Chapter 3



“Hi Sul baby… How are you today?” ask Victoria as soon as she see Sulli in the shop this morning. “I’m fine, just a little bit sleepy. What’s up with the big bag Vic?” Sulli is attending night class to complete her degree. She doesn’t want to burden her family to support her study, that’s why she decided to work in day and study in night. “It is just my ballet stuff. Yoona ask me to teach ballet at her academy at night.” “That’s great. I know you are great dancer Vic. Why you are not pursuing your carrier as a dancer?” curios Sulli. “I don’t know…maybe because I’m been dance for quite long time so I have no feeling to continue it anymore.”


Victoria is taking a subway in order to reach at Yoona dance academy. The academy is not so big but it gives a warm felling. Yoona start the academy around 4 years ago after finishing college. Her family helps her setting up this academy for her and she doing a great job in managing it. This academy is focusing in ballet and modern dance.


Yoona is waiting for Victoria. She gives her a hug as soon as Victoria reaching her office. “Thanks Vic. I love you my darling.” “I love you too. That’s why I’m here for you.” Yoona bring Victoria to the changing room for her to change to her ballet outfit. It has been a long time for Victoria to wear something like this and thank god her body is not gaining any weight so that she still can fit the size. Finishing changing, she put her hair in a bun with some fringe. Looking at the mirror it just looks like a 3 year’s old Victoria, she give a sigh.


“Vic, are you ready?” “Yeah, I’m coming.” “Wow, you look great. You are still looks like an angle with this outfit.” “Stop it Yoona. I’m not young anymore. It just my parents who still called me with that name. Where is my class?”. “Come this way.” Yoona bring Victoria to her class. In the class the student is waiting for her. 15 kids in her class and all of them look lovely and very cute. Victoria smiles to them and introduce herself as their new teacher.


Her 1st class runs smoothly. She can remember most of the girl name and all the girls like her. She feels happy and relieved that she can handle her class. After finishing changing her cloth, Victoria went to Yoona office. “How do you feel now?” ask Yoona. “Feel great. Never imagine I’m happy teaching” “Vic, I want to invite you to come to my house this Saturday. We are having birthday party for Krystal. She’s turning 3 years old.” Krystal is Yoona’s daughter, Yoona been married right after finishing college. She is the one among their friends who is married. Victoria remembered Yoona told her, that is the best decision that she made in her life and having Krystal is the blast in her life. Victoria also has a hope that she will marry one day and have a child.  “I miss her. All right, I’ll be there. At what time the party start?” “Its 4p.m. she must be happy to see you.”


In other city, Nichkhun is at airport waiting for his flight. It been delayed for almost 2 hours now. He went there in first flight in the morning and now on the way back. It’s normal for him but sometimes he feel like his body can’t take it anymore. Sitting in the lobby, he observes his surroundings. Most of the people are busy and in their own world just like him. Sometime he keeps thinking what can make his life complete and happy. He knows that it’s not money because he has money but still feel like missing something in his life. At first he thought that, money is everything since he was a kid but not now anymore.


Victoria wearing simple pink dress with a light makeup and she just let her hair down. She looks lovely and sweet. Krystal running to her once she sees Victoria at her birthday party. Victoria reaches down and gives a kiss in her cheek. She jumps in a joy when Victoria gives her a present. Yoona come to Victoria and pull her to meet her husband’s. Actually Victoria already knows him because they meet in Yoona wedding before.


“Taec, do you remember Victoria” said Yoona to her husband. At that time, Taecyeon is having a talk with his friends. Both of them turn their head to Yoona direction. Taecyeon give a smile to Victoria but the man beside him looks a bit familiar to Victoria. In Victoria mind keep juggling if she meets him before. “Off course I remember her. She’s your bridesmaid. Hi Vic. Thanks for coming” said Taec and give her a hug. “I almost forgot. Vic, this is my friend. His name is Nichkhun. Khun, this is Victoria. She is Yoona college friend.”


They shake hand and smile to each other. Suddenly Nichkhun says “Do you work at coffee shop?” “Yes I am.” “You are the one that I owe money right? I’m looking for you after that but your shift is over. Taec you remember the day that I drop my wallet at your office.” “I remember, so that girl is actually Vic. Small world.” Victoria just gives them a smile.


Nichkhun look different from what she saw in coffee shop before. At that time he’s wearing a suit but this time he just dress casually with jeans and polo shirt. Even with simple outfit he still looks great. Taecyeon and Yoona leave them alone. It is a little bit awkward for them.


“Victoria!” Victoria heard someone scream her name. Victoria turns to see who’s been calling her name. It was Seohyun and Sora. They coming to Victoria and give her a hug. “I miss you.” said all of them in unison and giggle with their action. Nichkhun just looking at them and give them a smile. “Hi. Vic is he your boyfriend?” ask Sora. “No. it’s not. He is Taecyeon friend,” stutter Victoria surprised by Sora statement.


“Hi, my name is Nichkhun. Nice to meet you girls,” Nichkhun said while shaking hands with Seohyun and Sora. “Hi!” both of them said in same time. This two girls just like Siamese twin. They are always together. Seohyun is Victoria roommate in college and Yoona cousin. Sora is Seohyun bestfriend. They called themselves as SS Sisters. Never imagine that they still the same even now.


Two guys approach them. They are Yonghwa, Seohyun fiancée and Leeteuk, Sora boyfriend. Yonghwa is a composer and Leeteuk has his own business relate with event management. Victoria has met them before so she gives a hug to both of them. Nichkhun introduce himself to Yonghwa and Leeteuk and they have a small talk among themselves while the girls also busy with their conversations.


“Guys, please have a seat the party is going to start soon,” usher Taecyeon to all his guests. All of them take a seat at long table in the garden. Krystal, the birthday girl sit at head of the table and her parents is beside her. Victoria also makes a move to the table and without her notice, Nichkhun is sitting beside her.


The party is started, and all of them sing birthday song to Krystal. Krystal is so cute, dress in princess gown with tiara in her head. Victoria is smiling looking at lovely young family in front of her. The man beside her is starring at her face. She is blushing when she realized that Nichkhun is starring at her. Nichkhun give her a smile when he know that Victoria know he was staring at her.


“Vic…I’m sorry Victoria. Can I just call you Vic?” “Yes, you can call me Vic. All my friends call me Vic.”

Victoria cheek is still blushing and she avoids staring straight in Nichkhun eyes. Nichkhun chuckles seeing her like that and he think she is cute. “Why you are not calling me? I give you my card right. Actually I’m waiting for your call to pay back your money.”


Card...Did he give me his card...I’m not remembered it. Victoria tried to act calm. “Just 10 dollar, it’s not a big deal. Just forget about it.” “Are you sure or maybe I can buy you lunch to pay back my debt.” “Nichkhun, you don’t have to that, really it doesn’t matter to me,” answer Victoria to avoid having a lunch with him. “Allright if it’s okay with you. By the way you can call me Khun. My friends call me Khun.” It’s strange for Nichkhun because it is first time girl rejected his offer. Usually he’s the one who tried to avoid this kind of thing.


Now, the party is finish. Most of the guest is prepared to go home. Krystal is soundly sleeping in Taecyeon lap. Maybe she is too tired and over enjoyed herself celebrating her birthday. Victoria also makes her move to return home. “Vic, how do you go home?” ask Yoona. “I’m just taking subway. It’s much easier for me.” “I can send you home,” say Nichkhun. “Thank you Khun. I’m more relieved if you can send Vic,” answer Yoona. “No. I’m okay by my own,” Victoria gives her answer. “Please Vic, let Khun send you home. It much safer than taking a subway,” Yoona tried to convince Victoria. “Okay,” answer Victoria because she doesn’t want to argue with Yoona.


hi to all my readers and thank you very much for reading this story. this my 3rd chapter  and i hope that  all of u enjoy it. till we met again..ADIOS.

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Indahry #1
Chapter 7: What is this....
Why I just find this story.
This story really nice.
Please don't stop here.
Update this story pleaseee Authornim
Authornim Fighting
Khuntoria Fighting
laniya #2
Chapter 7: Please continue this story author-nim. . ><
YohanaHo #3
Chapter 7: please continue this story. this is really good and nice story. ><
cahayaillahi #4
Chapter 7: Can you keep continue this story please,....
65384084 #5
Chapter 7: Dear author,can you keep continue this story please,......
gween97 #6
Chapter 7: when you cann update this story? I can't wait for next chapter
ms_kumi #7
Chapter 1: I just found it, cz I miss them. hhe
nice story
vicqian #8
Nice story, love it. Update soon :)
aarasa #9
Finally an update! yay! oh this chapter is so sweet, I love it! lol can't wait to read more ^^
leafto03 #10
No wonder you have so much subscribers, love your story so much.........

It'll be great if this will be a movie it a tv series...

Love it so much........