Their Dinner.

The 'Love' Story...


The two females went into their respective rooms and got busy picking clothes out for the dinner.Within no time, they were ready to step out. Taeyeon remembered to grab the jacket before leaving. She thought bringing him a box of cookies would be a nice gesture since he had saved her from those rowdies. so she even picked up a box of double chocolate chip cookies for him.


Throughout the ride, Taeyeon kept thinking about how is she going to face him. She felt really awkward.


Seohyun spotted a paper bag in Taeyeon's hand and peeped inside to find a box of cookies.


 "Cookies? For Leeteuk?" she asked with a sly smile.


" Yes... what... no!! Of course not! " Taeyeon replied with evident uneasiness.


"Then? for Kyu?" Seohyun cocked an eyebrow up... knowing exactly whom those cookies have been bought for.


"Oh shut up!" Taeyeon lightly smacked Seohyun's arm. The rest of the ride was silent.



After about 15 minutes, they reached KyuTeuk's apartment.


*ding dong*... Seohyun pressed the doorbell and gave her hair a quick fix , flashing a sweet smile and waiting for her boyfriend to open the door; Whereas Taeyeon was trying her best to hide herself behind Seohyun. She was sure it was going to be awkward playing nice to Leeteuk.


Oh gosh! oh gosh! oh gosh! I hope he is somewhere outside,... so I can just hand the cookies to Kyuhyun and run away!...


The door finally opened revealing Kyuhyun wearing dark skinny jeans and a plain black V neck t-.

"Hey baby!~~" Seohyun cooed as Kyuhyun welcomed her with a warm hug.


"Hi Taeyeon-ah" Kyuhyun greeted her with her smile just to receive her usual cold "Hi".


Taeyeon's eyes searched the living room for that one figure, unable to find him, she felt relieved.

but that relief was just momentary, as Leeteuk popped out of a room wearing sweatpants... just. sweatpants.


what? Is he trying to seduce me now? hmph... whatever.


Looking at Taeyeon and Seohyun, he immediately went back into the room and came back with a t-shirt on.


Much better.


"Hey ladies!" He greeted both of them, but kept his eyes only on Taeyeon; his face decorated with a smile.


"Hi Teukie oppa!" Seohyun chirped.


"Hey....! I... umm... bought... these. For you! Umm... Thanks." she handed him the bag to him which contained the cookies and his jacket.


"Thanks? for what?" Seohyun questioned.


urgh! Explaining the reason for that 'Thanks' is the last thing I Wanna do right now!


"That's nothing... " Leeteuk waved it off; and continued , "Lets start with dinner! i am so hungry!"


Oh thank god! I seriously thought i would have to explain it all to her *phew*


Taeyeon and Seohyun sat side by side, and the men sat across them, Leeteuk sat across Taeyeon and Kyuhyun , across Seohyun.


They took off the lids of the containers and delicious aroma filled the room.

"Did you guys cook this all? It smells fabulous!  " exclaimed Seohyun.


"Yeah! we learnt the recipes from YouTube. hehe.." Kyuhyun confessed while scratching the back of his head.


"I cant wait to have it!" Seohyun served the food into everyone's plates.


The four ate quietly.


But the quietness was only limited to the area above the table. In the midst of eating, Taeyeon felt something crawl up to her leg. Fearing it might be an insect or something, she jerked her leg a little.

But soon she felt it again. She ducked her head a little to see under the table and saw it was none other than Leeteuk who was toe-flirting with her. 


What the ? One moment he saves me from getting ,...and the next moment he shamelessly toe-flirts with me?  


She glared at Leeteuk who didn't show a sign of amusement, and ate silently. 

Leeteuk let out a little groan of pain as he felt Taeyeon kick his leg hard. That was enough for him to learn a lesson, and so, the toe-flirting stopped.




After they were done with the dinner and washing the plates, they sat and chatted a little, in which Taeyeon seemed the least interested.  After collecting Seohyun's contract papers, SeoTae got ready to bid a goodbye to the boys. But as soon as they Got out of the building, they were faced by a strong rainstorm.


They went back up to the apartment. On checking up on the news, they learnt that some of the roads were blocked due to falling of trees. And there were no chances of them getting cleared up until morning.


"We cant drive home in this weather Tae!" Seohyun said.


"Oh god. What do we do now?" Taeyeon sounded worried.


"I think you both should just stay over !" Kyuhyun suggested


"NO! we cant!!" It was evident that Taeyeon didn't want to stay over.


"We don't have an option Taeyeon-ah! Lets just sleep here,...." Seohyun tried to convince the older.


"But...." wanted to protest, but was cut off by none other than...leeteuk, "We have two bedrooms! me and Kyu can sleep in mine, you and Seohyun sleep in Kyuhyun's bedroom!"


"Yes, and I have some of my sweat pants and t-shirts in Kyuhyun's closet. You can wear them at night!" Seohyun  said.


"well,... umm..okay then!" Taeyeon had to agree. 





To kill the time, they decided to watch a movie.


Leeteuk was scrolling through the DVDs "what do you guys Wanna watch? umm...romantic stuff? Horror? Comedy?...or Action?...or...?" 


All the heads snapped at him when he blurted out the last option.


"Oh...! sorry.." He smiled awkwardly.


"Horror!" Taeyeon seemed excited.


Great! I know what happens during horror movies. The girl gets scared,...and clings on the the guy... yeah! That would be good.


They all agreed upon watching a horror film. Kyuhyun made some popcorns, Leeteuk played the DVD and joined the ladies on the big couch.





The movie was nearing its .


The scene on the couch was so:


Seohyun ...was practically glued to Kyuhyun out of fear and the two were tucked under a blanket.

Kyuhyun ...was holding to Seohyun's frame tightly,... but he didn't neglect the popcorns.

Taeyeon ...was watching the movie with concentration while biting her nails with her legs crossed on the couch.

And ...Leeteuk ...was staring at the screen wide eyed and grabbing on to the hand rest like his life depended on it.



So basically, his plan went down the drain.













sorry sorry sorry sorry guys.... i know its been such a long time,.... and this chappie isn't all that great to make it up!! But i promise next chapter will be a love-hate-comedy chapter..... and who feels i should give some more attention to seokyu? well,.... Taeteuk is the main couple here,... but i just hope the seokyu fans aren't mad at me :P 



pleast comment! :D












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novarias #1
Chapter 12: no continue it! as you write, you improve. I wanna see TaeTeuk together!
tnsl_sone #2
Chapter 1: nice chap!
mywinrina #3
Chapter 12: Dont delete please
exotaeng9 #4
Chapter 12: update.....
Chapter 12: please don't delete this story T_T
mywinrina #6
Chapter 11: UPDATE PLS
Chapter 11: Please Update Soon!!! I want to know what is actually in Leeteuk's mind..
exotaeng9 #8
Chapter 11: Update soon
exotaeng9 #9
Chapter 11: Update soon