
In the crowd of thousands, I only see you


"So he did??" Jaehyun put down his folk and looked attentively at Sungmin.

Sungmin took a deep breath. "It wasn't obvious at first. He helped me to fit in by explaining to me his products, which I was very thankful, but week after week, when his other staff were not around, he would come to me and did some sweet talk and purposely held my hand or put his arm around my shoulder..." Sungmin said sadly. 

Jaehyun sighed "I started noticing when he praised you non-stop when he came to meet me for his banking services. Initially I thought he was just being nice. But then, his facial expression made me guessed that this old man likes you more than a staff" Jaehyun told him. "That's when I hinted to Kyuhyun to get both of you a couple-rings" 

"And the coupe rings actually works! He saw my ring and I could see that his facial expression showed like he was disappointed? Like he was sad..." Sungmin told Jaehyun. "Then the unfornate robbery happened...." 

"And he really cared about you, that's why he wanted you to get the best treatment and was so endlessly thankful to you..." Jaehyun said. 

"Whag should I do, Jae?" Sungmin sighed. 

"Continue to treat him just as a boss and with respect. Don't cross the line even if he favoured you more than the other staff" Jaehyun looked at him. "And, don't offer him your food or share your food. He might take it the wrong way, that you started to like him too" 

"Thankfully, he always lunch out with his wife..." 

"That's because his father-in-law kept pestering him to keep his daughter company. Seemed like they are falling apart and the father-in-law was the one trying to keep the marriage" Jaehyun said in a low voice. 

"I see, maybe because his preference in same gender relationship..." Sungmin said in a low voice too, which Jaehyun nodded. 

"Anyway, how's your hand?" he asked, back in his normal voice. 

Sungmin looked at his injured hand "Throbbing at times but it's not too bad. Luckily Kyu is not here, else he will treat me like a sick patient!" Sungmin laughed.

Jaehyun laughed too. "He definitely will! Maybe he even didn't allow you to get off from bed, and personally hand-feed you!" 

Botb of them laughed and continued to enjoy the pastries. "Let's come here again for Kyuhyun's birthday! Me treat!" Sungmin suggested. 

"No, no, our treat! You and I" Jaehyun said. "I have a Fortnum and Mason gift card, so I have priority booking and offset the gift card discount" 

"Very well, we treat him!" Sungmin smile happily. 

Jaehyun gave his thumbs up "Okay I'll make the reservation!" 

Sungmin clapped his hands and grinned happily. Jaehyun now realised why Mr Tei likes Sungmin. He is so beautiful for a guy. Even he himself find that Sungmin is beautiful. 

"Min, how did you take care of your face and skin?..." Jaehyun asked curiously. 

"Why...?" Sungmin raised his eyesbrow questioningly. 

"You are beautiful, has an amazingly smooth skin and fair. What's your secret?" Jaehyun . 

"You are crazy, I'm not beautiful..." 

"Trust me, you are..." 

Sungmin laughed "Maybe to Kyuhyun only..." 

"Nope, to all. So, what's your secret..?" 

"I guess it's in my family's genes. My mum's skin is flawless too, even at her current age. As for me I just make sure my face is clean before I go to bed and I do put on moisturiser before I go out to work. That's all, no other secret" he laughed. 

They laughed and talked more on the delicious high tea and they were already looking forward to Kyuhyun's birthday. 

Meanwhile, the man himself was trying to ward off one of his colleague's advances. Kelly, a Litigation advisor from another department, was somehow placed in the same group as Kyuhyun, during their brainstorming session. 

"Kyuhyun, I always saw you in the office but you are always busy. You should set aside time to relax and to re-charge" Kelly told him during their break. 

Kyuhyun chuckled "I do set aside time to relax, to stay sane. Don't worry about it" 

"Want to go out for a drink once we are back?" Kelly asked him.

"Ermmm, we can ask the rest if they are free..." Kyuhyun glanced at the rest.

"No, no, I mean just us..." Kelly said quickly.

"Ohhh, why just us?" Kyuhyun asked, playing dumb.

"I want to get to know you better" Kelly said, smiling flirtiously at him, and moved her body nearer to him. The rest of the guys in his group had went out to smoke and he chose to remain seated because he wanted to text Sungmin. But then, Kelly started talking to him. 

"Ahhhh Kelly, you need to try other guys, because I have someone already....." and he added "Sorry....."

"Ohhhh you are married?" Kelly asked, now noticing that there was a ring on one of his fingers.

"Not yet, but there is someone special" kyuhyun smile, hoping that Kelly would buzz off. He knew Kelly was a transferred staff from their Wales office a year ago, and he heard from the guys that she has 3 failed relationships before! How on earth the guys knew, was beyond him! Guys' gossiping seemed to be worst than women! 

"I see. Well, congratulations! The person that you like is indeed very lucky!" Kelly smile, albeit with disappointment. No wonder Kyuhyun never went out for a date with the ladies in their company. Such a waste! A tall, handsome and smart guy, already taken up! She got up and asked Kyuhyun "I'm going out to grab a cup of coffee, do you want a cup too?"

Kyuhyun shook his head "No need, thanks, I had my coffee just now and I still have my mineral water" he smile and showed her his bottle. 

He quickly got up to move to the opposite direction, towards the gents, so that he wouldn't be there in case she turned back. He didn't want to be rude to any of his colleagues because at one point or another, they might have to work together, so he hope that Kelly would understand his position. 

The brain-storming session continued and Kyuhyun did the presentations on behalf of his group and their boss gave him a thumbs up for their ideas! The ladies cheered for him and thd guts whistle because Kyuhyun was cute. He bowed to thank his boss and waved at those who cheered for him. 

Their boss treated them to dinner at L'Astrance, which was one of the world's best restaurants that boasts three Michelin stars, and it offered the ultimate fine dining experience in Paris. The restaurant was at 32 Rue de Longchamp, 75016 Paris, France, and was practically opposite Eiffel Tower. 

Once they entered the restaurant, they uninamously exclaimed "Wowww", "Woohoo" and some whistled, especially when they got to know that their boss reserved the whole restaurant for themselves! 

The food was very delicious, and they kept praising about it's uniqueness, from the food deco to the food presentation and taste, and so their photo taking was endless. Everybody was excited whenever the next meal course was served, and they kept exclaiming 'woww' and they were such a nousy bunch and they couldn't wait to try! 

"How come we didn't know about this place whenever we are here for business trip?" Andrew was saying. 

"Well, as for me, I was always rushing! So on my last day, I just have time to grab croissant and rushed to Gare du Nord to catch the Eurostar back!" Kyuhyun chuckled. And talking about croissants, he better remember to get some for Jaehyun and Sungmin tomorrow! 

Sungmin texted in their group chat that he would be picking Kyuhyun up tomorrow, at Saint Pancras Station. 

Kyuhyun replied him "Min, once the train is near the underwater tunnel, I will text you and only then, you leave the house ok. I don't want you to wait very long at Saint Pancras" 

"Don't forget our croissants!" Jaehyun type and put a lot of exclamation marks! 

"Yeah yeah!" kyuhyun replied. 

Sungmin sent laughing emoticons. And added "Yes, Kyu, I'll wait for your text before i leave the house" 

"Okay see you two tomorrow!" he typed and sent.

"See you, Kyu! Have a safe journey" Sungmin wrote. 

"Can't wait to see you again moron!!" Jaehyun wrote with laughing emoticons. 

Kyuhyun replied with a tongue out emoticon and off his phone. They had adjourned for a drink for a short while, and went back to their hotel to pack. 

After breakfast the next day, they have a debrief session and they were told that after lunch, they would need to check-out, and travel to Gare du Nord. 

The debrief session was fun. Everybody agreed that it was a good break for them and they thanked their boss for arranging this trip. 

While everyone went for the buffet lunch, Kyuhyun skipped it and ran over to his regular cafe near to Bir Hakeim station, to get the croissants. They smell so good and Kyuhyun cafefully repacked them into ziplock bags that he had brought along, so that the croissants stayed fresh. He had bought some pastries for himself too and he ate them in his hotel room. Once his roommate came back, they checked all their luggage, and left their room to check-out. 

Sungmin received Kyuhyun's text and left their apartment to head to Saint Pancras Station. Luckily schools had started, so the roads were not too congested as compared to mornings or evenings when parents picked up their kids. 

He parked and stepped into tge station and walked towards the Eurostar platform. He felt deja vue, and his mind went back to this very station, where by sheer luck, he met Kyuhyun, the person that he was looking for. 

Eventhough Kyuhyun was equally surprised to see him, he was very distant, very distraught and very cautious, as though he didn't want Sungmin to hurt him again. 

It hurt Sungmin so much that Kyuhyun felt so negative towards him at that point of time. But he was grateful that eventually, Kyuhyun forgave him and accepted him and even arranged for him to migrate over. 

Finally, he could hear the announcement that the Eurostar from Paris would be arriving soon. He smile and stepped nearer to the edge of the long platform. 

"Ohhh there! The train is here!!" Sungmin told himself happily and felt like jumping for joy! How he missed Kyuhyun!! 

Kyuhyun texted him to ask if he was already here, so he replied back to inform him where exactly he was. 

He saw kyuhyun from far, alighting from one of the middle cabin, and talking to his colleagues. They took some group photos and then they walked together, dragging their luggage. Some of them waved goodbye as they need to change train to continue with their journey, while Kyuhyun looked around and finally saw Sungmin, and waved at him. 

Sungmin waved back, and wanted to step forward to run to Kyuhyun, but suddenly, somebody called Kyuhyun and when Kyuhyun turned, that woman who had been calling him, stepped towards him and hugged him!!! 

Sungmin froze and was hoping that the platform floor would open up and swallowed him....


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lindatan #1
Chapter 20: Dun get it wrong Minnie , u shld hear Kyu explanation before anything
lindatan #2
Chapter 18: Glad tat Min enjoying to be in London
lindatan #3
Chapter 17: Kudos to Min for being so brave
lavendertwice #4
Chapter 17: Brave min! Now kyu has a serious contender for ming's heart
lindatan #5
Chapter 15: Omg I hope they be ok
lindatan #6
Chapter 14: Min be fine for his job , he’s great in anything
lindatan #7
Chapter 13: Get well soon kyu . Min wil be fine
lindatan #8
Chapter 12: Romeo Kyu , dun make Min worry abt u . Hope the police could arrest the 2 guys
lindatan #9
Chapter 11: Tats was great seeing them back together
lindatan #10
Chapter 10: U be fine in London Min