Mystery Guy

First encounters


I stepped into the classroom. All heads turned to my direction. I was so shocked that I nearly ran out from the class. Just as I was turning, I bumped to someone. I looked up and a handsome face was looking down at me. He had a pokerface and just raised an eyebrow slightly. I stepped away from his body that I had bumped into and bowed to show my apology. He looked away and walked to his seat. Damn that was embarrassing!

A girl came up to me happily, smiling widely.

“Hi! You must be the new student right? I’m Sohyun. Come you can sit with me and Yuri!” the girl named Sohyun said cheerfully while pulling my arm to follow her.

I followed her to her table and there was an empty seat for me. We chatted for some time while waiting for the teacher to come. I looked around and saw that everyone was chatting with at least someone except for one person. The guy I bumped into. He was the only one sitting alone, and the back of the class. He was just looking out of the window with his pokerface on.

“Sohyun… who is he? Why is he the only one alone?” I asked, nudging my hed towards his direction.

Both of them turned to where I look and slowly looked back to me with a different expression on their faces. They leaned in to me and Sohyun started whispering.

“That’s Junhyung. He is about 2-3 years older than all of us. From what we heard from previous seniors, he is a little bit….. mental.” She whispered and pointed to her head when she said ‘mental’. Yuri nodded in agreement.

Sohyun continued. “He wouldn’t talk to ANYONE. Even the teachers know he’s crazy that they didn’t even ask him to talk since he didn’t want to. The only time we hear his voice is when he is alone at the grandstand. You know the steps where people sit and face the open field? Like the stadium?” I nodded.

“Yeah there. He would sit alone there and talk. Just talk cheerfully to the open air. Nothing but air.” I shot her a doubting look.

“I’m serious!” she said a little bit too loud that other students looked at her. She apologised on and on while slightly lifting up her hand as if saluting all of them. Sohyun then turned back to me.

“He talks as if there are people around him. Sometimes he would ‘slap’ the air and laugh. People say that he’s slapping his ‘friend’s’ arm jokingly.” Yuri and Sohyun shuddered.

I was still doubting the story but since they had been in this school longer than me for about a year, they would know better. Being a naïve person I was, I believed them but not a 100 percent.

The teacher came in whom I assume is Ms Shi according to Sohyun. We greeted her and she noticed me. After I introduced myself to the class, Ms Shi told us there would be a pair work. I looked at Sohyun and Yumi. Both of them gave me an apologetic look as they can’t pair up with me. I didn’t mind though. But there was no one else that is available. Well except…

“Hyuna you can pair up with Junhyung. You don’t have a partner right?” Ms Shi motioned to me to go to Junhyung’s table. I just nodded and walked slowly to his table. He was looking down at his fingers that were on his table. The stories Sohyun told me about Junhyung started running through my mind. What if he’s really crazy? Will he do anything to me? Will he ask me to be friends with his ‘friends’ too? I sat beside him silently. He didn’t even turn. He was just too damn focused on his fingers.

“Okay class. I’m going to list the questions on the projector and you have to choose one and brainstorm on it. At the end of this week I want a full essay from each pair.” Ms Shi instructed us and showed a list of questions on the projector.


I fiddled with my pen. As expected, Junhyung has not said a word and other pairs are already starting to brainstorm. I breathe out, trying to relax myself and turned to him. He was really handsome. His features were sharp and unique. His hair was blonde and spiked upwards. I can tell he wasn’t a sloppy guy as his uniform was neatly ironed and his tie was slightly loosened. He had pulled up his sleeves to his elbows. He didn’t even look the slightest bit harmful or crazy. Ok Hyuna you can do it. Just talk to him normally. Maybe all that were just rumours about him.

“Hi! I’m Hyuna.You’re Junhyung right? So… which question do you want to do?” I asked, smiling wide so I seem welcoming.

It took him awhile to turn but he eventually did. You smile nearly faded seeing his face. It was so serious and quite scary. But you manage to keep you smile plastered on your face.

“You choose.” He said. Damn! His voice is so y. Deep and husky. I can just melt right here listening to his voice.

I looked at the list of questions and tried to find the easiest one so that we don’t have to brainstorm so much.

“Oh! How about this one? Are friends more of a harm or benefit?” I turned to him. His facial expression changed slightly from a pokerface to…… well I don’t really know how to describe it. It’s a mixed of hurt, sadness and as if he’s remembering something. I tilted my head slightly and was about to ask him again when he said “Ok”.

(A/N: since the conversation is quite long I’ll just code it.)

H: we have to ask questions to brainstorm right? Do you want to ask me the questions first?

J: what’s your stand?

H: I think friends are more of a benefit. I mean they can motivate you to do better, cheer you up when you’re down, or just makes your life more interesting.

Suddenly he turned to face me.

J: they can also bring you down. What if you get too close? What if they suddenly disappear from your life? What if you depend too much on them that when they are gone you’re hopeless, lifeless?

Junhyung sounded serious and his face was tensed. I was so shocked by his sudden outburst that my heart pumped as fast as a person running away from a crazy dog. My eyes were wide and all I could do was stare at him. Maybe I should just get out of the class now. But…. I can tell he’s not angry. He was just serious. Serious about the topic. Something tells me that its more than just an opposing point. It seems personal. Experienced. He turned back to looking out of the window, knowing that I’m not going to say anything.

Again, I was about to say something when the bell rang. He quickly take his bag and started walking towards the door.

“J-jun!” I wasn’t prepared for him to just walk away that I didn’t even have the chance to ask when we are going to complete the essay.

Suddenly I saw Ms Shi grabbed hold of his arm as he walked pass her table. She whispered something to him and he just nodded and walked away. What was THAT about??


I followed him at a far distance. I need to ask him about the assignment! I am so not going to get scolded on my first assignment! He was walking rather fast despite that it was the end of school and I’m sure he’s not rushing to any class. At last he made a turn and stop at a place where no one dared to go anymore. The grandstand. Students don’t dare to go there anymore because Junhyung would always talk to his “friends” when he’s there. I decided to just hide behind a wall that was a turn to the grandstand. He threw his bag on one of the steps and sat down. His legs were propped up (like bend upwards) and his arms were resting around his knees.

Before you know it, he started talking.

“Whaddup guys! You guys are late again today….” He said while slapping his hand in the open air as if doing a hi-five with someone. He did it four times.

“Class was boring as per normal.” He was silent for a moment as if listening to someone talking.

“Yah Gikwang! When are you going to confess to her? Its been months!” he said happily and fist pumped the air at shoulder level.

He smiled for a while and then laughed out loud.

“Me? Nah..”


“Yah! I’m not a coward! I’m just waiting for time..” He chuckled.

Longer silence. He was ‘listening’ intensely.

“Ok deal! I confess to Yoona and you have to confess to Hyemi.” He said proudly and smiling widely.

“Yoseob-ah… your aegyo won’t work on me.” He laughed.

“Yah yah! Don’t hit me because of that!” he shouted and moving away as if ‘getting away’ from his ‘friend’.

Okay this is extremely scary. I can feel goosebumps all over my body. I was turning around when I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a middle aged lady with glasses.

“Oh I’m so sorry!” I apologised.

The lady just smiled at me and walked pass me. She walked slowly towards Junhyung who was laughing away. My eyes widened. Who is she?

She tapped Junhyung’s shoulder and he turned around, startled. His face relaxed when he saw the lady. He turned back and waved.

“Yeah okay guys! I’ll see you after lunch!” he smiled and waved happily.

You heard the lady spoke. “Junhyung, you were supposed to meet me right?”

“Oh I’m sorry. I got carried away and I didn’t see the time. Can we do the session here today?”

She smiled. “Sure.” She sat down beside him.

“So how are you? How’s class? I heard there’s a new girl in your class.”

“I’m fine. New classmate? Really? I didn’t realised. The guys would have loved to meet her! Too bad they were late for class.” Junhyung laughed.

“Junhyung…. We’ve talked about this remember? You can’t stay like this forever. Some of your juniors are even scared to go to you.”

“Scared? Of me?” he chuckled. “What did I do? Well I know the guys have been telling me that I look fierce, but really, I am a nice guy. I can’t do anything if they are already scared of me.”

“It’s been a year Junhyung. No matter how much you hate it, its my job to remind you again and again until you move on. You didn’t get to the 3rd year because last year you were too worried. The teachers gave you another chance, this year, to do your best and get to the 3rd year. Don’t waste it.”

Junhyung was silent. He just stared at his fingers. The lady continued.

“They… are gone Junhyung. Please accept that fact.”

“No. They are not gone. They are just at the canteen right now, buying drinks. They will come back.” His voice was deep and scary.

The lady grabbed his shoulders and made him turn to her gently.

“My dear, they won’t come back. They never will.” She titled his head up and I saw a tear drop from his eye. His eyes were watery.

I’m confused. Really confused.

Who are ‘they’? Why won’t they come back? Why is Junhyung sad? Why was he too worried last year? Who is that lady?

I leaned back on the wall and sighed. All these questions flowing in was just too much for me.

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--geeniee #1
dont delete>.<
please update*-*
Chapter 10: omg 1st chapter and the chaper 9 should be a sequel its awesome xDD i love alll actually but those 2 are my fav *-*
Chapter 1: Omg the first chapter was hilarious! The whole bus scenario? Lmao! Poor junhyung couldnt escape!! LOL
please update soon (:
waa so amazing~!
fanfictionlover97 #6
omgomg dongwoonxhyuna fanfics!! <3
I got goosebumps
Omo! Yoseob's story was amazing! Pleaae expand on it! Make it a little longer or write another one-shot for it! I beg of you!!! :O