
Erebus [Discontinued]

"Hyun Min?" Kwangmin called, waving his hand in front of his hyung's face. "Yah! Earth to Hyun Min."

The blonde turned his attention back to his boyfriend and smiled. "Ah, Ne? Did you want something?" He furrowed his brow in confusion when he saw the irrated expression on the rapper's face. Had he done something wrong? Kwangmin knew that he was the type to space out a lot, and he'd never seemed to mind before...

"You really didn't hear a word I said?" The brunette asked flatly, crossing his arms and glaring at Hyun Min. 

"Ani...I'm sorry..."

"Well. I guess I just have to repeat myself. I'm leaving you."

Hyun Min's heart dropped to the ground. He blinked in confusion, gripping the edge of the table, holding onto at least some form of stability. "Wh-What?" He asked softly. "Wae?" He felt the color drain out of his face, and felt as if he was going to get sick.

"Because. You never pay attention to me. Besides, you're going to be too busy to spend time with me soon. You and I both know it. Besides....You don't really even like me much do you?" Kwangmin smiled a bit sadly. "Admit it, you only said yes when I asked you out because you don't like to reject people."

Hyun Min's eyes were wide at the other boy's statement. He shook his head furiously, trying to get his point across. "ANIYO!" He squeaked out. "Kwangmin-ah...I...I love you. You know that!" Tears welled up in his eyes. This seriously couldn't be happening. He had to be having a terrible nightmare. How else could a night that had been going so well end up turning out so terribly wrong? There could be no other explaination.

"Shut up. You're making a scene." Kwangmin's voice dropped to a frustrated whisper. "Look, I'm sorry. But I just can't stay with you any longer, hyung. I hope that we can be friends again sometime soon." With a great sigh he pushed back from the table and shrugged his jacket on. "I'll be leaving first." The boy patted Hyun Min's shoulder, then made his way out the door, making sure to pay the waitress ahead of time.

Hyun Min just sat there for a good ten minutes, staring blankly into space. He didn't quite know how he was supposed to react to everything. He decided he should probably react like a normal person, and decided to break down into sobs, not caring that there were people looking at him like he was insane. He covered his face and cried like he's never cried before. He honestly had loved Kwangmin. But...It was over now...And there was no way to get him back. So He'd have to deal with it. He couldn't try again, and be a burden on the younger man. He wouldn't do that.

"Um...Excuse me.." A soft voice spoke from in front of Hyun Min. The blonde looked up, and found himself facing a raven haired boy with almost elven features. "Are you alright?"

"I'm....I'm fine." Hyun Min said, forcing a slight smile. "I just saw this really sad movie is all..." He couldn't bother somebody else with his problems. It would be rude, besides, he didn't want to bring down the other's mood. 

"You know, you shouldn't lie about your feelings." The boy said with a slight sigh, slipping into the chair that Kwangmin had been occupying. He leaned over, and grabbed a napkin out of the dispenser, handing it to Hyun MIn with a slight smile. "I'm Ricky." He said simply.

"Hyun Min...I-It's nice to meet you." He stuttered, still trying to get control over his sobs. 

"...Do you want to talk about it?" Ricky asked with a frown as he propped his head up on his hand. 

"Aniyo...I just...Can you sit here with me for a while?" Hyun Min requested with a sniffle. All he needed right now was to have somebody like Ricky close to him. The boy seemed to be relatively happy. So maybe some of the boy's good attitude would rub off on him. "I know, it's a dumb reques-" He was cut off by Ricky, who held up a hand to silence him.

"It's not a stupid request at all." He smiled brightly. "I'll be sitting right here next to you okay? So you don't have to feel alone hyung." He got up for a minute, and scooted his chair over to Hyun Min, sitting down again before the boy drank the coffee he'd brought with him to the table. He didn't pry, and he had a soft smile playing at his pink lips.

Hyun Min looked at the boy in awe for a minute, a smile slowly blooming across his features. Maybe ricky was right, and he wouldn't have to go through this alone after all.

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illias #1
Ouch, Yusung became a psychopath in Luc's mind.. Maybe it's because Yusung and Luc's not familiar to each other yet? I don't know.. But Yusung can be really like some kind of a ball that jumps around.. It seems like he became more of rather quiet, sarcastic one.. (By the way, is Yesung and Yusung really sound similar? 예성 and 유성..)

Anyway, that's the life of celebrities, boys- You sometimes have to do things that you do not favor. I'm sure they will manage to cope with it well. Be it fanservice or different shows.

To me, it seems like Elias is more like an observer who looks at people's behaviour carefully. Oh well, I like them all!
Yulu... Lusung...
Oh well, Yusung's name reminds me of Yesung.

I /really/ like Leo. Idk why. He's my favorite character so far.
And I like Luc!
Okay I like them all~ GROUP HUG.
Lol, I noticed Elias and JS are in the same story once again in the same group XD LMao

(New here ^^~)
Joon and Leo.
I love my character .___. <3
Am I a bad person because of that?
T.T so much like
illias #6
!!! Breaking up with Kwangmin?! Aww, poor Hyun min.. I kind of understand the part about getting busier and will be more difficult to meet but to say something like you didn't like me but just accepted because you don't like rejecting people was... I don't know.. mean?