Chp 4

The 'Love' Story...

taeyeon took no time to dressup as she didnt feel the need to look she just put on what se saw first in her wardrobe. 

wearing a simple black dress and high heels, taeyeon was all set to step out.


seohyun called her up when they reached below her house.

 and  soon, taeyeon came out and got into the car....kyuhyun was driving, and seohyun sat beside him.... so leeteuk and taeyeon sat on the back seat together.

nothing special, yet y!!

leeteuk smiled at taeyeon as she sat beside him,.... taeyeon replied with a small smile.

she greeted everyone with a cold "hey",  and they drove off.

since it was a silent ride, seohyun decided to break the awkwardness by introducing taeyeon and leeteuk to each other.

"Leeteuk-ssi,... meet taeyeon! she is my best friend and my house mate!"

"hello , I am Leeteuk,... and we have met before...when your mood was err... i guess pretty bad!" said leeteuk 

before Taeyeon could open to say something cold again, seohyun quickly said " ohh,...  we are sorry about that,.. she was just a little tired that day,... usually she isnt like that! right tae?" 

"huh?? yeah!! r-r-right!! i am not like that  all the time!"replied tae... just then, taeyeon received a text from seohyun on her phone:

girl, you better be friendly today! please!! PLEASE! i request!

haha,... okay! just for your sake seo!

soon, they arrived at their destination. kyuhyun and leeteuk led the ladies into a huge hotel and went up into the elevator ..... 

"i have never been to this place before kyu!...." said seohyun.

"neither have i!" said taeyeon. the two girls seemed to be excited to explore a new place.

As they entered the place, the  girls looked around and got excited.  It was a beautiful open dining bar on the 34th floor, and  the glass railing around the area gave a clear view of the whole city under them.



"OMG kyu!! This place is beautifull!!" said seohyun, tightly hugging kyuhyun. "you like it?" asked kyu with a smile.... "are you kidding???! I LOVE IT!! Its so romantic!"

taeyeon was still looking around ,... her eyes shining brightly.

" you like the place?" whispered leeteuk  from behind her,.. she quickly cringed and turned behind., " yeah,... but its uhmm... too romantic!"

"dont you like that??" said leeteuk with a flirty grin.

" i am not really a fan of lovey dovey stuff".... she whispers, " it kinda, creeps me out!" and ended her sentence with a playful smile and turned around.

whoa! she seems hard!!  fine! a little more effort,... not that big a deal!

they settle down on the dining table . seokyu sat together as they laughed and chatted,... while taeyeon gazed out at the night sky... and as she turned her head , she caught leeteuk staring at her.

to her surprise, he didnt turn away when she caught him looking at her... he confidently continued. Taeyeon liked this confidence... so she smiled back....

" what would you like to eat? " leeteuk asked . "umm,... i think i wana eat chinese food today!" " oh! i like chinese food! you have a company." said leeteuk... getting a little friendlier.

The four of them ordered the food, and soon enough, the food arrived. they started feasting.

seohyun took a fork and picked up some food and fed kyuhyun .... as the two birds kept getting mushier, feeding each other and laughinf along,.... taeyeon looked at them with a creeped out expression.


leeteuk noticed this and chuckled. this disturbed taeyeon. she suddenly turned to him and asked " what happened??  something funny?" 

"your expression!" said leeteuk... trying to control himself.

"ohh ! that,..?  sorry... it just comes naturally " she was embarrassed.

after a while, they finished the food and started with the course of desserts.

just then, there came a musical band and announced that they will be playing romantic melodies to entertain all the customers who seemed to happy about it......except one.... obvious enough, taeyeon! as soon as they started, she  threw her head backwards and let out a sigh. 

OHH GODD!  if this doesnt stop now, i will surely die!!

just then, the singer walked up to some of the couples and invited them to come and dance together. 

seokyu volunteered excitedly as taeyeon and leeteuk watched them....suddenly, taeyeon saw one of the singers waking up to her....

NO...NO...NO....!!! dont come  here pleasee!!!!!! 

he came, and grabbed taeyeon's hand with his right hand, and leeteuk's hand with his left., leading them to the dance floor.

"oh noo!! we arent a coup--"taeyeon couldnt complete her sentence as leeteuk readily grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him.... 

her eyes widened ....she was so shocked, that she couldnt let out a word. he guided her hands behind his neck as he started moving slowly to the soft  music.... 

they were so close,.... taeyeon gulped down some saliva as she felt his breath against her skin. 

"w-what.... ar...are you doing?" she stuttered...

"dont worry.... just enjoy the music." he whispered and grinned.

Taeyeon couldnt think anything... her mind stopped working.... so they just moved to the rythm ....

leeteuk looked straight into taeyeon's eyes... they were mysterious.... he leaned in for a kiss.., when suddenly, taeyeon gained back her senses, and moved back... she face was red .... she couldnt look into his eyes... she looked down at the floor, and said,  " i-i.. think, w-we should j-just.... stop now..."

Leeteuk  didnt make it awkward,... he simply nodded and they walked together towards the table... soon enough, the music stopped.... seokyu returned to join the silently standing taeteuk.

 "its late now,.... we should make a move!" said seohyun....

" this ones on us! " said kyuhyun as he took out his wallet to pay for the dinner...

okay,... but next time give us a chance!! said seohyun as she looked at taeyeon.

next time??? whatt?? no!! i dont wana go out with him once more!!

the four of them left the restaurant, and walked out of the hotel,... towards the car...

they all settled in,... just like before, (seokyu in fronnt, and taeteuk in the back) and drove off.








A/N:  how was this guys??  give me your reviews on it! :D construcive criticism is accepted!

and also,... the restro bar i described  and showed in this chp is indeed one of my favs! :D i love going to that place! isnt it a beauty?

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novarias #1
Chapter 12: no continue it! as you write, you improve. I wanna see TaeTeuk together!
tnsl_sone #2
Chapter 1: nice chap!
mywinrina #3
Chapter 12: Dont delete please
exotaeng9 #4
Chapter 12: update.....
Chapter 12: please don't delete this story T_T
mywinrina #6
Chapter 11: UPDATE PLS
Chapter 11: Please Update Soon!!! I want to know what is actually in Leeteuk's mind..
exotaeng9 #8
Chapter 11: Update soon
exotaeng9 #9
Chapter 11: Update soon