Chapter 6



Victoria is sitting in one of the bench in the mall waiting for her date to arrive. She’s wearing knee length floral strap dress and layered it with cardigan. Headband is on her hair to compliment her looks. They promise to watch a movie today. Her face is beaming with a smile when she see a person that she waiting for coming toward her.

“Hello dear, you ready to have fun with me” greets Victoria to her date.

“Yes, can’t wait,” say the little girl with huge grin.

“Vic, thank you very much by spending your time with Krystal today,” say Yoona to Victoria.

“It’s nothing Yong, I’m love spending time with her. Have some fun with Taec. Don’t worry about us,” say Victoria.

She agreed to take care of Krystal today because Yoona and Taecyeon have to attend a party organized by Taecyeon’s client and Yoona will accompany him. It’s not appropriate to brings Krystal with them and their maid is on leave because of urgent family matter. Yoona know that Krystal love Victoria and comfortable with her, so that’s why she ask help from Victoria.

“Let’s start our fun time today by watching a movie,” say Victoria after Yoona leave them.

“Okay, let’s go!” shout Krystal with a joy.

At the moment they make a move to a cinema, Victoria phone is ringing. She takes a look at a caller name and it is Nichkhun.

“Hello Khun,” say Victoria with a surprise.

“Hello Vic, how are you? Are you at home?” say Nichkhun with a smile in his face.

“I’m fine and I’m not at home,” replied Victoria.

“You are not at home so where are you. You have a date?” curious Nichkhun.

“At mall and yes, I have a date,” answer Victoria calmly.

At the moment Nichkhun felt that his heart stop beating. He felt so angry, jealous and at the same time lonely. He wants to know who her date is and he’s thinking should he ask her about that or not. He worried if Victoria thinks that he is busy body.

“Khun, are you there?” ask Victoria after a moment of silent between them.

“Yes I am. Vic can I ask you something?” say Nichkhun with determination to know who with is her date.

“Untie Tori can you buy me ice cream?” say a small voice interrupt their conversation.

“Yes, sure Krystal, wait a minute. Khun what you want to ask me?” continue Victoria after give an answer to Krystal.

“Krystal! You are with Krystal. Your date is Krystal! ” ask Nichkhun eagerly.

“Yes, I’m with her and she is my date,” replied Victoria.

“Tell me at which mall are you,” say Nichkhun calmly after knowing the truth that who is Victoria’s date.

“Why? No, you are not planning to join us right,” answer Victoria with a surprise because she think she know what Nichkhun plan to do.

She doesn’t felt like that was a good idea by meeting him again after the whole day yesterday they spend time together. She afraid of felling longingly for someone in her life and the most is she afraid because she’s not sure what is going on between them.

“Yes I am. You are genius sweetie. So tell me now,” tease Nichkhun.

“Khun, we are going to watch a movie. Cartoon exactly,” explain Victoria in hope that he will not join them.

“I love watching a movie and cartoon,” say Nichkhun with grin.

“Rapunzel. We want to watch Rapunzel,” say Victoria helplessly.

“Good choice. I’m never watch Rapunzel in my entire life. I really want to watch it. You will not disappoint me will you,” say Nichkhun with hope that Victoria will agree with him.

 Victoria surrender, she knows that it is nothing she can do to hold him from joining them. At the end she told him which mall they are and now she and Krystal is waiting for him to come.  Krystal is enjoying an ice cream she promised to buy her earlier and she is very nervous in meeting him again. After fifteen minutes she sees him coming and he looks handsome as usual with white shirt and blue jeans.

“Sorry because you have to wait for me. Hi princess, still remembered me?” say Nichkhun and give a little girl a kiss on her cheek.

“Yes, Uncle Khun,” giggle Krystal.

“Come let watch Rapunzel!” say Nichkhun with excitement.

Krystal is jumping with joy when she heard that. Nichkhun bend down and carried her in his arm and she is smiling happily and wraps her arm in his neck and he grabs Victoria hand and pulls her to the cinema.




“You like it princess,” ask Nichkhun to Krystal who enjoying her pizza.

She just nodded and smiles happily. They are eating pizza for their lunch because Krystal wants to eat it. Victoria is helping Krystal with her food and wiping her smudgy mouth with tissue. Nichkhun is starring at her and love the view in front of him. He can see how attentive Victoria with Krystal and how fond they are with each other. Deep inside him, he prays that this happiness will come again in his life.

“What should we do after this?” ask Nichkhun once they finish their lunch.

“Dear, what you want to do?” ask Victoria lovingly to Krystal.

“Play games!” announce Krystal.

“You want to play games. What about we are going to amusement park? There is one here in this mall,” say Nichkhun and glance to Victoria.

“I think that’s a great idea. It’s better in here because it’s so hot at outdoor park and I’m afraid she will get sick,” say Victoria agreed to Nichkhun.




As soon as they reach at amusement park Krystal start to run and Victoria lose the grip of her holding. It is not easy for Victoria to catch up with her because of her shoes. She’s wearing strap wedges and it looks perfect with her outfit but not for this occasion with active little girl. She is glad that Nichkhun is with them at this moment. Nichkhun start to run to catch that little girl and carry her in his arm. Victoria realized that she must be in trouble if she’s alone with Krystal here.

They ride every game that Krystal wants. They tried to fulfill all her wish but at that time she wants to eat an ice cream the conflicts begin. Victoria not let her because she all ready ate it earlier and she afraid it will give her stomach ache by eating too much sweets. Krystal eyes start beaming with tears when she heard that Victoria not allowed it. Nichkhun at first agree with Victoria but once he notices Krystal sad face he coaxed her to let that little girl having her ice cream. At the end all of them are in line in front of ice cream stall and Krystal is the happiest person here.




“Okay dear, it’s time to go home. Say thanks to Uncle Khun,” say Victoria after them enjoying their ice cream.

“Bye and thanks Uncle Khun,” say little girl politely.

“What do mean bye? I will send you guys home,” insist Nichkhun.

“Khun, all of us can not fit in your sport car. It’s okay we can take a taxi,” explain Victoria why he refuse him taking them home.

“Who said that I’m bringing my sport car? I came well prepared you know,” say Nichkhun with proud and pull the two girls to the parking lot.

Here they are in the parking lot. Nichkhun show Victoria his car and it is black Audi SUV and it surely will fit all of them in that car. Victoria notices the smile in Nichkhun face.

“So, what you think sweetie? It can fit all of us right?” ask Nichkhun with mock tone.

“Yes, sure it is. I’m forgetting that you are rich and have a lot of car,” say Victoria sarcastically.

Nichkhun is laughing hearing that from Victoria because he knows that she just teasing him. He carried Krystal to the back seat and pull Victoria to the car.




Teacyeon and Yoona are invited them to have dinner at their house as a gratitude for taking care of Krystal. All of them are having fun in sharing stories and catch up with their latest activities. It’s such a pleasant atmosphere for all of them. After spending almost two hours there Victoria give a hint to Nichkhun that they should keep going now and by looking at sleepy Krystal that make it as an excuse to go home.

“Thank you very much Vic and Khun and I hope she not give you guys a lot of trouble today,” say Yoona while looking at her daughter.

“No Yoong. She is a sweet girl but I’m afraid that she will get stomach ache because I think she ate a lot of ice cream today,” say Victoria and give a sharp glace to NIchkhun.

“Sorry, I’m just can’t say no to her when she gives me her sad face,” say Nichkhun tried to pretend himself.

“It’s okay Khun, I know her and I’m also always defeated by her tears,” say Taecyeon and give his daughter a kiss.




Yoona gives Krystal a bath and tuck her to her bed. Krystal sleeps at the moment her mother covers her with the blanket and no wait to her mother to read her bed time story. Yoona go to her bedroom after Krystal sleeping and found her husband there.

“Taec, what you think about Khun and Vic,” ask Yoona to her husband curiously.

“Actually I’m quiet surprise to see Khun here with Vic. I’m never known that they are going out together,” say Taecyeon to her wife.

“I’m not sure whether they are dating or not but this is second time I saw them together,” explain Yoona to Taecyeon

“I think Khun likes Vic because he will not spend his times with the girl he doesn’t have any interest. You know Khun, he rather spend his time to works,” say Taecyeon.

“I’m agree with you but I’m not sure about Vic,” say Yoona with worried tone.

“What about her? Khun is perfect guy, she should not be worried,” say Taecyeon defending his besfriend.

“You know after her engagement is called off Vic seems like not really interested in relationship especially with person like Khun. It will remind her to that jerk,” say Yoona with such regret.

“What should we do honey?” ask Taecyeon to her loving wife.

“I know what we should do. I have a plan,” say Yoona with a big smile.



hello reader and all my subcribers, we meet again. sorry for taking a long time to post this chapter. i'm taking my time in brainstorming the idea. writting is really not an easy task. regarding this is my first i'm hope that this story so far not dispoint all of you. i'm not sure how long it will take and what is gonna to happen in the future but my wish is i can finish this story with such a beautiful ending. till we meet again.. love all of u..

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Indahry #1
Chapter 7: What is this....
Why I just find this story.
This story really nice.
Please don't stop here.
Update this story pleaseee Authornim
Authornim Fighting
Khuntoria Fighting
laniya #2
Chapter 7: Please continue this story author-nim. . ><
YohanaHo #3
Chapter 7: please continue this story. this is really good and nice story. ><
cahayaillahi #4
Chapter 7: Can you keep continue this story please,....
65384084 #5
Chapter 7: Dear author,can you keep continue this story please,......
gween97 #6
Chapter 7: when you cann update this story? I can't wait for next chapter
ms_kumi #7
Chapter 1: I just found it, cz I miss them. hhe
nice story
vicqian #8
Nice story, love it. Update soon :)
aarasa #9
Finally an update! yay! oh this chapter is so sweet, I love it! lol can't wait to read more ^^
leafto03 #10
No wonder you have so much subscribers, love your story so much.........

It'll be great if this will be a movie it a tv series...

Love it so much........