Chp 6

The 'Love' Story...

"Unnie! i am coming in!",

Taeyeon's head shot up. she panicked... seo entered the room with some hot oil for taeyeon. "what happened unnie?...why do you look so shocked?"  she asked curiously as she sat at the edge of the bed and took taeyeon's foot on her lap.




i was hallucinating?






day dreaming????









 okay! fantasizing is fine,... but why was that leeteuk in it? why on this god damn earth am i fantasizing about him? get in your senses tae! stop thinking about him,...! you shouldnt be thinking about him!

but that physical closeness we shared during the dance,..... why couldnt i just do what i always do? why couldnt i step back and yell at him? its not that i have never been approached by guys,.. many other guys tried to touch me, tried to make me fall for them, but i never fell into any traps. then why did i stand there like an idiot when he was getting close to me? OKAY TAEYEON! just forget it......and make sure you dont do it next time!


she mentally punished herself for acting like a complete idiot and made a promise to herself that next time she will be more carefull about such things.

seohyun was gently rubbing the hot herbal oil on her  foot... she looked up and saw taeyeon almost asleep.

unnie and leeteuk came pretty close today. i saw them dancing today,... and it was shocking how unnie let him come close to her.... and also in the car,.... hmm! well somethings cooking~~  hehehe....

she  tucked her under the blanket and went to her room. 


leeteuk and kyuhyun proceeded in their car after dropping the ladies.

L:  kyuhyun-ah! 

K: yess ??

L:  that taeyeon girl! why is she so wierd?

K: (chuckled)

L: what was that for?

K: i knew that was coming! 

L: what? how?

K: well,... dont think that we went blind when tried to kiss her during the dance! (he said with a smirk not taking his eyes off the road)

L: oh...yehh..okay! (chuckled)

K:  but hyung, i  advice you to stop eyeing her....

L:   why?? (faces kyu and raises eyebrows )

K: she isnt gonna fall for all this. she has hates relationships dude!

L: so,,.... you are underestimating me? (smirks showing a cute dimple)

K:  (rolled his eyes and sighed) stop it!

she sure is something! playing hard to get  ehh? dont worry baby! i will getcha! ;)

the two boys sped home and lazily slept as they were tired.



A/N: well guys,... do you know how it feels when the author has been gone for a long time and comes back and updates a really boring chapter? well yess! you know! i am sorry! dont kill me~!!

it wont be this boring next time, and i will be updating really fast now! :D

and i wanted to say thanks to all of you!! its my first fic! so i am really happy that i have 32 subbies! YAYY MEE!~~~ !!!  jumps with joy (with the ' london tipton' clapping ) :P keep commenting! i love to read new comments! suggest what you wana see in the upcoming  chappies! <3 XOX

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novarias #1
Chapter 12: no continue it! as you write, you improve. I wanna see TaeTeuk together!
tnsl_sone #2
Chapter 1: nice chap!
mywinrina #3
Chapter 12: Dont delete please
exotaeng9 #4
Chapter 12: update.....
Chapter 12: please don't delete this story T_T
mywinrina #6
Chapter 11: UPDATE PLS
Chapter 11: Please Update Soon!!! I want to know what is actually in Leeteuk's mind..
exotaeng9 #8
Chapter 11: Update soon
exotaeng9 #9
Chapter 11: Update soon