The New Guy

First encounters

I was still sleeping soundly when sounds of the truck unloading things disrupted my sleep. I have sensitive ears, something I’m not really proud of. I grunted angrily as I pushed my blanket off me and stomped off my comfy bed. I frowned, looking around for my parents. They’re not around. “Urgh where are they?” I talked to myself.

With my messed up hair I opened the front door of our 2-storey bungalow and walked outside. The bright light from the sun went directly to my eyes causing me to shut them immediately. I was still wearing my oversized-tee and a pair of knee-length tights. I saw about 3 big moving trucks obviously for furniture. Okay so there is a new neighbour. There’s no need to make so much noise!

I looked around on the roadside and saw my parents talking to a couple. They should be the new owners of the house next door. They are always friendly to our neighbours. I don’t really like it as they would always want to know how I’m doing in school and I’m not really the brightest student that my parents could be proud of. My parents aren’t the type to really scold me when I get average grades though. They would always say, “It’s okay dear, as long as you still want to study, we’ll support you.” Sometimes silence is the killer. I rather being shout at than they say things like that and leave the rest of the job to guilt.

“Good morning”

I spun around to see the source of the voice and a guy carrying a big box walked passed me. As I looked at him, he smiled and continued walking. He was just wearing a simple white polo tee with denim jeans but he still look so hot. Is he one of the movers?

“Doojoon! Come here and meet our new neighbours!” I heard the lady say.

The guy responded by walking towards my parents and placed the box on the ground. He gave the most breath-taking smile to them and bowed slightly. The guy of the couple placed a hand on his shoulder. “This is our son, Yoon Doojoon.”

So they have a son. Nice. Wait- did he just see me with this messed up hair, over-sized tee and my morning face? !

“Oh we have a daughter too. Her name is Kim Jinee,” my mum said. Both my parents were turning around to face our house and I quickly ran in before any of them could see me. It’s time to get pretty.


I walked out of the bathroom all fresh up and ready to face the world outside. I saw my parents walking into the living room as I went down from my room.

“Yah why are you guys back home already?”

They turned to me. “Ah.. we have to let them settle in of course. They still have yet to prepare for their housewarming party tonight. You should go and welcome them Jinee-ah. They are really nice and they also have a son 2 years your senior,” my mum said.

Housewarming party? 2 years senior? Wow he’s older..

“Jincha? What’s his name?” I asked, pretended as if I didn’t hear his name being called just now.

“Doojoon. Yoon Doojoon,” my dad replied and smiled. Now why is he smiling?


I went out quickly and looked around as I reached outside my gate.

“Look out!”

I turned to my right and saw two bicycles dashed past me. As I was avoiding them, I accidentally fell on my , on the ground. Ow…

I was busy rubbing my and cursing those kids non stop in my head when someone kneeled infront of me. I looked up.

“Are you hurt?” Doojoon asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

I was just too stunned that he was there infront of me, right infront of my eyes that I took quite some time to answer.

“Oh.. aniyo… I’m okay.” I nodded and smiled at him. He returned my smile with his eye-smile.

As I was getting up, he helped me up. His grip was strong and tight on my hand and I could see his muscles flexing under his t-shirt.

“Gomawo,” I thanked him and I stood up fully.

“You must be Jinee right? Mr and Mrs Kim’s daughter?”

“Yeah. You’re Doojoon right?” He smiled and nodded.

“Where were you going? You seemed to be in a hurry just now.”

Yeah I’m rushing to see you. “Oh nowhere. I was just.. just about to check the mail. So you just moved in huh? How did you like it here so far?” I changed the topic.

 He scratched the back of neck. “Yeah. Been quite busy helping with the moving and all, I didn’t get to see the place just yet.”

“I can show you around if you want.” I smiled.

He raised his eyebrows slightly. “Really? I mean, I wouldn’t want to trouble you or..”

“It’s weekends Doojoon. What could I possibly be busy with?” I chuckled.

“Exactly. It ‘s the weekends. Don’t you have plans with your friends?”

“Nah.. at a time like this, they wouldn’t be up yet!” I laughed. It is true though. Me and my friends are all sleepy heads.

“But its already 12 noon!” he said, shocked. I just smiled.

“Yeah they are like that. Unlike me, I’ve been up hours ago.” I lied, obviously.

He smiled and his lips. “Erm.. but your parents said you were sleeping just now.”

. “Oh? They said that? Yeah I think they always thought I’m not awake yet because I didn’t get out of my room. You know, after waking up and shower, I do my work in my room first.. So they assume I’m still sleeping but I’m not... I’m doing work.. so I didn’t come out..” he chuckled and nodding all the way when I was talking. I must be blabbering non stop. I should stop now.

“So d’you wanna go?” I asked.

“Yeah sure. I’ll put these things in the house first,” he said and went into the house.

The residents around that area are all rich and own big companies. That explains why there are rows of bungalows around here with only the one stretch of road separating the two rows of houses facing each other.

Doojoon went out carrying a pack of cookies and one in his hand.

“Hey you hungry? My mum didn’t make breakfast so she told me to eat these first. Want some?” he offered the pack of cookies.

From far, I could already smell the fresh baked smell of the chocolate chip cookies. There’s no way I’m going to reject that. “Thanks,” I said, taking one from the pack.

“Wow this is really good. Did your mum made these?”

“Yup! She’s a baker. She owns a bakery. Maybe you should drop by sometimes.” He smiled.

“Wow.. so are you going to take over the bakery after college?”

He chuckled. “Nah.. Baking is not my thing. I’m more to... music.” Is that more of like a, “I’m going to be a top singer one day” statement?


We walked around the area seeing all kinds of neighbours I can introduce him to.

“So are the people here like normal rich people?” he asked. I know exactly what he meant. Normal rich people: Stuck up, snobbish, arrogant.

“Surprisingly most are not. Only some minor are. There’s an example,” I said and nudge my head towards a girl who was walking out of her gate, checking the mail.

“She thinks that she’s the richest person in this area because her father owns our college and also 3 big companies. Her mother is a famous opera singer. So mostly everyone in college falls to her feet. I’m not of course.”

Doojoon just nodded, his ice cream that we bought earlier. Suddenly the girl that i was just talking about shouted and waved at us excitedly.

“Hey you! Wait up!”

We stopped at our tracks while she rushed towards us wearing only her short mini skirt and a pink tank top. As she stood in front of us, I was expecting her to turn all her attention to Doojoon like she usually does with all the other guys. Scratch that- all the other hot guys. Surprisingly, she focused her attention on me.

“Hey you! I’ve not seen you for awhile. Where have you been? I missed going shopping with you..” she said clinging on my arm. Like what......

“Erm yeah... long time no see you too,” I said awkwardly and pushed her hand slowly off my arm. Now then she turned to Doojoon, acting shocked as if she just saw him there.

“Oh hi! I didn’t see you here. Me and Kimmy here are very close friends and I haven’t seen her in ages so I really missed her. You seem new. I’m Hyomin. Did you just moved in?” she asked happily. Close friend huh.. You even got my name wrong.

“Yeah.. Its Jinee by the way,” he corrected her.

“Sorry?” she cluelessly asked.

“Your close friend’s name is Jinee not Kimmy.”

She seemed to be lost for words as she just realised her mistake and how dumb she look right now. I just forced myself to not burst into laughter right then.

Seeing that she couldn’t do anything else, Doojoon spoke, “I guess we’ll be going now. Nice meeting you Hyemin.”

He smirked and took my hand and pulled me along to walk with him, leaving Hyomin alone.

“It’s Hyomin!!!” she shouted behind us and both of us just laughed.

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--geeniee #1
dont delete>.<
please update*-*
Chapter 10: omg 1st chapter and the chaper 9 should be a sequel its awesome xDD i love alll actually but those 2 are my fav *-*
Chapter 1: Omg the first chapter was hilarious! The whole bus scenario? Lmao! Poor junhyung couldnt escape!! LOL
please update soon (:
waa so amazing~!
fanfictionlover97 #6
omgomg dongwoonxhyuna fanfics!! <3
I got goosebumps
Omo! Yoseob's story was amazing! Pleaae expand on it! Make it a little longer or write another one-shot for it! I beg of you!!! :O