Chp 7

The 'Love' Story...


~~~~~~~~~NEXT MORNING~~~~~~~~~~



Taeyeon woke up as the sun rays hit her face,... she brushed her teeth, took a bath and got dressed up,... she just had one photoshoot today...

she walked out of her room to see weather seohyun has already prepared the breakfast or she is supposed to do the needful.

as soon as she entered the living room, her eyes shot up wide, jaw dropped and her mind received a shock.....

what she saw was ..... her living room full with plenty of flower bouquets ......


what the...... oh ...this might be from kyuhyun.

"YAAHHH!! SEOHYUN-AH!! come here...! NOW!"

seohyun rushed out of her room  thinking what on earth happened to taeyeon.... as soon as she saw those flowers,.... she smiled and turned to taeyeon..." ohh...these??"

"yess! these!! for god's sake,... tell your boyfriend to be a little less expressive!"

seohyun started laughing...taeyeon gave her a dumbfounded expression...

"but these arent from kyuhyun!"

"then?? you started dating someone else??" she asked in surprise.

"heyy!! WATCH YOUR MOUTH TAE!,.... why would i date someone else when i have kyu?"

"then why are tese flowers here? " asked taeyeon with utmost curiosity.

seohyun gestured a finger at one of the bouquets,..." there.... go read the card." she grinned fishily,,,,

taeyeon gave her grin a suspicious look and proceeded.... she read the card... and it said -----

leopold cafe, 6 pm ;)

- Leeteuk .

"leeteuk is hitting on you?" taeyeon asked seohyun with an angry face.

"aaarrrghh!! you dimwit!" seo smacked taeyeon's head, " this is for you! not for me!  The delivery  boys asked for you,... but since you were asleep, i received the flowers and  placed them here!"

taeyeon shivered a little. 

Why is he doing all this? wasnt i clear enough that i hate such things?

" you accepted them,,..... your fault...! now clear this mess up!" she commanded coldly.

" but these flowers are so pretty !!!! heartless ajhumma! " seohyun pouted.

"you can call me whatever, but i want this out of my house before i return from my photoshoot!" saying this, she picked her bag and marched out of the house. she was so pissed that she didnt even eat her breakfast.


it was 4 pm when taeyeon returned home. 

thank god that crap is cleared off! 

she sighed and threw herself on the couch.

she watchhed TV for a while, but her mind turned back to leeteuk.

he is such a douche! aarghhh!! what does he want? does he really believe that his playboy tactics will get me? hmph!!

she glanced at her watch. it was 5:40 pm.

 she gave a thought about this, and suddenly  got up, grabbed her bag and stomped out with a you-are-so-dead-leeteuk look. Her face maintained the look till she reached the cafe.

It took her half an hour to reach. she went in and search for the scoundrel. she saw him sitting patiently on a couch and doing something with his phone. she approached him from behind and smacked his head hard.

"oowww!" he turned, and his ouch expression transformed into a cocky smile.

"so,... this is how you say hello? " he playfully asked.

" what is your problem? why did you send those flowers to my place?"

"you liked them?"

"answer my question"

he simply smiled  and shrugged.

"well... i didnt think you would be dumb enough to think that such cheesay stuff would be appreciated by me!" said tae.

" u think alot about me ehh? " he said teasingly

aarrghh!   this idiot!!

taeyeon closed her eyes and inhaled deeply to calm down

she stared blankly  at him.....waiting for an answer


"well, the flowers did what they had to... you are here!" he whispered the last part leaning close  winked at her.

t.....! yess......! I AM arrgh!

" listen to me carefully leeteuk.... i just came here to tell you that not even a single cell of mine is interested in what you are thinking,  dont waste you time and money over these things, and leave me alone!"

"and what if i dont?"

she looked at him in disbelief and sternly gritted her teeth

"then i will...... break....... your.......bones."

she swiftly turned around and started to walk away.... bt his arm grabbed her wrist and pulled her close.

they again shared the same closeness.

"why do run away from it hmm? why do you hate it so much?" he looked deep in her eyes.

taeyeon was shocked. but she was quickly reminded of her promise to she pushed his chest away and gave him a glare, " its none of your  business"

 she again turned around to walk away, but leeteuk once again pulled her back.

"what now?" barked taeyeon

" you made me wait so much babe! i am hungry now! lets eat!"

taeyeon gave a WTF look.

"firstly,  i dont wana stand here for another moment....forget eating... and secondly,.... dont ever call me babe!" she glared horrifyingly.

leeteuk chuckled and replied " ok... for the first part, if u dont wana stand,.... jus sit down" he pushed her on the seat in front of his... "and second,.... how about......honey?"

"ewww" taeyeon couldnt help ...


"NOTHING! i have a name and i prefer being called by that! ,...and i am not eating with you...." she got up and--


her phone rang

it was seohyun's text:

unnie! enjoying your date?? ^.^ hehe!!

taeyeon got furious...."DATE??" she yelled....

" already told her about our date! " 

"this is not a date!" taeyeon protested.

"you yourself called it one!" he winked....

aarghh! his annoying winks! 

"i didnt! seohyun did!"

"you are older to her,...but she has more sense than you! " he chucked.

"you called me here to insult me?"

and wait....what am i doing?? why am i still here? GET OUT TAE!

she gets up and he again held her wrist but taeyeon slapped it away and paced out.

i need to stay away from him!

'she is gonna use up alot of my energy' ...thought leeteuk as he sat there alone....



taeyeon reached home ,... ready to kill seohyun


" i was jus kidding !! chill...!"

" it made me look so dumb in front of him there!"

seohyun smiled cockily....

taeyeon raised an eyebrow  demanding an answer.

"are you just........ concerned about what leeteuk thinks about you??" she wiggled her eyebrow.

"psshh!... NOH! not at all" taeyeon said awkwardly.

she was caught.

"then why do you care about it? if he thinks you are dumb..let him think so..!" seohyun said casually and walked away biting her apple.

"yeah.... i should let him think so!" taeyeon mumbled to herself.

The day went off as the two  rested , then prepared dinner, ate, and slept like good girls! (though seohyun kept teasing taeyeon about the 'date') :)





A/N: ^.^ i got two new subbies with my last chapter! yay! thanks to all of you.... please comment!

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novarias #1
Chapter 12: no continue it! as you write, you improve. I wanna see TaeTeuk together!
tnsl_sone #2
Chapter 1: nice chap!
mywinrina #3
Chapter 12: Dont delete please
exotaeng9 #4
Chapter 12: update.....
Chapter 12: please don't delete this story T_T
mywinrina #6
Chapter 11: UPDATE PLS
Chapter 11: Please Update Soon!!! I want to know what is actually in Leeteuk's mind..
exotaeng9 #8
Chapter 11: Update soon
exotaeng9 #9
Chapter 11: Update soon