
Secretary's Secret
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Sojung marched with her head held high through the hallways of Kim's Tech.Co., inhaling a long, deep breath before she reached her destination. She was certain that she would accept whatever outcome with composure. This was the day. No matter what occurred, she had made up her mind to end her relationship with Cha Eunwoo and it would begin by cutting ties with her father's organisation.


The receptionist at the front desk greeted Sojung with a warm smile before escorting the woman to her father's office. When she arrived at the oversized office door, the receptionist left, leaving her alone with her thoughts.


Sojung's chest was tight, her heart pounding like a drum. She chanted to herself, "Deep breaths, Sojung...deep breaths." Her fingers fumbled for the wallet in her pocket, and she opened it with trembling hands. When her eyes caught sight of the Polaroid of her and Eunbi, her lips curved into a small smile. She has treat Eunbi to a long and exciting date not too long ago (though she's been doing this more and more often recently), and Eunbi had captured the moment with her camera. The shorter had actually taken many photos of the two of them recently, intending to decorate her home office's wall with them. But this one was her favourite; Eunbi's face smooshed against her own, the two of them beaming, just enjoying each other's company. Sojung had tucked it into her wallet since that day... it was a reminder of the woman she'd go to the ends of the earth for. The very woman she was going to change her life for.


With one last breath, Sojung decided she had wasted enough time and opened the door in front of her.


Sojung's father, the chairman, swivels in his chair, surprise evident on his face. "I wasn't expecting you today," he states, his gaze upon her daughter as she stands before his desk. His expression is firm yet intimidating as he queries, "What can I do for you?"


"Kim Tech.Co..." Sojung's words trail off. Taking a big gulp to swallow down the lump that had formed in , the woman cleared her voice and attempted to regain her composure, "I am no longer on this company's payroll, I do not believe I should be handling work for the company anonymously on your behalf any longer. I believe it is time for you to hire more personnel to take care of your business, as I want to make my departure definite, not just on paper."


She was greeted by a deafening silence, the atmosphere of the room was so tense it could have been sliced with a knife.


"Is that all you had to say to me after coming all this way?" Her father finally responded, lighting up a cigar as he did so.


"No" Sojung continued, finding more confidence in herself as she spoke more. "I cannot wed Cha Eunwoo, father, as I feel nothing but hollowness for him. This arranged marriage was your idea. Not mine. I understand you want to expand your business with his family's, however, I have no love or connection with him, apart from a marriage of convenience. I just cannot commit to an alliance without love. I regret to say this, but I just cannot do it."


"Then learn to love him"


Sojung was taken aback by that answer "You know that's not how it works father!"


Chairman Kim breathed out after taking a puff of his cigar, smoke head towards Sojung's face before the woman waved it away. "And what will you do after? What will you do after cutting off ties with my company and fleeing your engagement, what will you have left after?"


What will I have left?


"My company, Father." I'll have Eunbi "The one that I've built from the ground up." I can build my life with Eunbi "There is no reason for me to have a connection with your company any longer" I'll have no burdens left to give her... I can finally give her everything she deserves.




"WhiteRock" her father finally said after a brief moment of silence




"Xanguard, L.P Jordans and SLG" Her father continued as Sojung's face morphed into deeper confusion. Those were the names of her earliest, yet biggest investors that ever took part in Aphrodite's fashion. It was thanks to them that her struggling company took off from the ground and despite Aphrodite's Fashion's current global success, those top four investing firms are still one of the company's greatest lines of credit. It's one of the main reasons that Sojung is able to produce such quality clothing in such a short amount of time, allowing her to stand out from the rest of her competition.


But just why was her father naming those names to her now?


"Did you really think your child's game of dress-up

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Chapter 39: Great story, I'm glad you finished it 😊
Chapter 1: gfriend stories are so scarce, I'm glad I found this one 😍
SahyoForLife #3
Hi author-nim!! So I just read this fic (literally within 5 hours it was so good 🤌) and I was wondering if maybe you could add like a bonus chapter ( a chap maybe🤭) because we're desperately missing both of them so so much! anyways thank you for this story entirely because it is the best no doubt 🙌
159 streak #4
Chapter 39: I just finished this and all I can say is that I’m in love. I’m in love with their story and I’m absolutely in love with the way you write author-nim. Not exaggerating or anything but I truly love your writing style so please keep it up. I’m so happy they got their happy ending, they both deserved it!!! Can’t wait to dive into your other stories!!!
159 streak #5
Chapter 33: DAMN, that last sentence gotta hurt. I do agree with Eunbi but I can also understand Sojung, it must be extremely hard having to come to terms to confronting your father
159 streak #6
Chapter 30: Crying while throwing up, neither of them deserve to go through this pain 😮‍💨😮‍💨 this is soooo good
159 streak #7
Chapter 28: Sojung’s feelings were portrayed here amazingly, I can even feel the frustration she is feeling. Not being able to live your life as you want to and love the people you want to love must be extremely horrible. Btw author-nim I’ve been reading this and it’s soooo good!!!! Thank you for mentioning it in your other storie 🤭 hehehe
Chapter 9: I wonder what kind of ual harassment policy does Aphrodite’s Fashion have.
Andrea_97 #9
Chapter 35: I came time to time to reread this, thank you so much for finish this fic. hope you can write some fic with wonha and sinrin...really miss those ships and you write teally good so I'll like to read something with this ships writing by you
otherwise_decision #10
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: You had me in the first half (dream sequence), not gonna lie.

I did a double take and had to flip back to end of Chapter 1 just to make sure I hadn't lost my marbles XD