ fic not SNSD's one