Strong Heart

Erebus [Discontinued]

"Earth to Leo." JS said slowly as he waved a hand in front of his hyung's face. The eldest male had been spaced out all day. It caused all of the other members to become worried for him. Did something happen? 

The leader jumped upon seeing a hand so close to his face. He looked at the dancer curiously, and raised an eyebrow. "Ne?" He asked lightly, acting as if nothing was on his mind, and he had been simply spacing out. It was only then that Leo realized where they were. He looked around, finding himself in the dressing rooms for Strong Heart. When had they arrived? He'd been so locked up in his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed...

"You didn't hear the stylist noona?" He asked, pursing his lips a bit in a cute pout. "She asked if you'd rather wear the necklace, or the ring."

Leo blinked, then turned his attention to the woman standing in front of him, holding up a silver necklace, and a black and silver ring. He took both items with a sheepish grin, slipping the ring onto his finger, and the necklace around his long, elegant neck. "Is it okay if I wear both of them?" He asked lightly. She nodded, then scurried off to help the others get ready. "Thanks noona!" he called after her.

The door opened, and in walked their manager. "Okay guys." He said with a fatherly smile. "This is your first variety show."

"Don't remind us..." Elias grumbled from his corner, earning a pointed glare from the leader. The boy simply scowled in return, not caring about being polite at times like this. He already hated broadcasts.

"Right...Anyways." The manager cleared his throat, "So we--the company-- have decided to pair four of you guys up into fanservice couples." 

"Fanservice?" Leo frowned a bit, crossing his arms. It seemed a bit shady to him. "Why do that?" He asked, clearly not liking it one bit. 

"Because the fans would do it anyways." Yusung shrugged, standing up from the styling chair he'd been sitting in. "I opt out of it." He said blankly, heading towards the door.

"Too bad. Because you're already paired up with Luc."  The manager watched as the French boy groaned and sunk into his seat. How come he always had to be paired up with psychopaths who attack people over a bowl of cereal? Luc was simply down on his luck today. "And Leo, you'll be paired with Elias."

"I don't want to be in a couple though..." Elias said slowly, furrowing his brow in frustration. "Especially not with him..." He sent a pointed glare in Leo's direction. If he was forced to endure skinship, and any form of ual advance from the leader, the makane was sure that he would end up castrating the elder male. He. Did not. Want to be. Touched. Period.

"Look Elias." Leo said with a slight sigh as he stood up, changing his shirt into the leopard print one given to him by his stylist. He looked at the Makane in the mirror, and raised an eyebrow.  "I don't want to do this either. But let's just it up and go through with it okay? For the fans." 

"...Fine." Elias muttered, going out into the hall after Yu Sung. He leaned against the wall next to the blonde, and sighed in irritation.

"You don't want to do this either huh?" The elder asked the makane, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. 

"Definitely not. Especially not with that idiot."

"So, do you think the show will be nice for the fans?" He asked suddenly, clearly attempting to switch the subject. He hated when someone badmouthed people in front of him.

"Of course it will." Leo's voice came from beside them as the leader emerged from the room, fixing his microphone. Elias turned to look at him, and froze a bit when he observed how the older man was dressed. He was wearing a red blazer along with a leopard print shirt, and the accessories he'd chosen earlier. His hair was perfect, and his cat-like eyes accentuated by eyeliner. The makane blinked in awe. When did the prick get attractive?

"Especially since you'll be sitting next to me, right Leo?" A deep voice came from behind the leader of Erebus, and two strong arms wrapped around him. Leo rolled his eyes and glanced over his shoulder to see Joon smirking down at him. "After all, we are quite entertaining."

"Sorry." Leo said dully as he grabbed the older male's hands, turning out of his grasp, then dropping them at his side. "I have to sit with my dear Makane. Why don't you sit with Seungho this time around?"

"But...Fine." Joon sighed and shook his head, walking over to his own leader, and they started to talk about something else. Leo watched this, and frowned a bit. He hadn't expected Joon to give up so quickly. Especially since this was the man that never gave up on anything unless you beat him with a bat and told him to let it go. The eldest member of Erebus sighed and bit his lip a bit. "Be ready to go out." He said simply before he walked off, heading to god knows where.

Elias frowned a bit as he watched Leo go. Why had Joon been so touchy with the leader? And why did Leo look so sad when Joon left him alone? Most importantly, why was he finding Leo to be so inviting all of a sudden, and why was he caring about the leader? There was something odd going on here, and he wanted to know what it was.

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illias #1
Ouch, Yusung became a psychopath in Luc's mind.. Maybe it's because Yusung and Luc's not familiar to each other yet? I don't know.. But Yusung can be really like some kind of a ball that jumps around.. It seems like he became more of rather quiet, sarcastic one.. (By the way, is Yesung and Yusung really sound similar? 예성 and 유성..)

Anyway, that's the life of celebrities, boys- You sometimes have to do things that you do not favor. I'm sure they will manage to cope with it well. Be it fanservice or different shows.

To me, it seems like Elias is more like an observer who looks at people's behaviour carefully. Oh well, I like them all!
Yulu... Lusung...
Oh well, Yusung's name reminds me of Yesung.

I /really/ like Leo. Idk why. He's my favorite character so far.
And I like Luc!
Okay I like them all~ GROUP HUG.
Lol, I noticed Elias and JS are in the same story once again in the same group XD LMao

(New here ^^~)
Joon and Leo.
I love my character .___. <3
Am I a bad person because of that?
T.T so much like
illias #6
!!! Breaking up with Kwangmin?! Aww, poor Hyun min.. I kind of understand the part about getting busier and will be more difficult to meet but to say something like you didn't like me but just accepted because you don't like rejecting people was... I don't know.. mean?