creep in the shining armour.

The 'Love' Story...



The next day,.....

Taeyeon woke up early and got ready. she had to shoot a CF for Samsung mobile. She got ready and prepared breakfast for her.... since seohyun was still getting ready, She ate the breakfast alone and was ready to step out.

As soon as she came out of her house, she saw the most unwanted face in her life:  obvious enough...leeteuk! He was waiting outside her house with his car parked beside him. he flashed a trillion dollar smile as she eyed him,..... However, she replied with a death glare!


she just walked towards the street... ignoring him...(atleast trying her best to do so)

Surprisingly, leeteuk let her go. He didn’t follow her.

She kept expecting him to pop up from somewhere and say something or do something to irritate her. But no! Nothing!

Why is he not doing anything? I mean… if he doesn’t want to approach me, then why did he come here? But wait… aren’t I supposed to feel good that he isn’t doing anything? Uhh! Pabo me!










After she finished her shoot for a CF, she walked out from the studio to go home. To her shock, she again spotted the same face.

Does he not have any other work? Stalking me all day long? Such a creep!


It was 8pm. It had already started to get dark.  Taeyeon proceeded to find a cab.

As she walked down the deserted lane, three men started following her. She noticed that and quickened her pace.they too followed her faster. Her heart was beating dangerously. She was scared. She only wished that she would get away from them safely. As she was trying to ignore the horrible thoughts her mind was flooding with, one of the men gripped her hand tightly and pulled her towards him.

“Hey babe! You look delicious. Mind if I get a little taste of that?” he said gesturing towards her whole body.

“What the are you doing? Get away from me~~!!”  she started struggling away from him, but the other man  grabbed her free wrist , limiting her movements. She tried kicking them, but it was in vain.

“get away from you? Why baby? Don’t you wana have some fun?” another one of them said slyly.

She kept struggling “ let me go!!!!”

Her eyes were starting to tear up when the third man walked closer to her and ripped the strap of her dress.

She was helpless and horrified. When suddenly, she remembered that gorgeous creepy stalker.

Where is he right now? Showing up all the time when I don’t want to see him… and now, when I am in need of help, he is nowhere. Such a… argh!

“LEETEUK! ~~~~” She shouted her lungs out.






Leeteuk was just leaning on his car thinking about taeyeon when he heard a voice call his name.

He instantly knew it was taeyeon. He rushed to the source of it, and saw some men trying to misbehave with her. Anger was what was in his eyes.

He ran towards them and punched the guy in his face. The other two were taken by surprise. Before they could react, he landed another punch on the second one’s face. Seeing this, the third guy left taeyeon’s hand and prepared himself to hit leeteuk who was busy kicking the other two.

Taeyeon took the opportunity and gave a nice kick to him . Her high heel stabbed him in his back, and he fell down before he could hit leeteuk.

They both quickly ran to leeteuk’s car.

Upon reaching his car, when they were sure of their safety, they stopped and took some time to breathe.

They both were panting heavily. Leeteuk noticed the ripped strap of her dress and he at once removed his jacket and gave it to her. She hesitantly wore it.




The ride to taeyeon’s place was silent. The silence only broke when the car stopped and taeyeon opened the door to step out. She awkwardly said , “ th- thank you… for… helping.”

He gave her a warm smile and waved her a goodbye.





Taeyeon stepped into the house and saw seohyun sitting on the couch and watching TV. As soon as she saw taeyeon, she opened to say something, but was instead shocked a little to see her puffy face, eyeliner smudged a little and wearing a jacket that wasn’t hers.

“taeyeon-ah! What happened to you?” she asked her with concern in her tone.

“Um.. Nothing…” was all she replied.

“hey wait! … Isn’t this leeteuk’s jacket?” she remarked.


“wha-… h- how do you know?”


“ he was wearing this when he came to pick me up in the morning!”


“oh! Okay!”


so,… he didn’t come here to see me, he came to pick seo up!


She didn’t feel disappointed, but neither did she feel relieved about the fact.


“You went on a date with leeteuk again? But your face looks like you cried. Did you two  break up already?”


“Oh gosh! Why are you dumber than a 4th grader seohyun? Why on earth would I date leeteuk?”


“Hmph! Okay! Anyways, Kyu and leeteuk invited us over for dinner today! Go get ready!”


“what? Why? …. No!… WHY??”  Taeyeon obviously didn’t want to go.


“Actually, I had left my contract papers at his apartment in the morning, and I need them tomorrow. So I was just gonna go and bring them, but they insisted for a dinner together. And I couldn’t say no.”

“Ofcourse you could! ‘N’ and ‘O’ ‘NO!’ as simple as that!” taeyeon was clearly over reacting.

Seohyun gave her an are-you-serious look.

“Okay fine! You go! Tell them that I am not feeling well.”

“what? No ways! We are going! TOGETHER! “ she didn’t give taeyeon a chance to argue back , she turned her heels and walked into her room.


Upon giving it a second thought, she came to the conclusion that it was actually not a very bad idea… ‘coz she even had to return the jacket to him!

"FINE! i will come!" she yelled back.





A/N:  okay i know i have commited really pathetic sins.... but i couldnt help it... my computer has some really serious problem! but it will get fixed today :D

It was a crappy update, but i assure you that the next two chappies are gonna be filled with fun!

please  COMMENT ! 

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novarias #1
Chapter 12: no continue it! as you write, you improve. I wanna see TaeTeuk together!
tnsl_sone #2
Chapter 1: nice chap!
mywinrina #3
Chapter 12: Dont delete please
exotaeng9 #4
Chapter 12: update.....
Chapter 12: please don't delete this story T_T
mywinrina #6
Chapter 11: UPDATE PLS
Chapter 11: Please Update Soon!!! I want to know what is actually in Leeteuk's mind..
exotaeng9 #8
Chapter 11: Update soon
exotaeng9 #9
Chapter 11: Update soon