Smile, you're debuting~

Erebus [Discontinued]

Leo sat in uncomfortable silence in the chairman's office. Rain-sunbae, Joon-hyung, and another hyung, who was a stranger to him were all sitting in front of him.

"Do you know why you're here Kwang Sun?" Rain began, leaning back in his seat, and eyeing the younger man. His expression was unemotional.

"A-Ani, sunbaenim..." He said timidly. Rain had always intimidated Leo. It was just the fact that Rain was so much more massive than him that scared him a bit. Was he about to be told to pack up and head back to Quebec? He prayed to god that wasn't the case. He didn't know if he'd be able to take it if he got let go. He'd given up so much to be here. And he couldn't imagine himself doing anything else.

"You've been chosen to lead the new group E-1." The stranger began. "I'm your manager, Park Sun Woo." He nodded his head in a respectful manner, and Leo returned the gesture. It took a few minutes for the news to hit him, it hit like a train. 

His jaw dropped, and his eyes widened. He was a leader now? "I-I...." He stammered, not sure where to begin. "Thank you! Thank you so much Ji Hoon-Sunbaenim!" He said over and over again, standing up and bowing 90 degrees. 

Joon chuckled. "Aish, no need to thank us so much Kwang Sun, you earned it! Congratulations!" Leo turned his attention to his mentor, and there was a moment of awkward silence. Nobody knew it really, but Joon and Leo had been fooling around during, and after work. It was supposed to be all casual. But...though he would never admit it, Leo had feelings for the Muscle Babo. 

Leo decided to break the silence with a light laugh. "Ah, thanks Hyung. I learned from the best." He winked, a double meaning to his words, that only Joon would be able to catch. Rain cleared his throat, and stood up.

"Let's go meet the other guys shall we?" He asked, heading out of the office, followed by Joon, Leo, and Manager Sun Woo-Hyung.

"No no no. Not like that!" Hyun Min said softly as he kneeled down, straightening out Jae Soon's leg. "This leg is supposed to be straight. It's the other that's supposed to be bent a bit."  He explained, using a kind, and patient tone. He looked up at the boy and gave him a brilliant smile. "You looked good though, aside from that hyung!" 

Jae Soon nodded, he and Hyun Min had been working hard on this new dance they were choreographing together. They were doing it as an assignment that had been given to them by Mir-hyung and it was pretty fun. But, Jae Soon kept messing up the final pose. And it was starting to get to him. He was beginning on debating to just stay behind and practice it all night. After all, he was starting to mess up Hyun Min, and it was making him feel terrible. "I'm really sorry Minnie." He said, scratching his head sheepishly. "It's my fault. I'll work harder."

"Oh no hyung! It's a really hard dance, and we've only just started learning it yesterday! You're actually doing really good. maybe I didn't choose the best pose for you to end in too." The French boy sighed, pulling back and putting a hand under his chin. He was trying to figure out a way that he could make this a little bit easier on Jae-hyung. 

The door opened, and two boys walked in. One had hair that was a beautiful shade of blonde, and the other had reddish brown hair. The blonde smiled when he saw the other two boys, while the brunette shoved his hands in his pockets and glared at the wall.

"Why hello there!" the blonde began with a chuckle. "It would appear this room is in use...but we were told to meet here. Isn't that right Elias?" He glanced back at the brunette, who shot him a glare. It was as if he was scolding the other man for using his name in public. He mumbled something that could only be assumed as an agreement, then looked down at his shoes.

"Oh, well, we don't mind you guys being here!" Jae Soon said, straightening up, and stretching. He sighed a bit when he felt his back pop. 

"Ah, so I see you're all here." A voice came from behind the four boys. They turned, and standing there was Rain. He was followed by one of the older trainees. None of the boys had ever dared to speak to him, because he was the one who was always sitting alone during the lunchbreaks. Word had it that he was a womanizer, and a cheater. He only talked to the Mblaq members, and he was a complete mystery to the other trainees. He looked at the younger boys before him with a critical eye. "Boys, you've been chosen to debut in a project group this year...This is your leader." Rain looked at the boys, trying to gauge how well they meshed, however the attempt was futile because it was impossible to pass a judgement due to the cold quiet of the room.

Hyun Min looked from the older boy to the rest of the men in the room, and decided to break the awkward silence. "Hi! I'm Hyun Min! What's your name?!" He grinned cutely, trying not to falter as the omnicent gaze of the oldest trainee slid over him.

"Kwang Sun." Leo spoke finally, looking at all of the boys. "I hope you know that I will expect you all to work your hardest. I won't have mercy on you at a time like this. Nevertheless. I hope we'll work well together." He spoke with an accent that Hyun Min caught onto immediately.

"Do you speak French?" He asked suddenly.

Leo seemed to be taken a bit off guard at that question. "Ah...Ne..I'm from Quebec Canada." He explained. "French was my first language."

"Oh! Mine too! I'm from Paris~"

"Nice." Leo nodded. He looked at the younger boys."Well, follow his lead!" He said harshly. "Stop being rude, and introduce yourselves!"

"Ah! R-Right." Jae Soon nodded, "H-Ham Jae Soon imnida. Please take good care of me Leader-ssi."  He bowed, being extremely formal with this new, slightly scary hyung. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about Kwang Sun yet.

"I'm Yusung!" The blonde said with a slight smirk as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

"...Elias." The youngest boy said quietly. When Kwang Sun looked at him, he noticed the visible gap between him and the other members. It was enough to make him frown. He didn't like that distance. So, he decided to close it himself, wrapping his arms around the boys and pulling them close. 

"Well then..." The leader said with a grin. "I guess we're a family now." He said warmly.

And that was Leo's earliest memory with E-1, which later that week had become the boygroup Erebus.

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illias #1
Ouch, Yusung became a psychopath in Luc's mind.. Maybe it's because Yusung and Luc's not familiar to each other yet? I don't know.. But Yusung can be really like some kind of a ball that jumps around.. It seems like he became more of rather quiet, sarcastic one.. (By the way, is Yesung and Yusung really sound similar? 예성 and 유성..)

Anyway, that's the life of celebrities, boys- You sometimes have to do things that you do not favor. I'm sure they will manage to cope with it well. Be it fanservice or different shows.

To me, it seems like Elias is more like an observer who looks at people's behaviour carefully. Oh well, I like them all!
Yulu... Lusung...
Oh well, Yusung's name reminds me of Yesung.

I /really/ like Leo. Idk why. He's my favorite character so far.
And I like Luc!
Okay I like them all~ GROUP HUG.
Lol, I noticed Elias and JS are in the same story once again in the same group XD LMao

(New here ^^~)
Joon and Leo.
I love my character .___. <3
Am I a bad person because of that?
T.T so much like
illias #6
!!! Breaking up with Kwangmin?! Aww, poor Hyun min.. I kind of understand the part about getting busier and will be more difficult to meet but to say something like you didn't like me but just accepted because you don't like rejecting people was... I don't know.. mean?