Day off Part 1

A Sip of Cocoa

" KYUHYUN!" Leeteuk screamed from the kitchen. This didn't cause a panic from any of the members, only curiousity seeing it was Kyuhyun who most likely made Leeteuk his new prank target.

 "  Hyuuuung, I was sleeping can we deal with what ever I did later?" Kyuhyun asked. Leeteuk crossed his arms, glaring at the maknae of the group.

 Around ten minutes before almost everyone was gathered in the living room, watching Cartoons. None of them wanted to watch anything serious and Shindong had announced the idea of watching cartoons, they all obviously agreed. Donghae, Heechul and Kyuhyun were absent during this. Kyuhyun wasn't lying when he said he was sleeping. He was. Heechul on the other hand was wide awake, dressed in everyday clothes as he shopped for new clothes and presents. No one knew who or what the presents were for, but it was Heechul, who knew what went through that boy's head. Meanwhile, DongHae was downloading pictures of Eunhyuk and him onto his laptop. These pictures were taken earlier that day when they had a wierd urge to show off their wacky bed-head.  Well, Donghae's urge. Eunhyuk was a bit reluctant to do so, but hyukkie couldn't resist Hae. He could almost never resist him.

 Leeteuk though, in the middle of Tom and Jerry was brought over to the phone by the annoying ringing. No one else was making any sign of getting up fromt their entertainment, so Leeteuk brought it among himself to get it. When he picked up the phone, there was a few quick murmers and some shushes before he was greeted. It was their manager. Leeteuk quickly stood up straight even though their manager wouldn't see him: It was out of habit. He was expecting to recieve a long explanation on their schedual about how plans were changing and how he was in charge of getting them all to their respective homes, but that wasn't what he recieved. The call was quick, but plans had indeed changed. How? There were no plans.

 It was SUPER JUNIOR, it was rare for them not to have plans. It was always almost packed, for everyone. So, this being this, Leeteuk autimatically, when the phone call ended, assumed it was a prank. Leeteuk didn't have to think twice about who would pull a prank. Kyuhyun.

 " We might, seeing there are no scheduals today." Leeteuk stated, his eyes narrowing. The singer's mouth dropped, and they all gripped onto one another excited, hoping what was said was true.

 " Really?!" Kyuhyun asked, his eyes widening.

 " Yes, unless it was another one of your pranks."

 Kyuhyun shook his head. " That's something I'd never joke about! What if Heechul heard?! Hangeng's not here to save me if I made that prank, Heechul would kill  me." The maknae shivered at the thought.

" I don't think he'd kill you." Donghae announced walking into the room. " He'd torture you, but wouldn't kill you."

Kyuhyun gripped his arms tightly, but soon relaxxed as a thought popped into his head. " That means there really isn't any scheduals today."

 " Yes!" Everyone, but Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, and Donghae, fell back into the leaving room cheering. Leeteuk just chuckled and placed the phone into it's respective home before joining them to watch television.

 Eunhyuk walked over to Donghae and hugged him tightly. " You want to go take some mor random photos?"

 Donghae was about to nod when Eunhyuk's phone rang. " S-sure, just meet me in our room, i'll get the tripod ready." Donghae announced walking away.

 Eunhyuk smiled and nodded. He was exited he was going to finally get to hang out with Donghae like before. He brought his phone up to his ear, expecting it to be his manager so he didn't check caller I.D. He wish he did when he heard the caller's voice.

 " Hyukkie baby?" Hyoyeon asked.

 " Who else would answer the phone?" Eunhyuk asked, trying to keep his positive attitude. Just because their scheduals were completely gone doesn't mean her's were.

 " Neither of us have plans today so lets go on a date." Hyoyeon suggested.

 'of course, it was the Company's Idea after all. Why wouldn't they cancel both.' Eunhyuk thought as he glacned over at Donghae's door.

 " I can't, I just promised Donghae that-"

 " It's always Donghae! I'm your girlfriend here! No one is even positive about us yet! Please Hyukkie baby."

 Eunhyuk felt his heart sink. Only Donghae was suppose to call him that, Hyoyeon was suppose to just use baby.

 " But I made a promise."

 " I'll Tell the company."

 Eunhyuk fell silent, and peaked through the crack of the door to their bedroom, seeing Donghae jumping up and down with his Nemo Plushie in celebration.

 " Fine, let me just tell him that i'm leaving."

 " NO! Go now, I want to be talking to you the whole way there."

 Eunhyuk tightened his hold on the phone. As previously stated, he wasn't one to become angered quickly, but Hyoyeon was easily pressing the buttons which him do so.

 " Why the do you want me?" Eunhyuk asked as he walked out through the front door, leaving a daydreaming Hae in the bedroom.

 " Because."

 Eunhyuk started pleading for reasons as Heechul passed by him, he didn't see him though. Heechul froze in his spot and stared at Eunhyuk. He wish he knew who he was talking too, he wish he knew alot of things actually but none of them seemed to ever have an answer.

 Heechul sighed and went inside, slightly struggling with all his gifts. He spotted everyone gathered watching Tom and Jerry, but quickly noticed Donghae missing from the group. It didn't take him a genius to figure out where he was when a slight giggle was heard. Heechul kicked the door open fully to see Donghae taking pictures of him and his plushie. He was going to laugh, but decided asking Donghae about Eunhyuk was a better question, even if he felt this was going to end up badly. He wanted answers.

" Where was Eunhyuk going?" Heechul asked. Donghae froze his hands and twisted his head towards Heechul.

 " What do you mean, he's suppose to be coming in here?"

 " He's outside walking somewhere, while on the phone."

 Donghae dropped his plushie, walked to his camera and turned it off. " I guess it was Hyoyeon. He was probably asked on a date and was too excited to tell me."

 Heechul knew, even if Donghae wasn't stuttering, he was upest. Donghae could hardly ever hide his true feelings. He was the Tear Prince for a reason.

 " M-maybe he was asked by Leeteuk to go get a few things. You never know, maybe Shindong ate all our in snacks again." Heechul joked. It didn't work though.

 Donghae fell onto his bed, holding his face in his hands. " Don't lie to me Hyung. He loves Hyoyeon more than he'll ever love me."

 " Maybe it was important, you never know."

 " Heechul..."

 " Oh that reminds me..." Heechul grabbed a bag from his shopping trip and planted it in front of Donghae.

 Hae gently reached inside the bag and pulled out a Fishy poster. He gently chuckled and placed it beside him. " I was shopping and couldn't resist. Everyone else got something that represents them on the walls somewhere in here, why can't you."

 " Thanks, Heechul." Donghae smiled.

 " No problem, oh and I also bought some shoes." Heechul cheered throwing a box at the Fishy.

 Hae chuckeld as he opened the fancy blue box. He was expecting covnerse, or sneakers, anything but heels. " What the hell hyung?"

 Heechul faked suprise. " Omo! I must have taken the lady who was next to me's shoes!"

 Donghae laughed and shook his head. " You need to pay more attention and how does that even remind  you to buy presents?"

 Little did Donghae know Heechul did it on purpose. He's done it many times, which made many fangirls question if he was really a girl or not. Heechul has gone out and purposly bought a pair of heels to use as present' when his dongsaengs are feeling down. They always cheer them up. Heechul, the first time he did this, thought it was going to ruin him, but it didn't. It just made fans love him more. The feminine Hyung believed what he was doing was the right thing every time since then. Though, now he has more shoes in his closet than most of the girls in the world would have, put together.

  " Yeah, I do don't I?" Heechul laughed, and hugged Donghae tightly. " And I don't know, it just does. Deal with it."

 Suddenly, the door opened. Donghae perked up praying it would be Eunhyuk apologizing and ready to take pointless photos. It was Siwon though. He gazed at Hae for a moment before walking over to the video camera. Donghae moved foreward a bit, scared for unknown reasons even to him. Siwon though, didn't touch the camera. He picked up the Nemo plushie and walked over to the bed. Slowly, kneeling in front of Donghae, Siwon kissed the fish and placed it on the man's lap.

 Heechul sighed, knowing staying here would let Siwon know he was onto him. He didn't want that. He didn't want Siwon to think he was going to either get in the way or help him.

 So Heechul stood up and left and slightly whimpering Hae behind. He turned around blew a kiss and strutted out. Heechul could only question as he walked into the living room, if he did the right thing.

 Siwon smiled gently at Hae, who was nervously looking back down at him.

 " You okay Hae?" Siwon asked, taking hold of Hae's hand.

 Hae nodded slowly. " Y-Yeah. I'm better atleast."

 " What happened?"

 " I uh... ran into the bathroom door and um.... hit my head." Donghae lied. Siwon knew he did this too, but he played along.

 " I'll kiss it and make it better." Siwon grinned. Donghae, believing this was only a joke giggled, but was quickly proved wrong as Siwon kissed his forehead.

 " Siwon -"

 Siwon quickly bent down, and captured Hae's lips with his, wrapping a hand around the back of Donghae's neck, keeping him from turning away.


 Author's Note:

 Okay so here is an update. I was at school doing stage crew for Nine Hours :o I spend over fourteen hours at school during school dats, so it was a nice break.  I went to see the Lorax! Movie, anyone else see it? Anyone know if I spelled the name wrong? 

 Anyway, this story just kind of was written. I have no idea what my mind is thinking, but it's progressing. Um, who else is enjoying Heechul? He is at the moment my favorite character. He has the most characterization so that's probably why.
 Did you know there is a big difference on how you write something? Like Keeping him there, and keeping him from turning away. One seems  less forcefull than the other :o I only change it because I want a larger word count and it sounds better but it fits xD

 So YEAH! I hope to hear from you guys and update soon! YAYZ!

 Oh and kissing doesn't count as mature so I don't have to rate it M? Right?


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HanBaram #1
Chapter 9: Omonaaaaaa
Chapter 9: do update soon pleaseeee....pweeaasssseeeee....@_@
Update soon pleaseeee i miss this :'
valkin #4
hey this is great...I hope you can update soon C:
And I want to know what happened to Hannie...
YOU ARE BACK! *w* -jumps at you and hugs you- And noow...I so hate this Mr Park. This is just doesn't seem right. EunHae should be happy together. Hyoyeon should stop forcing others to love her because that's impossible. Hyukkie should be braver and protect those who he loves. Donghae should be braver too and tell Hyukkie that he wants a normal relationship, not a ed up one, like this.
Aaaaah it's so difficult. .___. Oh and one more thing: Hyukkie shouldn't keep secrets and tell Donghae everything.
Ah I'm so happy to see you being back again. *-*
agnes_yunita #6
after a long time ur back...but still wanna moreeeee...
waiting and gonna wait again....
vicvic123 #7
Welcome back, I have missed you, and I feel an angst coming, hehw can't wait ;)
oh it's a rewrite chapter...but i never read before so it's new for me.
by the way I'm a little bit confuse when I read it for the first time. Like how can donghae let hyukjae kiss him without any relationship and i feel siwon is not a high competitor here..he don't push donghae, perhaps it's because siwon is a good man hehehe..
aahhh like everyone here..curious with the deal between hyukjae and hyoyeon..and she has something with hangeng gone too?
lastly..your story is promising...
agnes_yunita #9
Still really curious about the deal between hyoyeon and hyukie...still hate her...
gonna waiting thank u
SyonEcary #10
Sorry, this's a SJ fic not SNSD's one