My Skaterboy

First encounters


       I stared outside the window as usual. It has become a habit, watching the skater boys skate at the skate park right beside my apartment- well, my family's apartment. I really envy being a guy. They can do whatever they want and people won't say anything bad about it. They can skate, fall, change in public, anything! But girls? They can't skate, must have social etiquette when eating, have to sit properly, and we can't even burp loudly in public without having people staring at you in disgust. Sure there are skater girls. But they are seen more of like a boyish type of girl. I'm not boyish. I just find it an interesting sport to be doing. Unfortunately, my parents are really strict about being a girl. They want me to be as lady-like as I can be. Believe it or not, I can't even wear jeans!


I'm not controlled, you know, parents not letting me go out with friends, cannot go too far, always have to stay by their side,.. I do have freedom. Its just that I have to be lady-like. They only time when I'm allowed to wear shoes is when I go to school. I mean you can't wear heels right?

At times when I went out with my family I would pass by the skate park. I caught a glimpse of them up close as I don't want to be caught staring at them. Who knows, maybe they will think I'm checking them out since they are all guys. Or worst, my parents might think that I'm flirting. Being a 17 year old girl, of course I have some things that I'm not allowed to have. No worries, no illegal things. They are just illegal in my parents' eyes.

I sneeked in a skateboard that I bought with my allowance and also some pair of jeans and sneakers into my room. I know I won't get to wear it, but I could just see how I look like with those on. After seeing some moves by the skaterboys, I learnt slowly on my own about skating when my parents are not at home. But skating in your own house, especially when the floors are made of marble, is very different from skating outside, the skate park. I've always wanted to watch them up-close but none of my friends like skating or skaters. They said its not a 'real' sport. "They are just boys on planks, thinking that they could fly." Yes. Their exact words.


Clearly I could not possibly go there on my own. Seriously awkward. My thoughts were interrupted my mum who stepped into my room without knocking.

"Hyuna, we're going to a conference meeting in Paris now. We'll be back tomorrow night okay? You can take care of yourself right?" she asked.

"Neh omma. Buy me something nice from Paris!" I laughed.

She smiled and walked out of my room. I heard the door closed and I knew they are gone. I turned my attention back to the skaterboys. Some of them left earlier and there's only about 5 guys left. I recognised one of them by far. He is always there everytime I see the skatepark. Sometimes even when his friends are not there, he would be there alone. He skates really well and sometimes would even teach the new skaters.


I sighed. If only I could skate..

Wait- my parents won't be home until tomorrow night. That means..... No Hyuna. You couldn't possibly. They are all guys! What if they laugh at you when you say you want to skate? What if they harm you? No Hyuna. No.


I opened my closet and dug out my jeans that I kept deep inside my closet full of dresses and skirts. I wrapped a long elastic cloth around my chest tightly. Lucky for me, I don't have big s. I wore a plain black t-shirt and tied my hair tightly into a bun and wore a cap. I wore my sneakers and took my skateboard. I can do this.

I walked cautiously to the skatepark with my skateboard held tightly under my arm. My heart was beating so fast that I could almost hear my own heartbeat! I gulped and stepped on the cemented ground of the skatepark. As if my step was that loud, all the skaters turned to me. My eyes widened a little. I blinked a few times as a guy approached me. Oh no. Am I caught? Oh no!!

As I looked at the guy, not daring to look away, I recognised him. He’s the guy that would skate everytime even when he’s alone. As he got right infront of me, I could see his face clearly for the first time. He is extremely hot! He wore a black Bermuda’s with a white plain t-shirt that is not so tight but I could see the muscles on his arms. His hair was blonde I think. I’m not so sure as his was wearing a cap. He was holding his skateboard too.

He looked at me and smiled. Goshh… even his smile is perfect! Such a sweet, welcoming smile. I smiled back. It vanished immediately as I was scared that my secret might be out if I smile.

“You’re new here?” he asked with his oh-so-y voice.

I just nodded. Fortunately I was still sane as I didn’t spoke with my girl voice. He nodded.

“Are you still learning?” I nodded again.

“I’m Junhyung. I can teach you if you want. FOC.” He grinned. I smiled again hoping that he will understand that I want to learn from him.

“You don’t talk much do you? Its okay. Gaja, I’ll introduce you to the rest of the skaters.” He walked away, leading the way.

I just followed him. He seems nice. Just as I thought he would be.


“Hey guys. We have a newcomer here. He… don’t talk much. I don’t even know his name. But lets just all make him feel welcomed ara?” Junhyung said cheerfully, smiling.

“Then what should we call him? Boy? He seems quite small sized,” one of them in black rimmed specs said.

“How old are you anyway?” another asked. He was sitting at the edge of the slope for the skateboarding. He had chubby cheeks and a bowl haircut.

I didn’t answer. I just made the number one and seven with my fingers and showed them.

“Ahh 17.. Means you’re Dongwoon’s age! We are two years older than you,” pointing to himself and Junhyung “and he’s one year older than you,” pointing to the bowl haired guy.

I nodded thoughtfully. All of them seemed so friendly and nice. Junhyung just stood beside me when the others were talking.

“Ya ya.. Junhyung can teach you now. Guys come on! Cut the chat and start the playin’! By the way my name is Gikwang,” he smiled to me.

The rest of them started playing when Junhyung brought me to one side, further from the slopes and railings.


“So.. do you know like, some of the basics? Like how to balance on it..” he spoke. I didn’t know how to say what I know so I just showed him. I put the skateboard on the ground and skate on it. I could only go back and forth by ‘paddling’ my leg by the side and putting in on the board. So yeah. I can balance.

I stopped infront of him.

“Okay.. so you can skate but not so much. Do you want to try some gentle slopes?” he pointed to some lower slopes as compared to the big one that the rest of them were playing on.

I nodded. Do I need some shin or knee guards? Come on Hyuna don’t be a sissy. You don’t need all that! If you fall, so what?

Junhyung showed me how it is done and then stood aside to let me try. I skate fast and went up the slope. I have no idea how, but I slipped to the side and end up falling on my side. I scrapped my elbow and winced a little. “You okay?” Junhyung asked.

Be strong Hyuna. I dusted off my elbow and stood up again. I nodded.

I tried again and again. Failing everytime. Junhyung was being very patient and tried to teach me how to improve and change my strategy.

After about ten failures, I tried again. I went up, focusing on both my board and the slope. I remember everything Junhyung told me. I went up and managed to turn, go down and up again, making a full oscillation. I jumped down from my skateboard and ran to the happy Junhyung.

I cannot believe that I was so extremely happy that I forgotten that I was a ‘boy’. I hugged him with my arms around his neck. After a second or two that I realised what I was doing, I wanted to pull away. I am so doomed.

But then I felt Junhyung hugging me back, his hands circling my waist. He then whispered something to my ear.

“I knew it was you. Took you long enough to come down here..” he whispered. My eyes widened until my eyeballs were about to pop out of its sockets. What?? Does it mean, he knows me?? But how??

He pulled away from me and l let go of his neck. He smiled at me, looking at me confused face.

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--geeniee #1
dont delete>.<
please update*-*
Chapter 10: omg 1st chapter and the chaper 9 should be a sequel its awesome xDD i love alll actually but those 2 are my fav *-*
Chapter 1: Omg the first chapter was hilarious! The whole bus scenario? Lmao! Poor junhyung couldnt escape!! LOL
please update soon (:
waa so amazing~!
fanfictionlover97 #6
omgomg dongwoonxhyuna fanfics!! <3
I got goosebumps
Omo! Yoseob's story was amazing! Pleaae expand on it! Make it a little longer or write another one-shot for it! I beg of you!!! :O