
Erebus [Discontinued]

Elias stormed out of the coffee shop, tears welling up in his eyes as the door slammed behind him. The cold wind whipped around him, and he tried to supress a shudder as he made his way to the bus stop. He was thankful that this part of town was pretty quiet at night. He didn't want to be around people right now. He wouldn't be able to deal with it. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked into the glass box that shielded people from the elements, letting out a long sigh. Elias...You better not ing cry. He scolded himself. However, no matter how angrily he wiped at his eyes, his tears just kept coming. 

He stopped breathing when he heard the sound of footsteps coming in his direction. He closed his eyes for a brief moment silently praying that he wasn't approaching. The boy opened his eyes, and saw a figure in his peripheral vison that was about the same build.... He ventured to look up just the slightest bit.

The man realized that somebody was looking at him, then looked down at the boy next to him. "Ah! Hey, it's Elias...right?" He asked, hoping he had the boy's name correct.

Elias stared at the older male blankly. "Heechul hyung...Aren't you too old to be out this late? Don't you know punks like to prey on the elderly?" His tone was flat, and his words rude. He didn't mean for it to come out that way though. The boy internally cursed himself for always being so standoffish. 

Heechul blinked a few times, then started to laugh. "Ah! Well it seems you have quite the sharp tongue there! But...I'd watch who I mouth off too if I were you~!" He cooed, a smirk stretching across his features.

Elias blinked, looking rather unimpressed. "Whatever.." He muttered, crossing his arms and turning back to the street. Where the hell was that bus? It was freezing, and he didn't really want to talk right now. He kept his eyes trained at the ground, hoping the man wouldn't notice that he'd been crying. He wiped his eyes again, making it look like he was only scratching his cheek.

Heechul plopped down onto the bench at the bus stop and folded his arms. 'Punks prey on the elderly..? That's the first time I've ever even heard such a thing! Kids these days.. I'm not that old anyway' Heechul mumbled to himself before glancing up at Elias, "It's gonna be a few more minutes, you might as well sit down."


 Elias didn't listen, and kept standing there. "I don't want to." He said simply. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets and yawned. "Are you stalking me? How did you find me?" He asked suddenly. His voice in the same monotone he'd been using. He turned to look at the elder, his eyes still red and puffy. But he didn't care. He wanted an answer.
"What? I haven't been stalking you, in fact, it was merely a coincidence that I even ran into you," the older man cooed before standing up. "You know you're happy to see me anyway. Anyway, look, here's the bus." Heechul pointed towards the bus before snaking his hands into his pockets.
Elias looked at the bus then sighed, getting on and paying the fare before finding a seat in the back. Truth was, he actually was kind of happy to see Heechul. The older man was funny, and everything he wished he could be. Maybe he would hang around him more, in the hopes that some of the older man's personality would rub off on him.
Heechul followed Elias to the back of the bus and plopped down beside of him, "So what exactly were you doing in town anyway? I've never bumped into you before, not in this part of town at least." The older male glanced over at Elias, a smirk worked it's way onto his features, "Ah I know, you must have been stalkin' me! And you were hangin' around in this part of town in hopes of bumping into me~" the laughed quietly.
Elias shook his head, looking down at his feet. "I was forced to come here with my hyungs." He sighed, looking over and noticing a man with a hood who was watching them. Elias felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and his heart started to pound. It's not...Please tell me it's not him... He thought to himself. He tried his best to tune the person out as he glared at his feet. "They wanted to celebrate the debut, and I just want to sleep...So I'm going home."
Heechul didn't pay attention to the man at all, he frowned slightly before shaking his head, "Yah, but the celebration would've been a lot of fun... I bet. I love going to celebrate with my dongsaengs." Heechul rubbed the back of his head before leaning down and peeking up at Elias, "Elias-ssi are you okay? You're acting strange. Do you not feel well? I might have some medicine that'll help you in my bag. Just let me see..." he mumbled before digging around in his bag.
Elias was taken aback by the man's kindness. He looked at him blankly for a few minutes before the hints of a smile teased at his lips. It had been a long time since anybody had been nice to him like this. Most people ignored him, or disliked him. It was a nice change in pace to meet someone as friendly as Heechul.  "Ah, ani. I'm fine." He said softly. "Don't worry about me. I'm not worth it." He added the last sentence before he could stop it from coming out of his mouth.
Heechul stared at Elias, slightly shocked at how he replied, he couldn't believe the boy thought he wasn't worth it, "Yah.. don't say things like that, Elias-ssi. Of course you're worth it." The older male shook his head before turning to look out the window, "And if you feel bad, you tell me, arasso? You don't have to lie about it. Either you don't feel well, or something is bothering you." Heechul glanced back at the boy, worry evident in his eyes, "You can't fool me. I always know when something is wrong with one of my friends. So go ahead, tell me. If it's a secret I promise not to tell anyone else, you can trust me~" a slight smile worked it's way onto Heechul's features.
Elias shook his head. "I really can't tell you..." He explained, biting his lip. He disagreed with what Heechul said, about him being worth worrying about. "I wouldn't know how to...." the boy put his hands up in the air, as if searching for the word, his expression a bit confused. "Explain." He said the final word in Sweedish, having forgotten its Korean counterpart.
Heechul stared at Elias, he honestly had no idea what the boy had just said. He rose an eyebrow after a moment before turning to look back out the window again, "Ah.. well it's your stop any minute now right? Don't let whatever it is bother you arasso? You'll be home in no time! I'm sure after you rest you'll be fine."
Elias nodded, standing up when the bus had come to a stop. "Ne....Thanks hyung." He bowed briefly to the man before scurrying off of the bus and heading up to his room. He sighed as the door to the elevators open. He cast a nervous glance over his shoulder before he got into it. The doors shut, and he leaned against the walls, closing his eyes, and finally letting out a loud sob. 
The man on the bus....

He looked so much like Jack...
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illias #1
Ouch, Yusung became a psychopath in Luc's mind.. Maybe it's because Yusung and Luc's not familiar to each other yet? I don't know.. But Yusung can be really like some kind of a ball that jumps around.. It seems like he became more of rather quiet, sarcastic one.. (By the way, is Yesung and Yusung really sound similar? 예성 and 유성..)

Anyway, that's the life of celebrities, boys- You sometimes have to do things that you do not favor. I'm sure they will manage to cope with it well. Be it fanservice or different shows.

To me, it seems like Elias is more like an observer who looks at people's behaviour carefully. Oh well, I like them all!
Yulu... Lusung...
Oh well, Yusung's name reminds me of Yesung.

I /really/ like Leo. Idk why. He's my favorite character so far.
And I like Luc!
Okay I like them all~ GROUP HUG.
Lol, I noticed Elias and JS are in the same story once again in the same group XD LMao

(New here ^^~)
Joon and Leo.
I love my character .___. <3
Am I a bad person because of that?
T.T so much like
illias #6
!!! Breaking up with Kwangmin?! Aww, poor Hyun min.. I kind of understand the part about getting busier and will be more difficult to meet but to say something like you didn't like me but just accepted because you don't like rejecting people was... I don't know.. mean?