
Erebus [Discontinued]

Jae Soon was quiet as he watched SHINee's performance. The comeback single of his sunbaes was catchy, and upbeat. The dancer watched the other man as they went through their song's choreography with an analytical eye. He appeared to just be absentmindedly watching, but anybody who knew Jae Soon knew that he was mentally recording every single little movement, and filing them away for future practice sessions. 

He was pulled-more like pushed- from his thoughts when he felt something collide with him. He placed his hands out to catch the object, and planted a foot flat against the ground to stablize himself. His vision finally regained normal focus, and he saw that it was Onew. When did the song end? Jae Soon hadn't even realized. "Yah..." He muttered, clearly startled. "Be more careful!"

"Mianhae." His senior looked apologetic, and bowed fourty five degrees, offering up a sheepish smile. However, he lost his balance, and stumbled forward again, once again, being saved by Jae Soon from colliding with the cold floor.

"Everything he does," Key Began.

"It's the Onew Sangtae!" The rest of the SHINee members chimed in, causing their dubu leader to flush a light shade of pink. 

"Shut up guys..." he muttered, scratching his head in embarassment. It wasn't his fault that he was a klutz! He looked at Jae Soon for a moment, concluding that he for sure didn't know this boy. "I haven't seen you around before.." He said softly before squinting. "You're not one of the Exo members are you?" 

"Aniyo, I'm JS, the main dancer of Erebus." Jae Soon explained. "Hi Onew Hyung."

Onew blinked, obviously trying to remember where he'd heard Erebus' name before. "Oh right! You guys are labelmates with MBLAQ." He nodded, excited that he'd remembered.

"That's us." JS said with a shy smile. He looked over when he heard his name being called by Leo. He looked back at Onew with a nervous smile. "I'll see you around hyung, I hope you like our debut song!" He bowed, then scurried off after his fellow members, following them out to the stage.


The light was blinding. All five boys winced at the sudden brightness. Their eyes finally adjusted after a few minutes, and they looked at the crowd. They scanned, hoping to see those royal purple lightsticks, their faces lighting up when finally they had located them. The Shadows. Erebus' loving fans. The screaming got louder when each of the members grinned.

"Leo! Saranghae!!!"
"Marry me Lias!!"
"Meteor oppa!!!!"

The boys managed to pick their names out of the roar. They looked at eachother, sharing some sort of silent conversation for a brief moment before Kwang Sun stepped forward. "Annyeong Haseyo. We are Erebus. My name is Leo. Bonjour. Please take care of us." He bowed, then looked over at the girls who screamed for him, winking at them, before stepping back into line.

 Hyun Min then stepped forward. "Annyeong! Luc imnida! I love you Shadows!" He giggled cutely, then waved at everybody, then returned to his spot next to his hyung.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, before Jae Soon looked around. "Oh...That's me. Right." He offered up a quirky smile. "Yo what's up? JS here. Where the Snugs at?" He held his mic up and smirked at the other members as his own personal fanclub started to scream like their lives depended on it.

Kwang Sun rolled his eyes, and brought his mic up to his lips to speak. "All of you who are fans of should become Lionhearts. I'll treat you guys better then this pabo. I'm much cooler."

"Well..I'm cooler than both of you!" Lias said as he pouted cutely. "Annyeong everyone! Lias imnida. I love you Eliakings!"

Yu Sung rolled his eyes and shoved a hand in his pocket. "Whatever. You're all lame." He gave a lazy salute to his fans. "Hey guys. Meteor here. Let's get started ne?"


Hyun Min strolled down the street, his hands in his pockets. He glanced at the time, and saw that he was actually a bit ahead of schedule. Not that he minded that at all. He turned, and headed into a real hole in the wall coffee shop. He closed his eyes, and smiled as he inhaled the warm aroma of coffee. 

"Annyeong!" The girl behind the counter said cheerfully as she waved to him. "Pick a seat, and I'll be right with you!" The blonde boy nodded, and looked around. The place was pretty much empty, save for that old couple over there in the corner. He quickly found a table near a bookcase, and a window, and slid into a seat. 

He looked over when he heard the chime above the door, signaling that somebody else had entered the building. Was it who he was waiting for? He craned his neck over, so that he could check, and his eyes widened in shock when he realized that it was the rest of his bandmates. Why were they here?! He was supposed to be meeting Kwangmin here! They couldn't be here!!

"Come on boys, let's get some coffee~" Kwang Sun said brightly as he led his dongsaengs into the shop, waving at the barista. He headed over to a table, and sat down. "Come on Elias, sit next to me."  He took the makane's hand, and pulled him into the seat next to him.

"Don't touch me hyung..." he muttered, pulling his hand from the eldest boy's grasp. "Me, JS, and Yu Sung don't even like coffee. Why are we here?" He said in a bratty tone. 

Hyun Min had been watching the scene, and didn't even realize when Boyfriend's brunette rapper had sat across from him. His gaze was attracted to a flash of red in his peripherals, and he looked over once, then twice. He jumped about a foot in the air when he realized who was in front of him. "AISH! Don't scare me like that Kwangmin-ah!" He exclaimed, a hand over his pounding heart. Was this kid trying to give him a heart attack?!

The brunette suddenly deadpanned. "But I've been here for the past five minutes Minnie..." He said softly.

"Ah...Really? Mianhae...I guess i was zoned out." The blonde scratched his head sheepishly as he gave his boyfriend a cute grin. 

There was the loud scraping of metal against tile as the makane shot up from his seat. He fixed Kwang Sun with a fearsome glare, his eyes full of tears. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO ING TOUCH ME?!" He screamed at the older man. "I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU, OR THIS BIG ING YOU HAVE GOING ON." He glared at them all, before storming out of the door, and heading towards the dorm. 

Leo gaped after the boy. "Y-YAH. GET BACK HERE YOU PUNK! IS THAT HOW YOU SPEAK TO PEOPLE?!" He started to get up from his seat to go strangle the younger boy. "YOU'RE SO ING RUDE!!!" He was stopped by a hand on his wrist, and looked over to see Yu Sung. 

"Just let him go." The rapper said cooly. "He needs to cool down, and so do you. Elias will be fine."

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illias #1
Ouch, Yusung became a psychopath in Luc's mind.. Maybe it's because Yusung and Luc's not familiar to each other yet? I don't know.. But Yusung can be really like some kind of a ball that jumps around.. It seems like he became more of rather quiet, sarcastic one.. (By the way, is Yesung and Yusung really sound similar? 예성 and 유성..)

Anyway, that's the life of celebrities, boys- You sometimes have to do things that you do not favor. I'm sure they will manage to cope with it well. Be it fanservice or different shows.

To me, it seems like Elias is more like an observer who looks at people's behaviour carefully. Oh well, I like them all!
Yulu... Lusung...
Oh well, Yusung's name reminds me of Yesung.

I /really/ like Leo. Idk why. He's my favorite character so far.
And I like Luc!
Okay I like them all~ GROUP HUG.
Lol, I noticed Elias and JS are in the same story once again in the same group XD LMao

(New here ^^~)
Joon and Leo.
I love my character .___. <3
Am I a bad person because of that?
T.T so much like
illias #6
!!! Breaking up with Kwangmin?! Aww, poor Hyun min.. I kind of understand the part about getting busier and will be more difficult to meet but to say something like you didn't like me but just accepted because you don't like rejecting people was... I don't know.. mean?